Chapter 27: One step ahead

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Chapter 27


It's been a week and there has been no sign of my Maddy nor any deaths whatsoever. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, not that I could do any when she wasn't around but I was going psycho. My poor Maddy, she would be so scared of people other than me. They could take advantage of her vulnerability to do unspoken things to her.

Just thinking of other people touching her was driving me to the extreme. She's delicate and can't live without me being around or watching over her. I was loosing a lot of blood through my nostrils. Caleb has been doing well taking my outburst. He was right when he warned me not to leave.

But I sought this as a challenge. One last chance for her to gain my attention and it was really working. I was not going to rest till she was in my arms again. I needed to calm down and the only way to do it was if I was buried balls deep into her warm cunt.

I was more worked up that she won't be able to calm herself down knowing I wasn't watching her. She was more of a ticking time bomb than I was. I needed my dose of Maddy and I know she needed hers of me too. I couldn't imagine loving and obsessing anyone else apart from her.

But there was one thing that was certain. I was about to pay a visit to the parents. Caleb knocked and made his way into my office immediately letting out a sigh at the sight of a miserable me.

"Clean your fucking nose it's dripping again and why are you not taking the drugs you son of a bitch. Do you want to to be dead before you find your precious obsession, so before any of that happens get the fuck up, Jayson and Karen have been dreading your arrival." He rolled his eyes when I chuckled dryly.

"I miss her so much you know." It was so hard that one moment I'm all tough then the next I'm a pussy crying over missing my love.

"You're crying again, Dude!... Jesus!...sometimes I think Maddy is more strong willed than you are."

"Of course she is. You know how dangerous she is when she doesn't get my attention. We need to find her before anything happens."

"Well who's at fault in the first place but to think of it, there's a deeper meaning to all this other than gaining your attention. Why risk her mental health just for you."

"No one knows my Maddy like I do. Her main motive is to drive me insane as well as plant doubts amongst us to make us spill some beans. I'm pretty much such she's always had it at the back of her head that she was always under the shadows but trust me she still knows nothing."

"What are you hinting at?"

"She always knew I was watching so I never made a move to come to her no matter how many times she tried to gain my attention. She always knew I had people watching her wellbeing. She knew she would never die or make me come to her as long as I was watching."

"So she run away just for your attention, you duo are fucking insane. I don't know why I involved myself in the first place."

"Now she's out of my grasp she's in real danger. She has anxiety just being surrounded by people. She has the urge to kill anyone who looks at her other than me. She will go violent if anyone tries to talk to or touch her. And this time there's no one to hold her back. I do the dirty work so she doesn't have to do any. Ever since Trisha I've seen that glint in her eyes and its not good. I need to find her as soon as possible and I think I know where she might possibly be if she's really after my attention."

Caleb nodded and with that we were on our way. The sun was setting already. The orange and pink sky would have been perfect if my Maddy was here with me. A low groan escaped my throat just imagining her soft lips wrapped around my shaft and my smooth fingers buried deep into her cunt as we head anywhere at all in our car.

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