Chapter Thirty Five

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"Can we talk about Lilith? We need to find a way to defeat her that does not endanger Sam," Cass said.

"We will," Dean reassured Cass as he kissed his temple. "But what about using me? We all know they need me alive; I am the devil's vessel after all."

"No, out of the question," Dean declared. He wouldn't dare put Sammy in danger, no matter what.

"Hey, we do this together. We will find a solution," Dean said. Sam nodded, believing in his brother and knowing he could never hurt them again like he did last time. He had to trust them. "Okay."

Cass leaned forward and kissed him. "Good, 'cause I hated knocking you out."

"We also need to talk about my time in hell," Dean slowly breathed out the words; everything went still.

"You don't have to," Sam said.

"No, I want to; it's time," Dean responded with a determined look. "I was tortured for years. Down there, time moves differently from up here, slower. They would come, rip my body apart, then put it back together, only to do it over and over again. I called out for you so many times, hoping at one point you would hear me. They would always proposition me every time before the torturing began – if I just took the knife and did to another person what they were doing to me, it would all stop. I resisted, Sammy, I swear I did, till I couldn't anymore. I took the knife, and the things I did to him, I just... I am sorry. I know you are disappointed in me. I am sorry." Dean buried his hands in his head.

"I need to say something too, since we have vowed no more secrets. What you did was fulfilling a prophecy: 'The first seal shall be broken when a righteous man spills blood in hell,'" Cass said. He couldn't hide that information from them.

"What I started all this?" Cass slowly nodded, sympathy in his eyes. The guilt and sorrow on Dean's face – he always believed himself to be a protector, not a destroyer. This was too much for him. Sam was afraid he would never forgive himself.

"That's why the demons couldn't exchange my soul for his; they needed him there." It finally dawned on Sam. Cass only nodded.

"Look, the war has just begun; we need to be strong. Look at me, Dean, we will fix this. We are all in this together; don't shoulder this burden on your own," Cass said as he took Dean in his arms for a hug. The old Dean would have gone to drink, but this Dean wanted to be with his partner, his brother. In this moment, he didn't want to be alone or feel that cold dread creeping up his spine. He wanted to feel the warmth they offered – comfort, love, and support.

"Okay, enough with the mushy shit; I am hungry. Let's eat," Dean said.

After breakfast, they went and played video games. What can I say? Boys will always be boys. Danger loomed out there; maybe even the end of the world. But in that moment, they were happy, contented. Even though they knew no matter what, they would always have each other, and for now, that was enough.

The end.

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