dennor #6 - wedding?

41 2 2

ayo @romelynersosub
dis fa you

Everyone in attendance turned their head to see the small blonde cross the threshold. Neither groom could manage to look anywhere but each other, making fruitless attempts at masking their growing smiles.

The pair finally met, hands finding each other easily, fitting together like a puzzle piece.

The taller of the two turned to his best man, who patted his back firmly as he handed him the rings. And of course they slid on and sat perfectly.

Barely hearing the confirmation, the shorter blonde pulled his husband down to meet his lips, the taller eagerly responding in kind. They stepped off the platform together and followed the aisle to the end, where they waved and advised excitably about the reception that would be taking place in an hour.

As everyone began to file out of the ceremony, the best man stopped dead in his tracks as he noticed the other best man for the first time. He nearly pinched himself then and there, not quite sure if he was hallucinating or not.

As he pinched himself however, the mirage in front of him looked up and quirked a brow. He didn't say anything though, he just gave a look of intrigued bewilderment before following the crowd out of the building. Mathias was left in a daze wondering how his best friend managed to leave out that his husband's best friend was the most gorgeous being to enter the stratosphere. He tried to convince himself he was overreacting. That the probably supernatural person he just saw was nothing more than that, a person.

He found himself following after 3 minutes of hot gay confusion and stopped in the middle of the parking lot like a sim who hasn't received instruction. He finally remembered that he needed to get to the venue to set up the last of the reception and pinched himself again before he started the car.

Right before he changed gears, he heard a tapping on his window. He looked up to find his eyes meeting with the devil again, the single most distracting thing he'd ever come across in his life, motioning for him to roll his window down. Mathias was rolling down the window before he even processed what was being asked of him. And then the angel spoke.

"Do you pinch yourself often?"

Mathias nearly choked on air he gasped so hard.

"I- no! Thats-" he tried to laugh to brush it off but it did not brush if off. He went to try to form his word vomit into something coherent, but snapped his mouth shut at the sound of laughter, heavenly, heavenly laughter that was aimed at his idiocy. All he could feel was the butterflies making their way up his chest at the sound and all he could think about was making it happen again.

"Well, I came over here to ask if I could catch a ride with you to the reception..." he trailed off, looking slightly embarrassed. "My ride left me behind because I was smoking," Mathias thought that he almost looked scared to be judged, but it was so slight he was surprised he noticed.

"I- I- Of course, I can't believe they left you behind." Mathias unlocked his car faster than lightening, unbelieving that this was even happening to him. But sure enough, this ethereal being was thanking him and getting into the passenger seat.

Mathias put the car into gear and pulled out of the lot, trying not to wreck thinking about the situation he found himself in. He was focusing most of his energy on not openly hyperventilating when the voice spoke again.

"If you don't mind my asking," he paused, and genuinely waited for Mathias to nod before continuing. "How do you know Berwald?"

"Well actually he lived behind me and we met through the fence. I wanna say we were three or four? It was before school started... Anyway, we've been mostly inseparable since."

"Mostly?" he didn't know if it was the genuineness in his sweet, velvet voice, or if it was remembering what happened, but Mathias's heart stuttered.

"In high school we got into a fight freshman year, and we didn't make back up until the summer before junior year. I-" he gulped, "I can't even really remember what the fight was about."

He wasn't sure why he lied, maybe it was because he didn't to taint whatever image might've been forming in his close-to-perfect passenger's head.

To his surprise, graciously, this sweet creature didn't press further, opting instead to tell his own story about Tino, the other groom.

"I actually took Tino in in high school," he took a short hesitation, "He lived at my house until we graduated. We went to the same college at first but then I had to change campuses because of my major."

"So that would be why I've never seen you before."

"I mean there were plenty of people at that school, you probably just didn't notice me in the library or something..."

"Absolutely not," Mathias said almost too quickly, ears tinting red at the realization. "I mean I am a bit of an idiot, but I don't see how anybody could possibly not notice you."

His beautiful passenger's face grew pink, "What on earth are you talking about," he huffed in disbelief.

"You're the most gorgeous being I've ever seen in my entire life," Mathias nearly continued on a tangent about how he was ready to do anything and everything he might've asked on spot the moment he saw him, but he already thought he had said too much. He snapped his mouth shut and chewed on his lip while he turned onto the freeway.


Mathias was horrified, he had just ruined everything, all because of a miscommunication.

Then, he heard a laugh.

"My name is Lukas."

"Well, Lukas, you actively take my breath away."

"Do I?" Lukas asked breathily.

"Well, it could also just be my asthma."


Hey bestie I am so sorry this took so long and it also isnt as long as I wanted it to be, but here it is !

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