LietPol- Pocky #1

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      The world meeting was going as planned, America rambling endlessly. But strangely enough, England was staring at him with admiration, how strange. But Japan had, had enough. He whipped a pocky box out of who knows where and suggested that the rest of the nations played, most of them agreed to play the game. Poland sashayed to Lithuania with a pocky in hand and a devious look on his face. "Want to like, play with me Liet?" Lithuania was a little startled, he didn't know Poland felt that way for him.
      But Lithuania nodded and earned a smile from Poland. Poland slipped the pocky into Lithuania's mouth and then but down on the other end and shutting his eyes, following Poland's lead, Lithuania closed his eyes. Lithuania wasn't really sure how to play so he let Poland do all the work, and Poland's lips met his. The pocky discarded, their tongues fought back and forth before Poland pulled back. "You're like, a totally fantastic kisser Liet. We should kiss again sometime," Lithuania blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. "I a-agree," Poland sat next to Lithuania and snuggled into his with a smile. "I'm glad we did that Liet."

That was short and shitty. But please request which ship you want to play pocky next! I'll take any ship, even my OTP; Iceland X Fridge. (I'm kidding) but I will take any ship so don't be afraid to request.

Wc: 243

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