Chapter 29: Shhh....

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Chapter 29


After letting Juju use my body anyhow he wanted the whole night; bruising, marking, claiming and destroying me all he wanted, I was sore when we finally gave out at the crack of dawn now sat up against the headboard in one of his shirts, he finally let the dam break.

He broke down clinging to me like his life depended on it because it really did and my heart rejoiced but ached seeing him cry so much into my chest whiles his arms tightened around my bruised waist. Wincing at the pain I still gripped onto him tighter and rubbed smooth circles on his arm whiles running my other hand through his dark locks.

"I'm sorry Maddy, I-I haven't made up enough for lost time but-but I promise I'll make it up to you. I didn't fuck you enough and I'm sorry but it hurts..."

"Shhh...let it all out Juju I know there's more." He sniffled sobbing once more again.

"I'm sorry I'm keeping big secrets from you but I'm doing this all for your sake and I don't want you to stress yourself or get involved. I know you just want us to be together..."

"I know Justin. You can keep it away all you like because if I get a whiff of any of it you know I won't be able to stop myself." I calmly told him whiles pecking his forehead and loving his grip tighten.

"I'll try my best to keep it away from you I promise but please don't ever leave me yh, I almost died."

"That was the point baby, to hurt you so much we'd want eachother more just like we're doing now." He chuckled kissing my clothed chest then pulling himself up a bit to burry his face into my shoulder and pecking it softly seeming to relax.

"I can't live without you." He whispered into my shoulder.



"I think I'm insanely obsessed with you... from the beginning." I just voiced out causing him to relax with a content sigh.

"I know princess, since the beginning because I'm insanely obsessed with you too... I always have and I forever will." But I just felt I had to ask.

"What happens if one of us falls out of love for the other?" He stiffened and in a monotone voice he replied,

"We'll kill eachother before it happens!" Content with the answer, I kissed the side of his head with a hum.


I smiled at the view of Maddy staring out the tinted glass on the other side of the backseat licking and sucking her cum stained fingers, her cute pink tongue darting out to slowly lick what's left around her mouth drawing a groan out of me in appreciation.

She grinned and snapped her gaze towards me, her eyes twinkling like never before. During the past twenty four years of her life she's never been this happy before. I was already hard and when she dragged her gaze downwards it twitched in my suit pants, fuck she didn't even look away or make an effort to but slowly inching forward and not taking her eyes off my painful bulge.

She moaned, raising and resting her left leg flat against the seat and slipping her fingers under her designer short wine skirt licking her lower lip and biting on it gently, slowly leaning in and barely touching me with her warm breath as my eyes shamelessly raked her body and finally settling on the hand stimulating her sensitive bud once more. Reaching out her right hand and already palming my aching erection through my pants.

"You're so hard again for me Juju..." She whispered but before I could stop her she had already unbuckled my belt, pulling down my zipper and freeing my already suffocated erection to which I groaned at the feel of freedom.

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