Dennor- Haunted House

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"Haunted houses are stupid Denmark," "If you won't get scared then we can go!"

Norway crosses his arms making it seem like he really doesn't want to go because he isn't scared. But in actuality the Norwegian is terrified very easily, by the slightest noise in the night.  "Come on Nor! It'll be so fun!" Norway shakes his head, but Denmark scoops up Norway and marches out the door. "I don't want to go, it will be stupid! Now PUT ME DOWN!" The struggling Norwegian kicks and punches but his Danish boyfriend doesn't put him down. "There is one in about 4 blocks from here, it won't be that long of a walk." "Damn it! PUT ME DOWN!" Norway continues smacking at Denmark.


"Finally!" Norway stares over at the scare house just ahead, it's bigger and darker than he ever expected. His stomach drops to the ground and he gets a funny feeling inside, he is not going in there. But, he tells himself, Dane wants to go in. Also I can't seem like a wuss, and so he convinces himself to go in. "Put me down, we're here, I'll go in the damned house." The Dane smiles that large smirk he is infamous for, sets Norway down, and hooks their hands together. "Two tickets for the scare house please," the woman behind the counter hands him the small tickets and he takes them gladly.

A voice calls from behind them, an obnoxious, familiar voice. "Woah! Dudes I didn't know you were here! We should totally go in at the same time!" Norway turns around and America is jumping around like an idiot, all the while England is behind him with his arms crossed. "C'mon Iggy!" England rolls his eyes and stands next to the flamboyant American.

"Next group!" "Oo! Us us!" Norway hides his fear with a smile once the staff waves them over with her hand. The group walks up to the door and enters, Norway unluckily is in the front. They enter the first part, a dark room filled with various creepy-pastas. Ben drowned is standing at the end of the hall, along with Jack the Killer. Norway slides to the side and backs up so he is next to Denmark, America is now in the front of the line. America is somehow not fazed by the creepy-pastas around the room. The group advances and Jeff shoves a (realistic-looking) knife in front of America barely missing his nose.

"Woah dude, you totally could've chopped my nose off!" Jeff stares at him with an abnormally large smile, it makes Norway's skin crawl. "Go to sleep." "I'm not tired dude, thanks though!" America somehow smiles and continues down the hall of creepy-pastas. After Norway huddles closer to Denmark and England passes Jeff with his arms crossed they meet Slenderman. Norway automatically grabs Denmark's hand tightly, and Denmark holds onto Norway's. "It'll be alright," Denmark whispers to his Norwegian partner. Norway nods, even though he know he'll still be scared absolutely shitless. Slenderman leans over and gets in Norway's face, the Norwegian backs against the wall; stay cool. He can't know that you're scared, he'll make it worse. Lukas puts on a brave face and tries to shove him away, be emotionless.

He turns his emotions off and lets his Viking side take over, he stomps out of the creepy-pasta room after shoving the Slenderman actor away. His courage is short-lived, the room he entered is a mirror maze. All his bravery from the previous room is gone, he hates mazes. The others enter not short after, America loudly announces the Norway was 'Badass'.

"I'm the king of mazes I totally got this dudes!" "I'm the best at mazes you twit, let me lead." "I'm great at mazes dude!" Denmark whispers to Norway 'let's go,' and they leave on their own through the maze. Soon the American and Englishman's bickering is no longer audible to them as they get farther away.


"It's this way!" "No, it's not, I swear we've been here five times already." Norway rolled his eyes at the Dane and crossed his arms. "Let me lead, I want to get out as quickly as possible." "I know the way, let me try again! Just one more time Nor," "Fine, but I swear if you get us lost." "Don't worry about it," Denmark trails down a new route, they definitely haven't been here before.

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