Chapter 11: Tyson

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Chapter 11

Seven years earlier...☠



"How's high school going for you?" My mom asked out of the blue making me choke on my salad. I quickly downed a glass of juice feeling relaxed.

"You mean for me to ditch years of my potentially stable social life because of some measly comments from my teachers and the head mistress, cool. Its just what I needed mom!" I don't forget to add the sarcasm in my tone causing her to roll her eyes.

"You were too good for your level and you know it. Besides you were thrown way back due to your accident and I'm just glad you're very smart. Now you're lucky I didn't skip you two years ahead but one. You deserve a bit of competition sweetie. You can't always just sleep and disturb Justin all the time and still come out first without batting an eye lid."

"Mom they are all so old. I'm the youngest in my class and I hate when everyone treats me as such." I puff some air resting my chin on my elevated hand from the surface of the table.

"Justin doesn't treat you that way." She teases.

"Mom cut it out. Justin's in his final year of college anyway... I won't be seeing him around often since he always seems to be busy." The sadness in my tone betrays me.

"In all my days I didn't think I'll have to say this but I don't think anything can rid both of you of each other. You two still seem to be all over each other."

"MOM......" She burst out laughing as I covered my face running up the stairs to shower and put on some decent clothes just the way Justin likes them.

I realized the effect he had on me. Come on we were filthy rich. People will kill to be in our shoes yet we carried ourselves just the right way. If it weren't for Justin, being the spoilt brat I was I would be in clothes that don't even cover my butt since it still sets him off if I even wear clothes to mid thigh length. Said I was showing wayyyy too much skin and will always hover around me or give threatening glares to guys or girls who stared too much.

I looked around my walk in closet spotting a new hoodie Justin got me from the mall. It was a cream color with a boldly embroidered black logo of 'Don't mess with what's MINE' In the back. I knew he was lying and rather had this customized but I loved the way it hung loose on my body. The more, I loved his scent that lingered all over it.

I was looking through to see what to were under then my eyes landed my pair of high waist black shorts that reached mid thigh length as the hoodie was long enough to cover below my butt. I slipped into my new Jordan's, taking a last look in the mirror and letting my hair down just the way he liked it. Finally picking up my black mini bag and heading out of the room.

Why not push some buttons before school time? I had an innocent look as I slowly descended the stairs hearing faint voices in the background.

"Justinnnn....." I boomed rushing to where he was seated opposite my mom at the dinning table dropping my bag and crashing down onto his laps loving it when he gave me a bear hug from behind taking in a whiff of my fresh scent and shampoo.

"God Madelyn you're still not a child you know that?" Karen my precious mother who spoils me above anything in this world scolds me against still sitting on the thighs of Justin. "Shuu...get off him now" She throws her hands at me dismissively before stuffing her plate once more. Justin's grip on me tightens as he gives my mom a sweet smile.

"Oh Karen its nothing. I'm in fact very glad Maddy still acts the way she is with me." He grins widely at me whiles my mother just scoffs brushing it off.

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