DenNor #3- Pottertalia

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    Lukas was hopelessly in love with Mathias Køhler, Lukas was mesmerised by the Dane the second they met. That was their first year, and on the Hogwarts express. Now, it's their 6th year and they're 16. Lukas had fallen for Mathias over the years of them being best friends, he wasn't sure if the idiotic Dane liked him too and it scared him a little bit. Lukas didn't even know if Mathias was gay, and Lukas was still hopelessly in love. So, Lukas shoved Mathias away and pretended that he hated Mathias as a cover.
      But Lukas had a plan, he'd waited too long with his feelings and he wanted Mathias to know how he felt. Problem is, Lukas isn't great with words, or talking to people. So Lukas had something else in mind.

     Lukas hated Professor Sprout's class, a lot, and he couldn't wait to get out. He counted down until he was finally dismissed from class and he rushed down the hall and waited under the stairs so he was hidden by darkness. Lukas could barely breathe as he waited for Mathias to walk by, his palms were clammy and gross.
     And finally, Mathias was walking past the stairs, Lukas reached out and pulled Mathias under the stairs. "Wh-" "Be quiet Dane."


  "Didn't I just say to be quiet?" Lukas whisper-yelled. Mathias shrugged and Lukas knew it was time, now or never. Lukas rushed forward and grabbed Mathias' untucked tie and used it to pull him down, Lukas connected their lips and kissed Mathias softly. Mathias was in complete shock and didn't know what to do, once he finally processed what was happening he wrapped his arms around Lukas, bringing him closer.
    Luka pulled away far too quickly (according to Mathias) and Mathias whimpered slightly. "B- but Norge, your lips taste good." Lukas' eyes widened and his cheeks went a dark red. "S-Shut up," "Didn't know you felt that way Norge." Lukas stared at the ground like it was the most interesting thing he had ever seen in his life to avoid Mathias' eyes. "If you'd just told me we could've kissed much sooner," Lukas' head snapped up and he stared at Mathias' striking blue eyes. Mathias stared back at Lukas' violet ones and flashed a smile.

That was short and crappy but I had an idea and I wanted to do a fluffy one, sue me. Especially after that last one.. Heh... Heh..

Wc: 411

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