HongIce #2- Apocalypse AU

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Surprise surprise I'm updating. And I can barely keep my eyes open so let's see how this goes.

Emil just wanted this to be over. But it was the apocalypse, and it wasn't ending anytime soon. "If it makes you feel better, I'm here Em." Leon said trying to lift his boyfriend's spirits. "You suddenly make the apocalypse seem like an amazing paradise resort."
  Leon frowned but wrapped an arm around Emil nonetheless, he couldn't blame him for being moody. "We're going to the flea-market to get some more supplies and we'll be on our way to find a place to camp for the night. Okay?"


Emil leaned his head onto Leon's shoulder and stared up at his face, he didn't want to admit it, but Leon did make the apocalypse not as shitty. Emil felt protected and loved, even after his main protecter was kidnapped by a gang. Lukas was lost somewhere drifting through the horrible circuit of gangs who wanted him for some pleasure in this horrible world, Lukas was very attractive (as Mathias would be nonstop saying) and people stared at him with lust often. Just a split second Mathias had his back turned and Lukas slipped away, just like that.
  Once they got to the market it was chaos (per usual)  and people were shooting everywhere. "Stay close Em, I'll protect you." Emil gripped onto Leon's arm and whispered a faint 'I love you' as they walked through the chaotic crowd.

  Gunshots were heard everywhere and Emil flinched every time he heard them go off, watching someone get shot was very traumatising. "We'll be out in a second Emmy," Leon assured him. That was it. Leon paid and they left the market as the shots fired around them, they heard cries in pain everywhere and that was when it happened. A bullet came flying straight for Leon, and he hadn't noticed, but Emil did. Emil shoved Leon out of the way and the bullet penetrated him through his side and he fell to the ground next to Leon whom was on the ground. Leon didn't realise that Emil was bleeding, so he lifted him and carried him out of the market as fast as he could on his back.
  Once they were a safe distance away Leon set Emil down and he immediately crumbled to the ground.  "Em?!" He rushed over to his boyfriend and lover and held him against his chest. "What the hell happened?" Leon whispered as he pushed a few of Emil's stray hairs out of his face. "They.. They shot at you and you didn't see.." He drawled his words out and they came out slurred. "I protected you this time," he stated with a weak smile. "Em.. No.."

Emil's eyes widened. "They still got you?" His voice came out in barely a whisper. "They didn't Emmy, but y-you got shot.." Tears were streaming steadily down Leon's face and he put his forehead against Emil's. "Lee.." Emil breathed.

"What is it Emil?"

"I wan- I- I.."

"What do you-"

"The last thing I want to f-f-feel is your lips as cliché as that sounds.."

"Em-" "I've lost too much blood. And I'm p-pretty sure that I got s-shot through my l-lungs. P-please?" Leon nodded solemnly and leaned down to Emil's face. "Wait. Emil."

"Wh-" "I just wanted you to know that I wanted to marry you. And I wanted to have a family with you before all this crazy shit happened. And I love you with all my heart." Tears were running down Emil's face as well as his chest racked itself up and down trying to get air with blood trickling into his lungs. "I l-l-love you t-too Leon."

"Would you marry me Emil Steilsson?" "Y-yes. A-a-always." Leon finally connected their lips for the last time and it may have been soft, but it was filled with passion. Then it happened, Emil stopped kissing back and went limp in his arms. Leon's entire body racked with sobs and his wails could be heard from all around.

Emil just wanted this to be over. But not like this.

€€Extended Ending€€

Leon didn't know where he was, but the grass was green, the sky was clear and blue and all he remembered was being stabbed. "Am I dead?" He wondered aloud. "Yes. Sorry to be the one to tell you." Wait, Leon knew that voice.

Hetalia One-ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora