Usuk- "We're lost."

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"Let's go on a trip down to Florida!" America suggested to the bored Brit. "There aren't any plane tic-" "Let's drive!" England raised his large eyebrows. "You want to drive from Pennsylvania to Florida?" America nodded. "Positive?" "A-doye!" The Brit nodded his head. "Well alright," the two began pack up summer clothes and their swim trunks.

"I can drive first," Alfred suggested. "Alright." England settled himself into the passenger seat with a pillow set against the window. "I hope you know that this will take about 22 or 23 hours." Arthur said as he set his head on the pillow and closed his eyes. "I know, but that means I'll spend more time with you..." "You sap."

The duo began the long (long, long, long) drive from Pennsylvania to Florida. Arthur had fallen asleep within 10 minutes (not even) and Alfred smiled to himself once he realised it, the Brit just looked so cute when he was asleep. (to America at least..) But at the 30 minute mark America got bored, so he turned the radio on (very low) to a random station and flipped through them. "Nothing worth listen-" Alfred stopped talking once he heard the song that had began. (Ice ice baby- Vanilla Ice) America began to sing/ rap along.

"Alright stop!" Arthur jerked awake to find Alfred rapping to a song from the 90s. "Collaborate and listen! Ice is back with a brand new invention, somethin' grabbed a hold of me tightly!" Arthur stared at the American. England had no idea that America could rap, and this well. As America continued rapping the song England stared at him in awe. Alfred was soon aware of Arthur staring at him and smirked as he rapped. 'Ice ice baby, (vanilla oh~)' the song continued. "Sing it Artie!" England blink a few times before giving in and softly singing 'ice ice baby.'


America had taken a few turns and he wasn't sure if they had been right, he had been seeing a whole awful lot of desert, and that ain't something you saw on the east coast. "Where on earth?"

England was sleeping soundly again, with his face pressed against the window and the pillow directly below on his lap. America scowled, he was determined to get back on track. But oh ho Ho Ho! Not so fast! The universe had it in for him.

He took a turn and got himself more and more lost. America pursed his lips and realised just how lost they were. 'CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP! FUCK NONONONONONONONONONONONO! NOOOO' you see, America just realised that the tank just ran out of gas. Now this is bad because they have no idea where they are.

The car stopped and America growled, this was your genius idea. His mind was against him, obviously. He got out of the car and slammed the door shut behind him, unknowingly waking England. "DAMNIT!" America yelled and kicked up dirt and sand in frustration. He heard a car-door open and England was next to him. "E-eh~? What-?" England said rubbing his head. Alfred's eyes widened and he searched for something, anything, to tell Arthur.

  "Wellwekinda-sortagotlostbecauseImadeabunchofwrongturnsandnowhereweare." He got in one breath. "We what?" Sleep was dripping in his voice. "I- I got us lost," "You git." England walked over to America and placed his hand on his cheek. "I can't believe you got lost in your own country," England chuckled and connected their lips with a smile on his face.

America was blushing wildly and he kissed back, because he knew England loved him no matter what.

That was pure dog shit in my backyard.

Wc: 612

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