Chapter 1: The Consequences

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Chapter 1

*MATURE CONTENT AHEAD*...Mention of abuse and rape....

The room was suffocating. The walls closing in on me. I felt my air ways constrict as my red puffy eyes stung from crying all day. I missed the old cheerful me. The me that carried joy wherever she went but I knew that wouldn't be possible any longer.

The gloomy vibe to the room felt just like what was growing inside of me. He was here. He was right beside me like he wasn't the reason I was in this state. They didn't believe me saying its just the shock. He never let go when I thrashed, pushed and beat the shit out of him. He just said soothing things to me that made me more disgusted with myself.

I just sat and watched as the old woman with pale wrinkly skin wouldn't just go and make a small garden behind her backyard than sit here and try to pry into peoples lives. Most of her hair was grey and put up into a neat bun as her grey suit looked quite too professional. Her fingers were lased together neatly place on her desk as she spoke words that only the wind could understand because I didn't want any of this. I just wanted to be alone. Like I started doing when they all wouldn't believe me.

Just then as if being pulled back to the reality that this sorry ass world threw me square in the face I felt a hand squeeze my thigh but I ignored it. I didn't care what he'll do to me but I never understood how he could change this much. He was a lunatic people refused to believe because of how he carried himself.

"Miss Brooks?... I understand it must be very hard for you to come to terms with your current situation but I understand how hard it must be for you opening up to a stranger-"

What the hell is this old woman even talking about!... I just want to go home. Go somewhere far away from this, from HIM, from everything!... Maybe rent a space in the wilderness and just be at peace with the wild life. Maybe I and some lions will share a raw meal together then I'd be next. I hate the life I have now.

The ride back home was quiet only with the roaring of the engine and our minds dancing in our own bubbles. I noticed from the corner of my eyes as Justin repeatedly stole concerned glances my way. I just wanted to stab him in the toe. Wait the toe wouldn't kill him. What the hell no matter how much I hated him for what he's doing to me I couldn't hurt anyone but myself.

"Maddy..." His soft and calming voice I always used to love now just sounded dead to me. I felt empty and broken. He was taking me back home from the hospital after my nanny found me yet in another pool of blood. Maybe death just felt sympathy for me and decided I should live my misery. He called again but I didn't mind causing him to pull up on the side of the deserted road. I can't believe which sick person would set up an office in the outskirts of town saying you are the best psychologist.

"Maddy I'm talking to you." I could tell by the tone of his voice he was loosing it but I just remained the robot I had learned to be since that day. He grabbed my arm with so much force that I was sure it will leave a bruise. I winced as tears teased my already stinging eyes and he slapped me hard across the face causing me to yelp and immediately break down into sobs. "You really don't have any idea what you do to me do you?... No matter how hard you fight it you're mine Madelyn and you know it" He gritted out tightening his grip onto my arm as I felt the skin around reddening.

"I HATE YOU!" I scream in his face receiving another slap and suddenly being yanked onto his lap straddling him as his grip on me tightened causing me to cry harder as I tried fighting back but it was no use. He was stronger and way more bigger than me.

"You hate me huh. You hate me?..." He crushed his lips forcefully onto my unmoving ones biting hard onto my lower lip taking advantage of the pain to invade my mouth. I was helpless and completely at loss as he attacked my neck.

"P-pl-please Justin. I'm b-begging-ing you don't do this. Please." He bit onto my skin causing me to scream but he didn't stop making his way with me. I begged and sobbed. I cried my eyes out but he wouldn't stop. He pinned my hands together with one hand as he tore my lase pantie from under my short flowery dress exposing my shaved pussy to his lustful gaze.

"You think I'm doing this because I want to?... No Maddy I want you to know what you've always done to me from the very beginning." He resumes his torture as I try to scream for help earning myself  and out tightly tugging onto my hair forcing me to look at what I've caused. I just blink as the tears pour out of my soul. He smirks forcefully positioning himself under my dress skirt right between my folds not waiting any second and ramming into me in one go as I screamed on top of my lungs earning yet another dirty slap as he freed my hands covering my mouth slamming himself into me with every pent up frustration he had inside of him. I beat his chest as his monster manhandled me tearing my opening yet again crying my throat out till it became soar. He kept grunting and cursing at how tight and sweet I was enveloping his size with my warmth never seeming to adjust to his size. The groans, grunts and curses just seemed to ring out more as he slipped his hands from my mouth giving my already too soft a skin a death grip digging into my hips with no mercy.

At this point I just gave up and let everything roll out. I felt him grow inside me and his grip confirmed it. He let out a satisfied groan as he came into me. This not the first time of him coating my walls. I felt pure disgust and hate with my self. He sighed nuzzling into my neck inhaling my scent and peppering tiny kisses on that spot.

"Just as tight as the day I first tasted you." He said breathless as he leaned closer, our foreheads touching. Me from numbness and his from pure bliss. "You're mine Madelyn and you know it. The day we both recognize our faults and where we went wrong you'll come to terms with us being us and never having a normal life apart from each other."

"You call this normal?" My voice croaked with the end just above a whisper but he heard. I know he did. I could whisper from a mile away and he'll hear it. I don't know how he does it but he does. "You destroyed me Justin. You broke my trust. You knew everything about me but you still went ahead to hurt me." He looked at me with a pained expression."You're a MONSTER!" I beat his chest but he didn't stop me. I used the little energy left in me to hit his chest as the tears flowed non stop. "I hate you. I hate you. I.HATE.YOU.JUS.TIN" I relaid every syllable through clenched teeth. He was now also crying. Wow he was so good at playing with emotions.

"I will always love you Maddy. You love me too and no matter how hard you try you know you're mine and will always be mine. Our paths cross even if you deny it." I slapped him. Yep I definitely did and I didn't care. He didn't do anything either but just suddenly went back to being his emotionless self again. God what did I do to deserve this. He withdrew his semi deflated monster causing me to wince at the pain and the emptiness caused. I wanted to run from him but he tightened his grip on me now hugging me to his chest not giving me room to protest with one arm around my back and the other on the wheel as the car roared to life and we were back on the road.

As much as I wanted to protest I stilled letting all the fatigue of the previous days get to me and no sooner my eye lids felt heavy as I let the darkness take over me.


Kinda short but it's just to paint out a general picture. The subsequent chapters would carry a deeper meaning, okay that's it for now.

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