GerIta #3- I can't help falling in love with you

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"Feliciano! Get up!"


Feliciano woke with a start and checked the clock. He was late for his date with Barty!

(If there's a Barty reading comment lol)

He scrambled around his room, pulling on his pants while spraying his cologne, then he was pulling his shirt on as he brushed his teeth. "Feliciano! I don't have all day!" "Sorry fratello! I'll be out in a second!" He quickly patted his hair down and shove his shoes on. Food? No time!

He scrambled down the stairs and Lovino was standing by the door with his arms crossed. "I have somewhere to be, let's hurry this up." Feliciano nodded and followed his brother out the door to the car.

"You seem excited to see him."

"Why the hell would I be excited to see that bastard?!"

"Lovi~! You're blushing! Not to mention he is your boyfriend."

"Shut up!"

Feliciano looked down and frowned, but he looked back up with a smile within seconds. "You're nervous aren't you."



"We're here, get the fuck out of my car!"

"Have fun with Antonio!"

Feliciano jogged into the coffee shop and sat down in Barty's booth.

"I'm sorry I'm late! I overslept because my alarm broke and I don't know how to fix it! So I went to ask Lovi but he doesn't know either and I thought about asking you but I didn't want to wake you up so I didn't ask you! So Lovi called Antonio and he didn't know how to fix it either so Toni called big brother Francis and he tried to fix it. But Francis didn't know how to fix it either so then they called Gilbert and he didn't know how to fix it! Gilbert didn't want to wake up his brother so he called Roderich instead but he didn't know how to fix an alarm clock either! We were scared to call Elizabeta because she's really cranky when she hasn't had a good nights rest! She has this frying pan and she hits Gilbert with it all the time, it looks like it hurts! Do you think it would hurt to get hit with a frying pan? I think so! But Elizabeta was going to come over today to fix it, but she couldn't because she was on a date with Natalya so we had no one to come over to fix the alarm clock so Lovi and I overslept and I really sorry about that! I'll make it up to you! What do you want I cou-"


Feliciano stopped talking and looked at Barty. "Sorry."

"It's fine Feliciano, I don't mind. I'll go get the coffee, what do you want?"

"What I always get."

"A caramel latte right..?"

"Hot chocolate with whipped cream.."

"Oh! You're right Feliciano, I'm sorry. I'll go get it."

The second he walked away Feliciano frowned, he and Barty always got coffee together. Why didn't he remember?

"Are you okay?"

Feliciano was woken out of his thoughts with a deep accented voice. He looked at the speaker and he was overwhelmed, he was just so tall. His eyes were so blue. "I'm alright! Thanks for asking! You're so nice! I'm Feliciano!"



Feliciano sat in the library patiently waiting for Barty to show, it had been only four hours ago that he was supposed to show up. But Feliciano was late that time at the coffee shop so, it's alright! His alarm clock probably broke too!

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