UsUk #4- Hugs are natural painkillers

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Yes, I'm still on hiatus. I just, saw this picture on Pinterest and I got an idea. 8th grade has been making me busy. Hopefully this will hold you over ^_^ I also don't own suicide squad 😏


"Yes, Arthur?"

"We should go out, and do something, we haven't in a while."

"How about a movie?" Arthur looked up at Alfred from his lap. "What's playing?"

Alfred shrugged. "How should I know? I can't look it up." He grabbed his phone and smiled as his backscreen, him and Arthur smiling in front of their house with Peter, before looking up the movie times and what was playing. "Do you think we should see Suicide Squad?"

"Peter has been dying to see it. I don't know what all the fuss has been about."

"It looks mega-cool! We take Peter with us instead of having Matt come and watch him." "Alright, but if the movies sucks I'm going to wait outside the theatre and snack."

"It won't suck, I'll go get Peter!"

Alfred moved Arthur off his lap and went to Peter's room. "Petes! Open up! We're gonna go see Suicide Squad!"

Peter was out faster than the speed of light with his coat on already. "Is that green dye in your hair?"

Peter grinned. "Of course! I have to look as cool as the joker!" "Ooh! I got an idea!"

"Wait with Artie in the living-room!"

Alfred went into the bathroom and put red and blue dye in the tips of his hair, drew a heart next to his eye and smeared face paint around his eyes. After he waltzed into the lounge where Arthur and Peter were waiting. "You look so cool Alfred!"

"It's what I do."


They all piled into the car and Peter put on Heathens. They all sang along with the windows down and the volume up, a bunch of teenagers heard it on the stream and yelled the lyrics with them.

After the eventful car ride over, they were at the theatre. "Oh man the hype is real!" Alfred jumped around with Peter while Arthur smiled at them. "We have to get good seats, let's go."

They say right in the middle and saw everything perfectly, but a guy behind them complained about how much of a giraffe Alfred was. (At least they weren't behind Ivan.. ;)) )

The popcorn was gone before the movie was halfway through and Peter wanted more. Arthur just chuckled and went to get more, seeing as Alfred was so interested in the movie.

Arthur got the popcorn refilled and he got drinks for his boys, he knew it was supposed to be a date night for him and  Alfred, but he didn't mind.

He sat back down and gave them their drinks and the popcorn after stealing a few pieces.


After the movie Peter wanted to go to a few shops and so, they walked around for a bit, Alfred managed to drag Arthur into Hot Topic and get some shirts. (But it's so expensive 😩)

Peter dragged them into the Disney store and then they went to Starbucks. Peter stared in awe at a cute person he saw and then he frowned because he'd probably never see them again.

The streets were peaceful, quiet, the sky was clear, and they were happy.

"Hey, can you help me?"

Alfred went over to the man on the ground and helped him up. "What do you need sir?"

The man threw his coat to the ground and brandished his gun for all to see. "Give me yer' money!"

Alfred looked back at his family and mouthed 'run'. Arthur shook his head, "Peter, run, and don't stop." He whispered. Peter stared up into Arthur's eyes. "Does Alfred have to deal with a villain?"

"Yes, go, we'll be right there soon."

Peter looked distant, but he started to run.

A gunshot rang out, everything seemed to go in slow motion. The bullet flew through the air, it his Peter in the chest, Peter hit the ground, Arthur ran over, Alfred tackled the man, and threw the gun across the street. The man ran, now without his weapon.

Alfred rushed over to Peter and Arthur. Arthur was cradling Peter in his arms. "Call 911 Alfred." Peter gripped Arthur's shirt. "It hurts.."

"I know," Arthur hugged Peter close. "The ambulance will be here soon."

"The heroes?" Arthur nodded.


"It's been 20 minutes damn it!"

"Alfred, please.." Arthur's voice was soft, broken. Alfred looked over at them on the ground, and he sat down with them. "Alfred, it hurts.. A lot, when are the heroes coming?"

He's lost so much blood..

"So soon, they're going to take you to a new place. You'll feel all better there."

"You aren't going to be there, are you."
It wasn't a question, he knew what Alfred was implying, he was stating what he didn't want to hear."

"No, we won't. But eventually, we'll join you."

Peter nodded knowingly, he closed his eyes and held onto his family. "I love you."


It took an hour to get there.

Arthur and Alfred were left alone, crying and holding each other with Peter, lying there in his own blood. When the ambulance got there they took them all into the ambulance and Peter would be pronounced dead at the hospital.

Alfred and Arthur hugged each other, they say that hugs are a natural painkiller, but this time, it wasn't enough.

Well.. not exactly what will make you happy. But hey! I posted something!

Comment if you want, ask me questions if you want.

I'm so sorry!!!!!!!!! I love Sealand and in now way was this a bash against him!

Wc: 946

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