Dear Santa

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- Tobias -

Dear Santa,

Tris and I haven't really spoken since our fight at the hospital. I can't believe that I yelled at her over Christina. Christina is still breaking us apart even while unconscious. Who would have known? (Please don't put me on the Naughty List for saying something like that) 

I know that I am about to be extremely selfish but this Christmas, I would like to wish for two things.

1. Tris is happy

2. That we will somehow find our way back together again

I know that we've had lots of ups and downs and we've fought and we've been pretty dysfunctional lately but I love her. 

I love her. I love her. I love her. I love her. 

I love her so much that it hurts. 

So please Santa, grant my wishes this Christmas. 

Yours truly,

Tobias Eaton.

- Tris -

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I wish that:

1. Emery and Cain will stop fighting and will see eye-to-eye - They've gone through so much lately, if they can't count on then what can they do? 

2. That Tobias will be happy - I know that we've had ups and downs but my feelings haven't changed and I hope that he is doing well and is happy and... 

I love him. 

3. That Christina will wake up - Even though she's done things to hurt me, she was once my best friend and I don't wish for her to die. 

Santa, please grant these wishes of mine.

If you do, I'll leave out many, many, many cookies for you. (Yes, I am bribing you, please don't put me on the naughty list for this!)

Yours Sincerely,

Tris Prior. 



Hey all,

Sorry about this late post, 

I was supposed to post this on Christmas (oops my bad)

Hope you guys enjoy these little letters to Santa and hope that you all had a great Christmas :)

I will update again soon (tbh I've been having a bit of a writers block, so asap) 

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