PruCan- "You are my sunshine."

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   Canada stood in the middle of the park just breathing in the air, he was at a music festival. There were people all around him, everyone had brought someone along to enjoy this experience with, but not Canada. Canada didn't really have many friends, he had America but America was on his honeymoon. And Canada didn't want to drag him from that, so Canada went alone, but he didn't mind. He looked around and people were dancing together, some just holding hands and swaying to the beat and some were sucking each other's faces off. Canada just focused on the music playing in his ears, Bohemian Rhapsody was playing and Canada was singing along.
      He frowned when it turned off but smiled when the next song came, 'You are my sunshine," he believed it was called. Canada just sang along and swayed to music, the people around him didn't concern him and he thought the song was pretty.

       In the middle of the song he felt a tap on his shoulder, he opened his eyes and saw the most striking eyes he'd ever saw, they were a crimson red. "Couldn't help but notice you were alone over here, I am too, the awesome me will dance with you if you want." Canada didn't know this stranger, but he just shrugged his shoulders. The stranger smiled and moved slowly with the beat of the song. Canada grinned, and copied the stranger's moves.
      "I'm Matthew," Canada said softly. "I'm the awesome Gilbert." Canada shook his head and laughed.


  "Aww, birdie! It's our song!" Gilbert chirped once he heard the song beginning to play on the radio, he turned it up and Matthew came into the lounge where Gilbert was dancing and holding his hand out for Matthew to take. Matthew grabbed Gilbert's hand and they danced slowly to the song.

       You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey..

  Matthew rested his head on Gilbert's shoulder and smiled softly as Gilbert whispered the words to Matthew. "Love you Birdie," Matthew stiffened up,  Gilbert looked down to the ground. "If you aren't re-" "I love you too Gil." Matthew said with a smile on his adorable face. Gilbert smiled and brought their lips together in a soft kiss.


  "Gil! Gil! Our song!" Canada was making pancakes and listening to his phone's playlist when it came on. Prussia was quickly in the kitchen and pulled Canada close. "You are my sunshine, Birdie." Canada blushed and kissed Prussia's cheek. "You're too cute when you blush Mattie," Canada's blush deepened and he buried his face in Prussia's shirt. Prussia laughed and stroked Canada's hair. "You're my awesome sunshine," Canada smiled and pressed his lips to Prussia's.


    "I love you so much Birdie," Gilbert whispered into his new husband's ear. Their song was on for their first dance and they were slowly dancing in front of all their family and friends, finally officially each other's. "I love you more Gil," Matthew mumbled softly. Gilbert chuckled and stared into Matthew's eyes. "You're my sunshine Gil," Matthew whispered and smiled wide.


  "What do you mean inoperable?" Gilbert could barely contain the tears that were threatening to fall from his eyes. "He is inoperable sir, Matthew only has a few more days." Gilbert angrily wiped tears from his cheeks. "You can see him if you'd like, and if he wants he can go home to have peaceful send off." Gilbert nodded and stood. "I want to see him." The doctor nodded and ushered him to Matthew's room.
      Gilbert's heart broke even more when he saw the frail body of his lover and husband on the hospital bed. "Hey birdie, how you feeling?" Matthew moved his hand back and forth to say 'so-so'. Gilbert tried to smile through the pain and be strong for Matthew and grabbed his hand. "I love you so much Birdie, so much." Gilbert was barely holding back his tears as he stared into Matthew's enchanting eyes. Matthew lifted his hand and did 'I love you too' in sign language, and he smiled with tears welled up in his eyes.
     Gilbert's heart felt like it was being physically ripped out as he stared at Matthew, so thin, pale, so sick.


      Matthew knew it was coming, he smelled a smell in the air, his throat was closing further and he had a painful headache. He wan- needed Gilbert to be there, he swung his hand sloppily on the nurse button. The nurse ran in and Matthew said 'I need my Husband' in sign language and he ran off for Gilbert.
     Matthew laid his head back and the smell of death got stronger, he shook his head as tears fell softly down his cheeks. He wasn't scared of death, he was scared of what's going to happen to Gil? Gilbert came into the room with wide eyes and ran straight to Matthew's bedside. "What's wrong birdie?" Gilbert was pale, and gaunt, he hadn't been taking care of himself. Matthew didn't have the energy to sign to him, so he grabbed the notepad off the table and began to write in his short neat letters.

    I'm dying, I can feel it. Please take care of yourself after I'm gone, I won't forgive you if you don't.

    Matthew ripped out the page and handed it to Gilbert, whom took it and read it with tears in his eyes. "Birdie," the normally overconfident Prussian's voice broke as he bit back tears. He took Matthew's hand in his own and stroked his thin fingers. Matthew picked up the pen again and wrote on the paper again.

      I love you, so much, you're my sunshine Gil.

   Matthew's shaky hand slid the paper over to Gilbert. Gilbert read it over and tears broke out and fell down his face. "Birdie, I love you more than the world itself." Gilbert climbed into the hospital next to Matthew and took him into his arms and kissed his forehead while stroking his hair, he began to sing softly in Matthew's ear.

You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine,
You make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know dear,
How much I love you.. Please don't take my sunshine away...

Wc: 1041

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