Chapter 25: Secrets

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Chapter 25

The Brook residence...Karen's private study...



"What do we do now?" A panicky Karen slumps down in her seat behind her mahogany desk in her private study at home.

"I say we let them be." Jayson who is seated on one of the couches at the other end of the study speaks up uncrossing his legs and standing up walking briskly to one of the seats in front of her desk.

"What do you mean let them be. It's clear that this isn't the Madelyn I raised."

"Are you blaming this on my son?" He raised a brow questioningly.

"W-eh-n-...." She sighed "No, I don't know anymore. She's just so innocent that it hurts to see her turn out this way, how do you seem so fine with this." Her head fell back on the seat.

"Because deep down I don't care either besides you sold her off to my son remember?"

"Yes but back then it was different. They were suppose to be the power couple and inherit the businesses, run it together to keep the family name and not turn psycho." She threw her arms in the air.

"And we're still getting that aren't we, Its a win-win situation for both parties. They keep going on and no one would ever suspect so why, are you having second thoughts?"

"Of course not. I just feel like they are a greater threat and to our demise."

"So what, you suggest we take them out?"

"That would have been easy but it's a risky move, we need to still keep this hidden but apparently your son is onto us and I don't think they'll hesitate to wipe us out if they came to know the whole truth." Jayson nodded.

"Then it's simple then. We keep tipping the media on the two and doing everything we can to bring the buzz down since there are already a lot of speculations and sights of them clearly in a serious relationship relating to the many pictures taken of them showing too much of affection almost anywhere."

"What do you mean by almost anywhere?"

"I understand it's not good for the image of both companies for them to be making out and fucking anywhere they deem appropriate but its better than none. Once they are married to eachother, both companies would be great partners so we'll be seeing a lot of eachother without any disturbances."

"This would have all been avoided if you didn't just knock her up." Jayson's features hardened as if being offended deeply.

"Excuse me but that night you left me and went off to marry that fool of a friend."

"You said you were going to leave her but you kept giving me pointless excuses and I couldn't wait for you forever Jayson. I couldn't stand being the woman you came to whenever things weren't going well for y-"

"I didn't love her!"

"Then why did you marry her in the first place?" Karen had tears cloud her sight.

"I thought I loved her but I was just jealous she only had eyes for your husband. She gave up when he wouldn't even pay her any attention. He had eyes for only you and you went ahead with everything!"


"IT WAS A MISTAKE. I WAS COMPLETELY WASTED OK.... It was the night I accepted that I was insanely in love with you but couldn't have you, I'm sorry"

"SO YOU HID IT FROM ME FOR TWO GOOD YEARS!..?... No scratch that and make it four years because he was two when I found out Jayson.... When I found out."

"I'm sorry and I still regret my actions but you running off to marry him-"

"I WAS HURT JAYSON!... What would you do if the man you loved so much promised to be with you but you later find out he's had a son and had been hiding him for so long, Jerry was there for me and I couldn't keep killing myself for you so I agreed to marry him." She shook in her seat with her head buried in her hands.

"I'm sorry you still hold so much within. I was an idiot but we don't need to worry about that anymore. I still love you and I'm not leaving this time."

He stood beside her turning her seat to face him lifting her tear stained face to look up at him with his index finger, gently lowering himself and capturing her lips. He sucked on her lower lip and bit into it drawing a pleased moan from her automatically and granting him entrance to devour the insides of her mouth. He deepened the kiss and she kissed back with equal vigor, tongues praising eachother knocking the breaths out of eachother and suddenly parting for much needed air.

"You're still too young and beautiful for me to commit that same mistake again and loose you. You're all mine now." They rested their heads against eachother's relishing in eachother's company when he pulled her up suddenly making her a squeal and pressing her to his chest, pinning her to the table and trapping her with his broad body letting the wood dig into her butt but she didn't care allowing him attack her lips once more and moving down to her neck.

"Jayson we shouldn't do this when anyone could walk in any second." Karen was panting as her front was now pressed onto the large desk and Jayson was fumbling with his leather belt.

"I don't care. Whoever walks in through that door looses their job and I can't wait any longer."

"God Jay jay this is a bad....nghnn...." She couldn't help the moan as he buried himself deep into her cunt in one powerful thrust. He groaned settling to recollect his thoughts and ramming into her without warning.

Karen was practically doing everything she could to keep it quiet but it was of no use being pounded into mercilessly.

"You two have no shame..." Both their heads snapped in the direction of the voice and Karen pushed back straightening her self and her clothes whiles Jayson quickly tucked himself into place throwing her a hard glare and a chain of low curses.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT!!" He barked.

"Jayson, please.." Karen pleaded for him to lower his voice.

"You two are shameless, how could you?"

"Please Nanny Claire its not what you think-"

"I'm not blind Karen and what I just saw-... I'm disappointed in you"

"No!... Please listen-"

"You can't come in here and ruin things for us. If you know what's best for you then leave before I loose my patience!" Jayson held a trembling Karen in his arms.

"Madelyn is no where to be found. That's what I've been looking for you for the past hour to tell you." With that she was out and on her way.

"Wait-... Nanny-.... What do you mean by Madelyn is no where to be found?" Karen chased after her but she was already gone.

Jayson came out to her but she pushed him away as well. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!! I've lost her too" Jayson hugged her watching her break down and clearly not taking what she said to heart.

"Shh... Everything would be fine. She's not going to dare say a thing."

"You don't get it. She's all I have left of the messed up life I had with my dad. She was always there for me through till I married Jerry. Clearly she followed as well to take care of my baby. She helped me throughout all my stress managing both my late father and Jerry's companies together.... She's my biological mother but she doesn't know. God I've let her down"

"Don't you ever say that. No matter what she still loves you. Maybe we can take this slow and after all this is over you can tell her." Jayson offered and she sobbed harder nodding against his chest.

"I'd like that..."


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