And If I'm Dead to You, Why Are You at the Wake?

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Song: My Tears Ricochet by Taylor Swift


Two Months Ago: Twenty-Three Day's Missing 

The light in the room hadn't turned on. I had no idea how long I'd been here, but I would say about twenty days or so if I had to guess. 

Now and then, someone will come and open a little door at the bottom of the door and slide in food. It's the same thing every day: apple slices, juice, and applesauce. Every day, it's the same thing. 

At first, I was excited that I got food; I was starving, but now it's the same thing every day, and it's all apple products. I couldn't handle it anymore, so I stopped eating. I think five trays were sitting in the corner of the room; I couldn't even see the corner of the room, let alone the cold floor I'd been lying on.

I couldn't stop thinking about everything Tate said since our talk in my old room. It all made sense, Tate and Liam being my brothers. 

Liam and I hung out all the time when we were growing up. Almost every weekend, we were either at his house or my house. His mom, my aunt-- I guess my real mom--would always be so happy to see me; she would tear up almost every time she saw me, and I did have a scar in the corner of my eye, so Tate's story made sense.

Everything he said and explained made logical sense; even Tate saying he was a fucking witch made sense. How they all could appear and disappear out of thin air baffled me until now. It all made sense. Then I upset Tate; he threw me in here and hadn't returned yet.

Until now.

I was lying in front of the bottom slit on the door, watching for footsteps in the light, hoping to god someone would come in here and just kill me. I thought my prayers were about to be answered when I saw someone's shadow underneath the door. I quickly sat and slowly scooched back as the door opened. The small light dangled from the ceiling flickered on, barely lighting the room. I stayed frozen on the floor watching Alma and Joey walk in, but no Tate.

Alma and Joey sat on the floor but did not say anything. I didn't say anything; I wasn't sure if I was supposed to speak. Joey sat down, attempting to sit comfortably on the floor while Alma gave him the side eye, sitting in a yoga pose. When Joey got comfortable, he rolled his eyes and said, "So, how's things?"

Alma looked at him disapprovingly, "That's what you're going to say? Really?"

Joey's eyes widened as he held up his hands, not understanding what he did wrong. Alma gave a stern mom look before Joey looked at me, "How are you doing in this dark dungeon room that we've kept you trapped in?" He asked sarcastically.

"Oh dear God," Alma whispered, dropping her head into her hands.

"What do you guys want?" I asked, keeping my distance.

"We wanted to come and talk to our new best friend," Joey said, flashing the fakest smile.

"Would you cut it out?" Alma snapped at him before she looked at me. "Tate wanted us to come and ensure you were okay in here," She said, scanning her eyes around the room in disgust.

"I'm not," I snapped, not caring if I made them mad. They could kill me for all I care. "Why didn't Tate come here and ask me that himself?"

The two shared a look before Alma said, "He's a little upset about what happened and was hoping you would want to apologize."

I scoffed, "Me? Apologize?"

"He was trying to make it up to you," Joey was quick to Tate's defense. "Instead, you rejected him. So you owe him an apology."

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