Chapter 21: The Battle of Yavin 4

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Hi! Here is the continuation, with the battle of Yavin 4. Hope you like it! Don't hesitate to vote ( if you like it) or to comment.

Kyria's point of view

We soon arrived at the rebel base, located in the fourth moon of Yavin 4. The temples and the rich forest could give a perfect hiding place for a base. However, I hoped that the Rebellion had not awakened any dark secrets. Yavin 4 had been Exar Kun's base, after all, leading to a bloody war and then some.

From what I could see of the base, this was not the case. Which made me feel better. I had decided to let Leia and Luke go their separate ways. The less I drew attention to myself, the better.

However, I could feel the Rebels' distrust of me. I couldn't blame them, being an unknown in the base.

Voice: Shmi!

I turned my gaze to see Luke coming towards me

Luke: We're getting ready to brief for the attack. Do you want to come? You might be useful, for the battle.

Me: I don't know if...

R6: How do you expect to protect him, if you stay here?

I sighed. My friend was right.

Me: I'm with you, Luke.


The briefing was anything but reassuring. But what could we expect from a weapon that is the pride of the Empire? Although their pride could work in our favor, thanks to this weakness of barely two meters in diameter. Nevertheless, it will be a difficult fight. And no matter who wins, there will be many deaths. For they were not droids in front of us, but human beings with their stories and their families. Even though they were enemies, I couldn't help but think of the soldiers I had to kill, so far. Sure, it was the cruelty of war, but that didn't take away from the fact. And it couldn't be the last, even if we emerged victorious from the approaching battle.

I continued my preparations, staring at my ring with a sad smile. I wished Anakin were here....He would have jumped right into the fight, giving us a victory out of nowhere. My sand warrior....

I took the japor extract around my neck, so that he could lend me his strength, in this confrontation that promised to be complicated and trying.

Me, whispering: Lend me your courage and your energy, my love.

I put the extract back, hiding it in my uniform

Leia: Are you leaving too?

I turned to my niece. She was staring at me with a senator's face, that is to say unreadable. However, the glint in her eye showed that she was worried. I was touched by this.

Me: I won't be useful here.

Leia: That's not wrong. It's just...I don't want to lose you. You mean a lot to us.

Me: Who do you speak for? You or the rebellion?

Leia: Both.

Me: Leia...It's my duty to be there.

Leia: It's strange. You look a lot like my aunt.

Me: Oh? I'm honored.

Leia: Shmi, I need to know. Are you my aunt?

I felt my blood run cold at that question. Should I tell her or not? was too dangerous for her. However, the Empire now knew that the Organa were related to a Jedi. There was no reason to hide it anymore.

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