Chapter 7: For my sake and his mistake

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Chapter 7

Nineteen years earlier...☠



Classical music slowly played in the background through the entire downstairs of the house as the parents talked and socialized outside as some worked on the barbecue. Mommy said it was an office get together. I was six and half now. Mommy, Mr Wryte and Justin said I was too smart for my age and that soon if nurtured I'll become unstoppable.

I was sitting on my favorite spot that is Justin's laps as he played with my hair. I always cried to momma to cut it shot just above my shoulders because Justin said he liked it when my hair was that way and when I told her she just chuckled. I was facing him and playing with his hair as well, giggling as I braided and clipped his hair with my hair clips and pins. He looked funny enough and besides we didn't pay much attention to the large TV screen plastered in front of us as well as the amusing looks parents and other kids were giving us.

Other kids were running around and some of Justin's friends were around including that pretty girl who always wanted to take Justin away from me but he didn't seem to care so we played giggling some more. He was mine and he said he will always be there for me.

He rained down tiny kisses to my face and tickled me which I laughed hard to earning some serious attention but he wouldn't stop. Some parents were laughing at what I did to his hair and I heard some women saying "so adorable" I managed to escape pushing him down sideways onto the black leathered couch resting my weight on his torso now both lying on the couch also showing smaller kisses all over his face giggling.

"Ew that's gross Maddy" He said between his laughs and tickled me once more.

"Then yours too are gross. Ew Justin." I jumped down ready to run but I always don't go far before his arms encircled my tiny waist pulling me to him as he laughed at my pouty lips and defeated look but that was soon gone when he turned me around pushing me back onto the couch pushing his face onto my tummy bobbing his head sideways and making fart sounds making me burst out laughing hard.

I was climbing him like a tower when someone with brown hair approached us. His brown hair was lighter than mine but I didn't care because Justin said he loved the way my dark brown hair glowed all the time. His eyes were brown as well. He wasn't as nice as my Justin but Justin calmly took hold of me to perch me on his lap.

"Justin a word please?" I looked up to Justin's face to see him frown but eventually nod.

"Ok sure what's it?" The boy slowly looked in my direction then back at his.

"Without the little girl" His frown deepened and his hold around my waist tightened but he slowly let loose looking down at me but I shook my head turning on his lap and straddling him tight not ready to let go. He hugged me just as tight and pecked my hair.

"It will only be for a while princess." He pat my back soothingly.

"Promise?" My voice was muffled as I spoke into his chest but he heard anyway and I felt his body tense then relax.

"Promise" I slowly let go as he stood up and put me on the couch. "Stay here and don't wonder too far. I'll be back soon. I'm serious Maddy" His tone was stern. He knew I would either get myself hurt or into trouble with him gone. I played with my fingers pouting and nodding slowly as he hummed and turned towards his speechless friend gesturing for him to take the lead.

I looked up covering my mouth the best I could not to burst into laughter regarding how girly he looked with all my clips and pins in his hair which he didn't bother to take out but rather twirl his finger around one of the stupid braids I did turning and giving me a wink before disappearing leaving me a giggling mess soon bursting into laughter which some other kids joined in as well.

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