HongIce- "Don't touch me!"

543 17 13

Human AU

Hong Kong (Leon)

Leon and Emil have been dating for about 11 months, Emil and Leon were always happy with each other. They- Leon was constantly whispering sweet nothings into Emil's ears. In short they were happy.

But lately Leon had been distant, he would hide his phone from Emil, constantly cancel on plans and he got very defensive about it.

"Lee? Are you okay? You've been distant," Emil had said. Leon shot back defensively "I'm fine! What's your deal? You've been so like, freaking clingy!" Emil had ran to their room and he thought about many things, and he had some speculations. Emily decided to ring up his brother Lukas for some advice.

E- Emil
L- Lukas

E- "I need some advice,"
L- "Hello to you too, what is it?"
E- "It's just, Leon has been really distant and suspicious.."
L- "Are you thinking that he is cheating?"
E- "Well duh, what else? That he's secretly a drag queen at night?"
L- "Anyway.. That does sound like basic cheating behaviour, are you able to get a hold of his phone?"
E- "Not a chance, he guards it with his life now."
L- "Maybe make a fake account on social media or-"
E- "Can I come over?"
L- "I suppose, but just letting you know that Dane is here."
E- "That's- actually better.."
L- "See you soon little brother,"
E- "Bye."

Emil scrambled out of the bedroom and into the living room. "I'm heading over to Lukas' for-" "Who's going to be there?" Leon interrupted. "Mathias and Lukas," -obviously- "Whatever." Emil walked out of the house and hopped into the car and took the short drive to Lukas'. He then burst through the unlocked door to a surprised Dane on the couch watching 'The Lego Movie.' "Em-" "Where's Lukas?" "The back room, what's u-" Emil ran down the hall and swung the door open, sure enough Lukas was on the floor sipping his coffee. "Well hello," "You have to use your phone and text him." "Why?" Emil sat down next to Lukas.

"Just do it."

"Okay, what's his number?"

"(Insert some random number)" Lukas nodded. "What am I to say?" "Try to flirt with him, just to be sure." Lukas blinked audibly. "Wh-" "Fine! I'll do it!" Emil snatched Lukas' phone out of his hands and started texting away to Leon. Mathias stumbles into the room and plops down next to Lukas swinging an arm around his shoulders. "What's the happs?" "You hanging out with Alfred too much," Mathias laughs and pecks his Norwegian boyfriend on the cheek.

"But really, what's up?" "We're thinking that Leon is cheating on me.." Emil puts in. Mathias' face contorted into something between anger and sympathy. Emil just looked back down at the phone and sure enough, Leon had responded to his text. In a very flirtatious way, a very vulgar way, a very dirty way. Emil threw the phone on the ground and backed against the wall, he crossed his arms over his chest.

The one God-Damned time I open myself up to someone, Emil's thoughts are all he can hear. The one person I could be myself in front of someone other than Lukas and Mathias, breaks my heart. Stomps on it, rips it like paper, chews it up and spits it out, chops it up with a butcher knife and then throws it into a volcano. Leon had the fucking nerve to ask a 'stranger' if they wanted to hook up? I'm so STUPID! Emil wanted to rip his hair out, bash his head against the wall and then he wanted to cry his eyes out. So he did just that, he brought his knees to his chest and sobbed loudly into them. I trusted him, I loved him. Emil let out a strangled sob as Lukas crawled over to comfort him. "P-please.. Leave m-me alone.... For j-just a little?" Lukas and Mathias understood and exited Lukas and Mathias' room.

Emil crawled over to the discarded phone on the ground and stared at it, Leon actually cheated on him. The tears streamed shamelessly down his pale face, he rubbed his eyes to try to dry the flowing tears. "I'm going to beat the ever-loving crap out of Leon!" Mathias shouted from the living room as he ran his long fingers through his messy hair. Norway was pacing the room trying his very best to not get in the car and murder Leon. Emil stumbled out of their room and opened the front door. "I want to break up with him, now, let's go." Without hesitation Mathias and Lukas followed Emil out to his car.

"Don't kill him, or hurt him. I don't want you two in jail over him," the pair reluctantly agreed to stay in the car on conditions.

Emil trailed up to the house with Lukas' phone in his hand and he opened the door. "Leon?" Leon came out of the kitchen and Emil shoved Lukas' phone in his pocket. "Emil, you're like, back." "Yes, I'm back. But you wouldn't care anyway, obviously."

"What's that supposed to like, mean?"

"It means that you wouldn't care about my well-being," "That's like, the stupidest thing I've ever heard." Leon stepped forward and put his arms out as if he were to hold Emil in his arms. Emil backed up and put his hands in front of himself. "Don't touch me! You cheated on me!" Leon stepped back, taken aback. "H- how did you- I didn't-" Emil angrily whipped Lukas' phone out of his pocket and waved it in Leon's face. "This!" "I don't get it, what's your phone got to do with this?"

"This is Lukas' phone, Mr. 'Are you free? We should hook up,'!" Leon grit his teeth together and cracked his knuckles nervously. "I'm breaking up with you Leon," "No-" "I'm not yours anymore, you can be with anyone you please!" Emil ransacked the house for his things and threw them into a bag. "Never try to contact me ever again, you hear me?" Leon was speechless as he stood by the front door and watched Emil pack his things up. "I never want to see you again," Emil muttered as he shoved out the door.

Emil shoved his things into the back and got into the car. "Let's go," Lukas started the car and drove back to his and Mathias'.  "I need somewhere to-" "We have a spare room." "Yeah Emil, stay with us!" Mathias agreed with Lukas. "Thanks, I appreciate that."

How was that? For my second 'fight' I thought it wasn't that bad..

Wc: 1116

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