PruAus- Movies and cuddles

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  Austria and Prussia were an unlikely pair, total opposites, but they were unmistakably in love.

    "Roddy! Come 'ere!" Roderich found Gilbert splayed out on the couch with Twilight's beginning screen on. "What is this?" He said in his thick Austrian accent. "We're going to watch chick-flicks and cuddle Rod!" Roderich put his hands on his hips with an eyebrow arched in amusement. "Don't you want to Roddy?" Roderich chuckled and nodded, then he shuffled over to Gilbert and cuddled into him.
     "Y're w'rm," Roderich said into Gilbert's chest. Gilbert wrapped his arms around Roderich and pulled a few blankets over them. Roderich turned to watch the movie and intertwined their hands.

  Halfway through 'New Moon' Gilbert began to kiss Roderich's neck, doing this caused him to shiver. "Gilbert- un - the movie," Roderich was struggling to breath normally. So he turned himself and locked lips with his partner, Gilbert gladly accepting the kiss.

-Sexy Time Skip- (read a lemon or some shit)

  "We should watch movies more often," Austria huffed while tracing lines into Prussia's chest. "Oh did you like doing that with the awesome me?" Austria rolled his eyes. "Way to ruin the moment, but yes." Prussia let out a hearty laugh and stroked Austria's hair "Sorry Roddy," although he didn't sound very sorry.

That was short and sucky, but u tried to make it fluffy!

Wc: 229

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