FrUk 3- Trick or Treat

91 5 4

@legendarydragons asked for this last year and im just now getting around to it, my bad fam but i got you now!😮‍💨

France- Francis 34
Canada- Matthew 7
Monaco- Catherine 4

England- Arthur 31
America- Alfred 6 1/4
Sealand- Peter 5
Seychelles- Michelle 6 months

Arthur watched his children respectfully thank another homeowner with his daughter in his arms and a small smile graced his face, happy his children were taking after him.

This was short lived however as when they arrived in his personal bubble he remembered how they acted to people they knew. "Ugh! I only got a stupid twizzler!" Peter whined and stomped. "Haha! I got a reeces!" Alfred jumped and ran to the next house. Arthur huffed a breath and followed his boys, thankful for the sweet baby in his arms. He cringed at the sight of Peter shoving Alfred on the lawn of the next house.

"You are not to hit each other! Don't be ridiculous, if you cannot act with dignity I will have no choice but to take us home." Arthur whisper-yelled and the boys scrambled up and towards the door after mumbling short 'sorry's.

Arthur let out a deep exhale and tried to focus on the pie he had waiting in the fridge.

"Cute costumes," a voice beside him chirped.

Arthur jumped and turned to see a gorgeous blond with a pretty smile, smiling at him.

"T-thanks, you too," Arthur barely managed to slide back. The man in front of him was dressed as the beast from beauty and the beast, his daughter as belle, and son lumiere. It was the most adorable thing he had ever seen, and the two, beautifully respectful children said "je t'aime" before heading for the house. The elder of the children held the daughter's hand all the way up and he felt a small jealousy over how well and easily they seemed to get along.

"Did you dye your hair for the costume?" he was referring to the split black and white hair chalk that was in Arthur's hair for his Cruella De Vil costume.

"Its actually hair chalk," and Arthur found himself feeling lamer by the second. This man's makeup was immaculate and his hair was gorgeous, while Arthur looked like he had gotten his makeover from his kids, when he in fact, had not.

"Well, I li-" this sweet, handsome man was violently interrupted by Arthur's hurricanes he called children. "Dad! Dad!" They yelled in unison. "They had king size twix!" Peter pulled the bar out of the bag to show him.

"I'm happy for you two," Arthur smiled, and Francis's children came up behind them.

"What sick loot!" the son fist bumped the air.

"Ooh- I might need to taste that one first, Matthew," Francis joked good-naturedly.


Alfred got closer to the boy and peered into his bag before pulling back. "Hey kid, do you like the left twix or the right better?"

"The left," he answered quickly.

"Well, I've got a left, and you've got a right. Right's my favorite."

"We could trade," Matthew finished with a smirk.

The boys exchanged candy bars, high-fived and started toward the next house.

"I have a feeling they like each other," Arthur joked.

The fathers then noticed Peter giving Catherine his vegetables and fruit snacks, and Catherine happily exchanging her butterfingers for them.

Peter and Catie trailed after Alfred and Matthew, leaving Arthur, Francis and Michelle at the mouth of the driveway.

They remained together for the rest of the neighborhood, and found out they lived 3 houses away from one another. Arthur had already given Francis his first whack on the shoulder after suggesting Arthur was the reason for global warming in a horrible attempt at flirting (not so terrible apparently because Arthur was redder than the stop sign beside them).

By the time they arrived at the final house, Francis was ready to take the plunge.

"You owe me a real date after this," he tried with a confident smile.

"You are terrible at flirting, what made you think this was a date?"

Francis dramatically threw his hand to his heart, "It was not terrible!"

Arthur rolled his eyes with a small growing smile on his face. "I suppose I could allow you to take me out. We'd need babysitters."

"Who said we'd need two? Our kids are getting along, non?"

"Okay, where would you take me?"

"I'd take us to-"

The kids stormed up with grins on their faces, talking and laughing.

"We are all gonna hang out again right?" Matthew asked with a hopeful smile, Alfred beside him nodding vigorously.

"Of course we will," Arthur provided gently.

"Soon?" Peter blurted.

"I'm betting on it," Francis smiled.

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