DenNor #2- "Dane, I love you"

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  Norway was tired, very tired. He had stayed awake for 4 days trying to finish something he'd been working on for his country, and he finally finished it. Coffee, get more coffee, his mind was running full speed. And as tired as the Norwegian was, his mind wouldn't go to sleep. So Norway decided it was a good idea to go for a walk to calm his mind down so he could finally get the sleep he needed.
    After about 20 minutes of walking Norway's eyes began to feel like weights and he was barely dragging his feet across the pavement. Norway was going to pass out in the middle of the pavement if he didn't get back home fast enough, but his house was 6 blocks from where he currently was. Norway just wanted sleep and his vision was horribly blurry, his mind shut itself down and was just barely pulling him along.

   Soon Lukas couldn't take it, he was still several blocks from his house and his legs were about to give out. Lukas didn't hear the faint callings of his name as he trudged on, his feet were pulling Lukas across the concrete. "Norge!" Mathias was suddenly right next to him, but Lukas could barely tell. The only way Lukas knew it was Mathias was the spiky hair and the fact that he called him 'Norge'. Lukas let out a long yawn and Mathias yawned after him. "Norge, what're you doing out so late? You look like you're gonna fall over at any moment," Lukas tried to give the Dane a glare but he was far too tired, so it came off as Lukas just wanted to stare at Mathias.
   "Norge?" Norway just continued walking and his eyelids were getting heavier with every agonising step he took. The final step he took was a wobbly one, before Norway fell over into Mathias' arms, fast asleep. Denmark didn't want to search through Norway's things for his keys so Denmark took him to his. Denmark stared down at the sleeping nation with a small smile on his face, Norway looked nicer and happier in his sleep and Denmark loved it when Norway gave one of his rare smiles or laughs. Norway had a faint smile on his relaxed face and he reached out in front of himself for something and whimpered when he couldn't find it.

  Worried, Denmark sat down next to Norway's sleeping body and stroked his soft, velvety hair. Unexpectedly, Norway unconsciously wrapped his arms around Denmark's torso. Automatically, Denmark stiffened up but quickly went back to his slouching position. Denmark gladly lied next to Lukas and just as he did, Norway nearly crawled on top of him and nuzzled his face into Denmark's shirt.
     Denmark smiled and fell asleep, with no worries.


  Lukas woke up feeling much better, he was no longer tired. Lukas noticed that his pillow was harder than a normal pillow, so he lifted his head up and saw that he was practically on top of the Dane. Lukas' eyes widened and he fell backwards off the bed as he freaked out. He landed on the floor with a soft thump, which woke up Mathias. Mathias stretched and yawned, then he looked down lazily at Lukas. "Norge, what're you doing on the floor?"
   "Why am I in your house, and why was I practically on top of you?" Mathias sat up fully and looked at Lukas in his violet eyes. "You were out walking, and looked like you were gonna pass out. And then ya did, right into my arms. I didn't want to go though ya stuff so I brought ya here, and when I lied ya down you grabbed me."

  Norway looked down, horribly embarrassed. Norway stood and crossed his arms as he paced the room, he looked like he was trying not to pull his hair out. Say you love him, you know you do. His mind was arguing with him. You know he feels the same way, why are you holding back?
    Norway walked back to the bed and sat next to Denmark. "Den, I-" he stopped himself, what if Dane doesn't feel the same way? "I-" OH JUST SPIT IT OUT!

   "Dane, I love you."

   "Norge, I love you too." Denmark had the largest smile anyone had ever had on his face, and he attacked Norway with hugs. "But ya now Norge, I had a plan to confess in a few months. But right Now's good too," Norway rolled his eyes. "Oh just shut up and kiss me already," Denmark, surprised by Norway's forwardness didn't move, he just stared at Norway. Norway grabbed Denmark's tie and pulled him in for a long-awaited kiss.

I bet Dickmark was happy after that, and he lived happily ever after with Norgay.

Wc: 803

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