Chapter 24: Insane

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Chapter 24

Present day...Justin's residence...



"Dude who the fuck are you?... I don't know what you're talking about!" I smirked.

"Oh you don't?"

"You look like shit!... I don't know what you're talking about!... Let me fucking go-" I punched him knocking his head to the side as he cursed hard and spat blood restrained by the ropes around him.

"You set eyes on something forbidden and you say you don't know what I'm talking about?... SHE'S MINE!!..."

"I DON'T KNOW WHO THE FUCK THAT IS MAN I'M SORRY PLEASE JUST LET ME GO!!" Was he crying. I guess he isn't so tough enough so how can he protect my Maddy. God I felt like ripping him to shreds for looking at my Maddy. Even I don't get the privilege to look at my love face to face and this fucker had the audacity to stalk her.

"Well then that's good isn't it because you don't just go round stalking other people's property." His eyes bulged out of its sockets as realization dawned on him and the tears flowed times ten.

"Look man I'm sorry. I didn't know she was already taken. She was just so beautiful and unique and the fact that she doesn't talk to anyone just interested me. I'm fucking sorry if it offended you but I swear I wouldn't do that again please just let me go... Please..." Even children don't cry this much when their candies are taken away from them.

"No one stares at my Maddy for more than a second and lives." He shot his head up to look at my menacing look that just proved no room for negotiation. He was already so weak. I no longer desired to torture anymore people because the desire to see my Maddy was enough torture for me and none of my victims lived long enough to share my pain. What pathetic people. I shot him in the head before he could say anymore leaving him and going straight to my room to have an extremely hot shower.

I would call and inform Caleb about this mess. It seems Maddy hasn't soiled her hands since I left but I tend to do that almost everyday just because of her immense beauty and personality. She should be out the college doors by now heading straight for her car since she went to drop off her assignments. I was so proud of her that she took her classes seriously just to please me. I always watched her through the cameras and we always had things to say to eachother even if we weren't close and it was no surprise that we understood eachother just fine.

I had this fucker brought straight to me when I noticed him following my Maddy. Yes I'm just so close to her she doesn't know. I loved the fact that she always sensed me watching her even through the hidden cameras. She would always give me a daily display of her sweet cunt to keep me going. And I could swear that was one of the very major reasons I was still sane.

The bleeding from my nose worsened everyday due to the constant stress I put myself through just to stop myself from matching to her and doing every single thing I've missed doing to her. I had to be locked up in an asylum for a whole week when Caleb said I was the reason becoming insane just seeing my Maddy try to kill herself because I left her and claimed it was a punishment. That week was hell and I almost killed one of the nurses for touching me too much and I don't know how I calmed down.

But I think it was the thought of Maddy being locked up in one of these facilities for a whole month. I couldn't have to become insane so I forced myself to be fine. Maddy... I needed her.

I missed the feeling of being buried deep inside all three of her holes. Fucking every inch of her body. It has been only three months and I'm going insane. I can't take it anymore. I just have to see her or maybe just take a whiff of her coconut and pine scent. Smell her even if it is for few seconds. She's finally accepting herself and letting go and I can't wait till she totally surrenders.

I miss her usual glow around her but now she's just dead. I stepped out of the shower heading straight into my walk in closet putting on some grey sweats and a fitted black T-shirt grabbing my black jacket and slipping on a pair blavk vans trotting down the stairs to pick up my keys but halted in my steps.

"And where do you think you're off to?" I wasn't ready for this now.

"Please I just need to see her. Just let me smell her. I just need something to keep me going. I can't take it anymore... Please Caleb I need her"

"Sorry man but you can't see her. Don't even dream about it. Not happening and I would lock you up if I find out you disobeyed me." I was about to object but he always knew what I was thinking." And no I would find you before you even see her shadow." I felt bile rise in my throat just wanting to throw up as tears stung my eyes. My throat was so tight all of a sudden I burst into an ocean of tears. Yes. I was crying. A whole me who berated someone a while ago about being a wuss.

"P-ple-ass... Just for a few seconds... That's all I ask of you... P-lease..." I walked over to the dinning table pulling out a chair and taking a seat burying my head in my hands and sobbing pathetically. It was so humiliating but I just wanted my Maddy.

"What do you think you're trying to do compromising the plan you yourself clearly came up with. Should I tell you she nearly killed her whole security team when they couldn't find you?... Not to talk of her almost burning down the entire house Jesus... Are you out of your fucking mind risking it all when we're almost there?.." He scoffed. So my tears did nothing at all?... For fucks sake I looked like shit. No amount of shower or tough guy moves was enough to cover this pathetic piece of shit I was becoming. I was a mess without her. I was ruined.

"I need her Cal-"

"Yea right. Like it's any different with her. She might need you and crave you but I swear the moment you show yourself she's going to hate you so much you wouldn't like to see the light of day fearing to see her immense pain!" Ouch!

"I can't take it anymore..." I pulled on my hair harshly.

"Neither can she. You saw it all the day she finally stood up to her mother and your dad. I think she knows more to take this step by step. She's beginning to understand everything and you want to screw that up by showing your pathetic self?... She will break down and get lost in her thoughts not to forget about the voices that seem yo worsen and not even you nor I can do anything about it."


"How do you think she will feel when she realizes you were here all along and didn't do anything about her so many try and fail suicide attempts to draw your attention. Even putting a poor household at stake just for your attention?... You really are stupid than I thought. God sometimes I wonder how you finished College so early with first class and can't seem to understand such simple things without making a fool out of yourself."

This guy is clearly insulting me using my situation to his advantage. Has he always wanted to do this.

"Then you would have to kill me to keep me away from her now because I'm not giving up that easy because of your measly threat." I thought it would work but I didn't expect to see the thoughtful expression cross his face when he just shrugged and started stalking up to me like I just proved and made good use of my stupidity.

"Will gladly do" was the last thing I heard from him before everything went dark not forgetting the stinging pain at the back of my neck giving in and allowing the darkness to take me. I bet Maddy went through more than this. I'm doing this for her and only her.


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