Hetalia Halloween (UsUk #2)

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America was a hosting a Halloween party at his house, he had a blindfolded feel test, hide and seek in the dark, and he had a costume party. America was dressed up as the Joker, and he managed to get England to dress as Batman. "I look like a bloody moron!" "Aww! Artie we look cute, plus we match!" England rolled his eyes and went back to fixing his mask. America was putting up streamers around the house and placing balloons everywhere, he put in his Halloween CD with plenty of creepy music on it.
      And just as America finished he heard his doorbell go off, and he heard "I'll get it!" From the kitchen.

   England opened the door to see Italy and Germany standing on he doorstep, Germany was dressed like Mario and Italy was Luigi. "Alfred is just finishing up, come in." Just as England closed the door there was a knock, with an angry exhale he ripped the door open. There stood France and Seychelles, with France as Romeo and Seychelles as Juliet. England left the door open and motioned for them to come in.
     After them came Spain and Romano,  Romano as salt and Spain as pepper. (Because Romano be salty) Spain had his hand clasped around Romano's so tight it looked like it would fall off, Romano definitely didn't want to be here. Shortly after, Canada and Prussia came in. Canada was dressed as Pikachu and Prussia was Ash. (I don't watch/read/play Pokemon so- sorrrrrrry it just sounded cute)

    Quickly, Norway and Denmark came in dressed as Levi and Eren from AOT. (Norway as Levi and Denmark as Eren) Then came Austria and Switzerland as prisoner and guard. After them was Hong Kong and Iceland as Angel and Demon. (Actual angel Iceland and Demon Hong Kong) And many more after them.


America was setting up the blindfolded feel test, and England was to go first. England entered the small room, it was just him, America and the jars. "I swear if you-" "Don't worry, there's nothing too bad." His comment wasn't too comforting but England still walked up to jars (with the guide of America) and put his hand slowly in.
It felt very slimy, and England removed his hand at once. "What he bloody hell are you making me touch?" England scolded America. "Like I said, it's not too bad." England scowled and put his hand back in the jar, only to take it back out. "Is it gelation? (Did I spell that right?)" "Ding!" England moved on to the next jar and put his hand in slowly. This time it was oddly-shaped and he knew what it was immediately. "Alfred, are you serious?" "What?" "You know very well what this is."
    "Take the blindfold off," England did as he was told and stared over at America with his mouth slightly open. America looked like he was going to throw up, or faint, or both. England looked down at the jar and sure enough, he was correct. A small ring sat in the jar, England took it out carefully and held it up. England then slowly walked to America.

   "Is this what I think this is for?" America nodded slowly. England's jaw fell open and he stared at America. "So- W-Will you marry me Artie?" England rushed forward and smashed their lips together. (America's makeup getting all over his face) They both pulled away gasping for air.
       "Is that a yes?" America said in between deep breaths. "Obviously," America's face lit up like a Christmas tree and he held England tightly in his arms. England held back just as tightly and slipped the ring on his finger. "I love you, git." America stared at England with the biggest smile anyone had ever had. "Love you too Artie." England kissed his cheek quickly before pulling away and heading for the door. America frowned and whined for England to be back in his arms. "We have a party to host," with that said England swung the door open. "Next," Romano came in with a death glare already set on his face. England put the blindfold on his and directed him to the jars, after he took his place next to America; whom put his arm around England.
      "Jell-o." After Romano put his hand in the next jar he pulled it back out and scowled. "There's nothing in this one," "Correct and Correct." Romano shook his head and continued putting his hand in jars. After he finished he had gotten them all right, earning an orange and black sucker.


   Next was hide and seek in the dark and Italy would be seeker first. England and America his together under the stairs, Norway and Denmark hid together behind the couch, Germany hid in the closet (ironic), Canada and Prussia were hiding behind the door, and Austria and Switzerland were hiding under the table.
    Italy got scared many times but found everyone but Germany, he didn't think to check in the closet. (BAAHAHHAHA) "Germany?" There was only silence as a response for the Italian. "Doitsu?" Italy frowned and cried out "Doitsu!" Again and again.

    After 20 minutes of searching he gave up and sat in the middle of the room. "I give up Germany, you win." Italy looked down at the floor like it was a painting. Germany came out of the closet for Italy (BAAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHhhH) and wrapped his arms around Italy.  "Italy," Italy looked up at Germany with a small smile. "You're very good at Hide and seek Luddy," Germany smiled at Italy and lifted him off the floor. "You did good Feli, you did good."


   Everyone had voted and the results for the costume contest was in.







FAN CHOICE - (say who you want to win in the comments)

How badly did that suck? Does it make up for the horrible way
USUK got engaged in my other book?

Wc: 1036

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