Tris Returns x 21

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C H A P T E R  T W E N T Y - O N E


It was 2:00 am and I was about to make my way to the train station.

The hard part wasn't going to the station, the hard part was sneaking past Tris since she was staying over tonight.

I quietly swung my legs over the side of the bed and slid my clothes on. I had to be careful as Tris was in the room next door.

I grabbed the envelope on my bedside table which was filled with $10000 and made my way out of my room and towards the door.

Just as I put my shoes on and was about to sneak out, a voice interrupted me.

"Going somewhere?" Tris' voice rang out through the room.

My body tensed.

She caught me.

I have to tell her the truth.

"Tris, I need to be at the train station right now," I said keeping my tone as calm as I could, despite the fact that the clock was ticking.

"Why," she asked, copying my calm tone.

"The kidnapper's bringing Emery to the station," I replied quickly.

Tris immediately got up from the couch, "I'm coming with you."

I gently pushed her back onto the couch, "No you're not," I replied.

She frowned, "Why not? If Emery's in trouble, I want to help."

"Tris, as part of the catch of getting Emery back, I have to tell you something. But you have to know, I never wanted you to find out about it this way."

Tris' gaze softened, "You can tell me anything."

"Christina paid me to take you on dates because she wanted you to stay away from Tobias but I swear that none of this is real. She only paid me for two dates and I'm in love with y-"

Tris looked at her hands which were shaking furiously. Tears were forming in her eyes but she clenched her jaw, refusing to shed them in front of me. 

"How much?"

"Tris, I love y-"

"How much?" she yelled, glaring at me furiously.

"I- $1000 for one date," I whispered.

Her next response was more expected.

She punched me in the right cheek, and I could already feel a bruise forming. 

I rubbed my face and looked down at the floor.

"I'm sorry," I say, "I know it's not much but I truly am sorry." 

This time, her hand flies up to my left cheek.

"There. Now your cheeks match. I can't believe I trusted you. I can't believe I thought that you were different. When we're at work, don't talk to me. When we see each other, don't bother saying hi because I know that I don't want to hear anything coming out of your mouth," she says in a steely voice.

I let her walk out of the apartment. There was no use trying to get her to come back, I had broken her trust.

I sighed and looked at clock.

It was now 2:25 am and I had 5 minutes to get to the station.

I pushed the conversation that I had with Tris to the very back of my mind.

I had to focus on getting Emery back and I couldn't have distractions getting in the way.


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