Chapter Six

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"Castiel needed to get his head straight; he was hiding a lot from Dean, but it was for his own good. The last thing he needed was to have feelings for him or even feelings at all. The battle ahead of them was going to be brutal, to say the least. It could be the end of the world, and the Winchester brothers were right in the middle of it. He knew that Sam was practicing his dark abilities, and by doing so, he was being sucked more and more into the darkness. But Dean wasn't ready to know that since he was fighting battles of his own. He kept dreaming about hell.

Dean had another dream, or rather a nightmare. The memories of his time in hell came rushing back, and each time, it got worse because it came with the fear he was very determined to run away from. He was helpless down there, he kept hoping Sam would save him. It had felt like he was being tortured for years. The brutal things they did to him, they would tear his body apart just to put it back together and do it all over again. Time was slower in hell, while on earth, it was four months; down there, it had been years. Dean had a secret that was eating at his conscience. The guilt was becoming too heavy to carry, but he wasn't ready to share. He was still lying to himself to make himself feel better, and he was determined to do it for as long as it took to get his mojo back (his fighting spirit). He wanted to confide in Sam, but ever since he came back, he suspected his brother was hiding something from him. He was more cagey than usual, and the look in his eyes gave him goosebumps. He didn't know what it was, but he didn't want to push him. He figured if Sam was ready to talk about it, he would be there to listen.

When he woke up from the nightmare, Castiel was there, sitting on his bed. 'Hello, Dean. What were you dreaming about?' Castiel said with a calm, collected voice as usual. 'Is this a weird kink of yours for you to watch me sleep?' Dean said with a wink and a smirk. Despite last night, he couldn't help teasing the guy. Damn! He had to get his shit straight; this wasn't one of his hookups. This was a freaking angel, and not to sound overly dramatic, but he was like the angel of doom. And can we also talk about the fact that he was a guy? If angels subscribed to earthly gender labels, which he highly doubted."

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