Chapter 12: Regret

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Chapter 12

The school premises...



The bell rang for the end of lessons for the day and usually Justin would be walking towards my class by now but today I didn't stick around because I just received a text from Felix that he was waiting outside the school gates.

I said my goodbyes and told Murphy he could tag along since his mum couldn't make it today. My eyes were heavy with unshed tears as we made our way outside. Then I saw him, he was now in one of our sea blue twin T-shirts we got for each other with that Trisha all over him, Murphy was right. She spotted me looking and became slightly alarmed causing him to snap his head in my direction but I looked away as quickly as I had spotted them following right beside Murphy as we headed for the school gates to where a black SUV was parked.

I heard my name being called but I ignored it as we approached our ride with students watching.

"Wow that is a cool ride. Do you guys own more of such cars?" Murphy asked as we entered the back seat.

"Yh you could say something like that. Should we drop you home or your mom's office?"

"Home, She should be busy anyway." I nodded. The rest of the ride to his, my mood was lifted a bit because Murphy's small talk took my mind off Justin.

Once he was dropped off I fell back into my pit of depression. He broke the promise to get back at me and I don't want to get deep into what he was doing with Trisha since its none of my business but he has hurt me. Fuck him giving me the silent treatment. I'm thirteen maybe its my fault for always being around him. Maybe I should try other things apart from depending solely on him so when he hurts me it doesn't seem like my chest is being ripped open every time. What does he take me for. If he wanted to play so would I. I wouldn't crave his attention and see how that lands him.

Once the car pulled up in front of our house I run inside as fast as I could slamming and locking my bedroom door collapsing onto my bed crying my eyes and soul out. I didn't want to accept it at first but I sometimes hated the way my heart and body responded to him. I trashed everything I could in my room hoping the pain in my chest would go away but to no avail till I couldn't anymore and left my almost unrecognizable room to one of the secluded ones in the far corner so no one would disturb me; locking the door and collapsing onto the soft mattress, immediately passing out and welcoming the hard earned slumber.

It felt like years since I passed out but it was only a couple of long hours. I hadn't changed out of my clothes from school. It was already late and I was sleepy again. I got up and went to my now organized room. It must have been nanny Claire's doing. She always takes care of this when I have a fight with Justin.

I took a cold shower deciding to sleep naked under my comforters just like Justin and I do sometimes when he sleeps over. I have to stop thinking about him.

The next morning I woke up earlier than usual taking a warm shower and putting on faded blue jumper shorts to mid thigh length with a cute white top underneath completing it with blue vans over my ankle white socks and my cute white bag heading out to Mr Felix to get me to school. I put my phone off the entire of yesterday and I wasn't willing to wait for him to come pick me up.

School was slow with me not taking any routes where I could crush into Justin. I had to stop trying so hard because he didn't seem to bat an eyelash when hurting me.

Well this wasn't my first time showing off my thighs but this was the first time I was ignoring Justin and having a lot of guys make their moves on me was irritating but I had Murphy to drive some away especially those who were our mates of course.

The cafeteria was buzzing mostly with the latest gossip of Justin and I, not to forget the rumor of a teacher student relationship but I could care less. Justin bought this school anyway so there's really nothing anyone can do, not even the one still heading the school. Couldn't these students find something more proactive doing during their free time?

The entire cafeteria hushed down a bit when Murphy and I entered, with almost all stares on me but one in particular made my skin crawl and my stomach churn in a good way, why was he here, he's supposed to be in the teachers lounge so why today? I rolled my eyes heading for a food tray and paying for the both of us with my card. We sat at an empty table as the noise began once more.

People were stealing glances to know why we didn't sit or look at Justin or either talk to him but I wasn't in the mood for that now. I could feel his gaze burning into my soul but I brushed it off and in any moment now he was going to blow. I just knew it and guess what...

He did!

He slammed his hands on his table drawing back from his seat with a screeching sound, scaring a couple of his friends and stomping over to my side. I just concentrated on my food not giving him the satisfaction of knowing how he got to me.

Everyone was holding their breaths. They've never seen both of us blow on each other before. Well there's a first for everything and hell I'm not going to take that away from them. He stood right beside me towering over me but I didn't show him any signs of recognition which ticked him off more. Oh this really felt good. I should do this more often.

He suddenly grabbed my arm lifting it to show the fresh cut I hadn't even notice. I'm sure I got it from all my trashing I'm sure of it since I didn't feel a thing and it had been there since yesterday. I guess I was blinded by rage to actually notice I hurt myself. He had a look of deep concern. Did he seriously think I hurt myself because of him this time?

Well technically yes. Yes i did. I actually trashed my room at the thought of how he hurt me. I snatched my arm standing up as well as blinking away the tears. He cupped my cheek tenderly but I stepped back leaving his hand in mid air. He looked awful, guilt edged all over his features.

One thing I loved about him was that he didn't care at all what the world said about how we showed our affections. Hell I didn't care either. But when anyone asked we just said we were close and we were next thing to family. Of course people didn't believe us and I don't blame them because honestly the things we were doing to each other privately said the opposite.

"Maddy I'm sorry I didn't mean-... I was jus-" I could tell how hard it was for him to speak but I didn't care. He had no right to freely hurt me that way just to get back at me.

"Yh you didn't mean to Juju but you did." I pushed passed him making my way out of the cafeteria. I swear when I pushed passed him I wanted to stop and run to him, wrap myself around him, smash my lips onto his and he would kiss me back telling me that our promises to each other meant the world to him.

But I couldn't because I broke one of it today by putting on this short pair of jumper shorts that exposed my long smooth and milky legs. I didn't mean to but I wanted to get back at him for how he hurt me. For showing every other girl and that Trisha what was mine. So why not show a portion of what's his too.


"NO!" I turned and screamed at him. Why did he have to make me so weak. Why did we have to affect each other so much. He run a hand over his face in frustration. I knew he wanted to hold me just like how he did whenever we fought and I was being hard headed but with the vibe I was giving now I knew that it killed him that he couldn't. What were we doing to each other. Tears were rolling down my cheeks at this point and most of all my chest felt so heavy.

"I- I'm sorry"

"Sorry isn't going to change anything Juju. I hate you so much now." I'm pretty sure it hit him right in the heart because he shook his head convincing himself I was lying and trust me I was. I didn't wait for him to try convince me and stormed out of the cemetery of a cafeteria, away from all prying eyes and judging stares, quickly running out of the school. Screw lessons today I just wanted to be alone.


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