Spamano- Don't you get it!?

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Spain and Romano have been dating for about 3 months now, after mon- years of pestering Romano gave in. Lovino agreed to a date, a second, a third and so on, soon enough he allowed Antonio to call him his 'boyfriend.' And after a long week of begging Romano called Antonio his boyfriend as well, Spain and Romano were in love, they just hadn't said it yet.

Spain had been out with Prussia and France at France's house, Romano was at their small apartment. Romano was sitting there twiddling his thumbs waiting for Spain to come home, it was burning inside him, Romano had to tell Spain the famed 3 word phrase. 'I love you.' "Bastard, I- no that's- not- no. I love you, you stupid- no. Fucking hell I love you- damn it no!" Romano shoved his fingers through his hair angrily.

"I feel like he hates me," Spain solemnly spoke. "I forced him into the relationship, if I'd just left him alone-" "Spain, he doesn't hate you." France added in. "I love him to death but I feel like we're drifting, like he hates where we are. I feel like he's trapped!" Prussia rolled his eyes "Don't be stupid." "I'm not! I should give Romano his freedom," Spain stands and he dashes out of the door back to his and Romano's shared apartment.

He shoves his way into the door to find the Italian nearly ripping his hair out. "Lovi?" Romano looked up and stared at Spain like a deer in headlights. "Why do you look so scared?" "It's nothing, bastard." Lovino snapped at him. "Oh, well- Lovi we need to- talk.." Lovino narrowed his eyes at Antonio. "A-Are you happy? Because I feel like you feel that you're trapped, I mean I kinda forced you into the relationship and I think that if you're not happy then we shouldn't- be- together." Spain looked to be on the brink of tears as he sputtered the heart-wrenching sentence out. Romano raised his eyebrows  and looked even more terrified than he did before. "You think- are you high or are you just fucking stupid?" Antonio retracted and stared at Lovino's confusing face. "W-what?" "You think I'm not fucking happy?" "Well y-yes.."

"Don't you fucking get it?" "Get what Lovi?" Romano rubbed his sweaty hands together, if he was going to do this he had to, now. Because if he didn't the relationship was over. "Antonio, don't you fucking get that I love your stupid ass, tomato loving-" Antonio smashed his lips to his Italian's soft ones. After he pulled away he had the biggest smile anyone had ever had before. "Bastard," Spain chucked lightly and ruffled Romano's hair. "I love you too Roma," Lovino's entire face went red and be crossed his arms.

"If you try to break up with me again I will slit your throat," Antonio raised his hands in surrender. The Spaniard wrapped his arms around Romano and kissed his red cheek. "I won't, I'm not stupid," "You just did." Spain looked as though he was going to say something but didn't, he didn't have anything to back him up there. "I'm sorry Lovi, in my defence I thought you weren't happy-" "Quite the contrary you stupid bastard." Romano turned himself to an uncomfortable angle and pressed his lips onto Spain's. "But you're my stupid bastard."

That was so short, but I had an idea and wanted to do it. This was my first 'fight' so sorry if this sucked a lot.

Wc: 591

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