Chapter 63: A strange countess

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Hi! Here is the continuation with a long chapter and starting the end of the episode 2 with Genosis. While the mythical trio faces an enemy that brings back bad memories, the three Jedis will have to face the Count to end the crisis. However, the Count will not be alone this time. Feel free to vote, if you liked it, and to comment.

Leia's point of view.

We agreed to look for evidence of Palpatine's involvement, to ensure his downfall, rather than trying to stop Dooku. Because the three of us knew that Dooku was just a puppet whose strings were being pulled by the future emperor.

So we took advantage of the absence of the trio of our parents and Padme, who had gone ahead, to go our way. We walked through a wide hallway, which was not very quiet.

Han: I have a bad feeling about this. Like a feeling...

Me: That we are being watched.

We remained vigilant, our senses on the alert, ready to intervene at the slightest movement. Luke and I were ready to draw our swords, while Han had his hand on the trusty blaster pistol, still in his belt.

Suddenly Han drew his weapon, turning behind us, but we saw no one.

Han: I knew it.

He raised his head and fired a shot. A cry of pain came, then a body fell, like an insect. Then many sounds of wings reached our ears.

Han: We'd better not hang around, if you ask me.

Me: I think so too, darling.

So we ran, chased by a horde of insects, whose wing sounds seemed awfully close. We jumped to avoid their shots, which strangely echoed the ground at our feet.

Me: What are those?

Han: Sonic pistols. I didn't think I would find any here.

I pulled out my pistol and went to support my husband, firing a series of rounds at the horde chasing us. We managed to hit two or three each, two of them on the wing, but it was woefully inadequate to repel them.

Suddenly Luke turned us to the right into a room before closing the door behind us. We could hear the slamming and shouting of our pursuers.

Luke: That was close.

Breathless Han: I couldn't have said it better, kid.

Me: Now we need to know where we are.

We looked around, to notice several consoles with their holographic screens turned off. We started to turn on, only to be met with a lock screen, requiring a password identification.

Han: Does anyone have an idea? I'm clearly not a hacking expert

Luke: I'm afraid none of us are.

Damn it! We could be gathering crucial information, to shorten this Palpatine-engineered war, and we couldn't access it! It was infuriating!

Suddenly, I spotted something that intrigued me. It looked like a holo-call receiver. Out of curiosity, I played the last message I received. Immediately, a hooded figure appeared. Despite his hidden face, it was clear who he was. This made me clench my hands in anger. Even Luke, usually so calm, could not help but stare at the future Emperor with a hostile look. Another voice was heard, sounding more courteous, like a nobleman.

Voice: The Separatist army is ready, Master.

Palpatine: Good. The Republic will soon be extinguished and a new order will be born. Please make sure you get the essentials and bring them back to Coruscant. It would be unfortunate if the Jedi could get their hands on it, Count Dooku.

Dooku: I will personally see to their transport, Master.

He grinned, across his face. Even in the past, he was still grim and creepy.

Palpatine: Then I will be waiting for you at the appointed place.

With that, the communication was cut off. It wasn't much, but if it would help the Council flush out Palpatine, before he had full power, it was always a good thing.

However, as I was taking the data, I sensed a threat and a blaster shot destroyed the terminal, the data. Afterwards, I trusted my instincts and stepped back to the side, avoiding another shot. In front of us was a helmeted man, looking like Boba Fett, but looking newer. Indeed, the gray armor looked shinier and better maintained, as did the T-shaped helmet with blue trim this time.

Man: Little snoopers aren't welcome here.

Me: Jango Fett?

I was guessing, for his resemblance to Boba and by the information passed on by Master Kenobi.

Jango: Clever. So you know, if you value your life, that reissue is the best thing for you.

Han: Sorry. But reissue is not in my vocabulary, tin can.

Han was quick, and fired first. But the bounty hunter dodged with a step to the side and fired back. Luke cut off the incoming shot with the Force, trapping it in a frozen bubble. This allowed Han to roll to take cover behind a console. As for me and Luke, we were about to pull out our lightsabers to face our opponent.

However, I felt a cable wrap around me, binding me, and then pulling me to the ground. As for Luke, he had to use the Force to protect himself from the jets coming from our opponent's flame thrower. Then Jango took off with her jet pack, dragging me to the ground until a well-placed shot delivered me.

So, I immediately got up and took advantage of the distraction of our enemy, who was facing Han, to lift him up with the Force, performing a chokehold.

Although surprised and holding his throat, he pulled a cable from his left armband, grabbing my right shoulder, before feeling electricity. I could barely hear my name before the intensity knocked me unconscious.

Luke's point of view

Drawing my lightsaber, I cut the power cord with my emerald green blade as I heard Han's shot hit the hunter's helmeted head but failed to pierce it. Then I had to dodge a step to the side to be in position to parry his salvo, while he fired another one at Han, still under cover. He dodged my attack with his jetpack, and I had to return to a defensive posture to counter the volley of fire.

Han: Don't just stand there, Luke!

And he fired again, narrowly missing the bounty hunter. The bounty hunter fired back at him, giving me the distraction I needed to carry Leia, saber off. Taking advantage of my brother-in-law's diversion, I went to the door. I activated it, before dropping Leia on the other side. Then I pushed the bounty hunter with the Force, enough to destabilize him and give Han an opening.

The experienced man soon regained control and fired another round, which I stopped with the Force, along with the gunman for a few seconds. That was enough time for Han to slip out the door. Then I stopped the control and parried the deadly shots with my saber, before my best friend closed the door behind him and smashed the controls with a blaster shot.

Me: I don't know who is worse. The son or the father?

Han: I'd rather not have either of them around, if you must know.

Me: Either way, we need to find the ship. Will you be able to transport Leia?

Han: Of course. And you'll have to go through me if you want to get to her.

I smiled, seeing that Han's love had not changed, despite the years. And so we set off again.

Rey's point of view

Accompanying my master, we went to the planet Genosis, hoping to stop Count Dooku and prevent a galactic war. Concealed in our hoods, we hid in the shadows, waiting for the right moment. I could see Anakin's confrontation with his master and Senator Amidala, against their tormentors. They made it through, killing a Nexus in the process thanks to a Reek Anakin had tamed, with Padme and Obi-Wan behind him.

Unfortunately, they were soon surrounded by droidekas, leaving them no escape. If we didn't react now, they would be killed. I controlled my desire to draw my sword and go to their aid.

Fortunately, I didn't have to wait long, as a purple light appeared around the neck of Jango Fett, the bounty hunter. That was the signal, and soon the mobilized Jedis emerged from the shadows, firing their sabers. A series of green and blue blades appeared all around the arena. Only my yellow blades stood out.

Focusing on the stage, I could see a strange figure standing behind Kyria, seemingly silent. Tall, she easily dominated the whole assembly around her. Her face hidden by her dark hood, I could not see her face clearly. In any case, I couldn't sense her, but that didn't mean she couldn't master the Force. After all, Mother taught me how to hide my connection to the Force. So this one could very well be a user, although I couldn't say for sure.

Then Master Windu had to pull back with a Force jump, going into the arena and throwing off his flaming robe, all the while parrying the incoming fire with one hand.

So, we soon joined the group of Jedi, ready to face the approaching wave of Droids. I pierced a Droid with one blade and parried a shot with my second, before crushing several with the Force.

Suddenly, a purple blade parried a fatal shot at my chest, knocking a droid's head off. With a quick glance, I noticed Kyria watching me with a smile, before stepping into guard. The young woman leapt into the fray, drawing a dead comrade's weapon with the Force, placing it in her left hand. A blue blade sliced a droid in half, before piercing one with its violet. Rotating my blades, I parried the steady stream of fire, destroying some droids while providing welcome cover for my comrades, who took advantage of the protection to relieve the pressure for a few moments.

At the end of my rotation, I sent out a wave of Force fire, sweeping away the robots in front of me. However, I had to go back on the defensive as the droids kept coming back. I had to back off, following our shrinking group.

Suddenly, the droids stopped firing. I could see that we were outnumbered in a tight circle in the middle of the arena compared to the metal enemies surrounding us, leaving us no escape

Dooku: Master fought valiantly! Your resilience is worthy of being recorded in the annals of the Order!

Kyria: I can't stand his hypocrisy....

Padme: I knew you'd like it.

Anakin: You never were one to beat around the bush, Kyria.

Kyria: I'm fine! You're no better!

I couldn't help but smile as I watched their interactions. It lightened the heavy, even gloomy atmosphere. Plus, seeing that Kyria had similarities to Mother gave me more energy for this desperate fight.

Dooku: But's over.

Meanwhile, Master Plu-Koon and Ki-Adi-Mundi joined our group. It really looked like a firing squad...

Dooku: Surrender! And I swear to you that your lives will be spared

Windu: We will not allow ourselves to be taken hostage, to be bartered away!

Dooku: Then my friend...believe me I am sorry.

Kyria: As if he were...

No sooner had he said these words, than the droids raised their weapons, threatening us again. Instantly, I took a defensive posture, ready to parry the coming deadly flow. Suddenly, they shut down, as if they were running out of energy.

Padme: Look!

I followed her gaze, to see ships coming. Some appeared to be small cruisers, while others were transport ships. The latter swept away the inactive droids with ease, delivering great firepower.

Afterwards, some ships landed, allowing us to board and leave the arena. I boarded the one with my Jedi friend.

As soon as I boarded the ship, I felt a disturbance coming from Kyria. Indeed, she seemed to be elsewhere, as if distraught. What was the problem?

What was the problem?

I was in the hangar, tinkering to prepare the Count's ship for its departure to Coruscant. Just the thought of that bastard Sidious was enough to fill my heart with rage and anger. However, I knew this was not the time. Patience....The time will eventually come and then...I can stick my blade into that scum.

In the meantime, I was going to play along with him, posing as one of his supporters in the Separatist front while he destroyed the Republic thoroughly. And the Jedi Order with it. Such obsolete and arrogant masters...

Voice: Is the ship ready?

This brought me back to reality and closed the hatch, having completed the maintenance;

Me: Just a few more moments, Count. The ship is almost stocked for its journey. This is not done, in the blink of an eye. Unless you want your ship to break down or explode? I'm not sure your master would appreciate the inconvenience.

With my vocalizer, it allowed me to hide my voice and I made sure to wear a mask. The last thing I needed was to attract unwanted attention. He was about to retort when a voice was heard.

Voice: Dooku!

The Count turned and three Jedi faced him. Anakin Skywaker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Rey.

Me with humor: You could have told me we had company. I would have prepared the necessary, for a welcome worthy of their status.

Dooku sneers: That won't be necessary, Countess. A gallant man, knows how to welcome visitors. Even the stickiest.

I could feel the anger spike in Skywalker. Kenobi seemed to be in control, even as Rey. Even though I could feel the fire of anger ready to explode, inside her, betraying the blood flowing inside her.

Anakin: You will pay, Dooku, for all the Jedi who died today...

Hearing that tone brought back memories... From a time long ago, in my eyes.

Kenobi: Two of us will fight him.

Anakin: No, I'll take care of it myself!

As soon as he said this, he began to charge towards the Count. The Count had no trouble getting away from him, thanks to the Force lightning. I winced, through my hood. It reminded me of a painful episode, one that still left scars on me despite the years.

Kenobi: Wait, Anakin! No! No!!!

The renegade Jedi had no trouble getting out of the way, thanks to the Force lightning. I winced, through my hood. It reminded me of a painful episode that still left scars on my body despite the years. He threw it, along with the lightning, at the wall. The intensity was so strong that he made him lose consciousness. I had never liked lightning and I preferred not to use it. Unless it was extremely necessary.

Kenobi put his blade on guard, ready to challenge the Count, and Rey was on his left, ready to take him on the side.

Dooku sneered: And you expect to stop me with just you and a padawan? Come on Master Kenobi, face it. You are no match for me.

With that, he fired another burst of lightning, which the Jedi master easily parried with his blade.

Kenobi: I wouldn't be so sure.

Me: Leave Kenobi to me, Dooku.

Dooku: Oh? And for what reason?

Me: A heavy score to settle, with him.

I wasn't worried about Rey. She was strong enough to hold her own against the Count for as long as it took for P...Skywalker to come to.

Dooku: Very well. But try not to disappoint me.

I stared into his eyes, letting the darkness of my hatred for the Jedi, especially for Kenobi, speak for me.

Me: It's you, of all people, who should take care, old man. After all, you are no longer in your prime.

Dooku: We'll see if your level of skill rivals your arrogance and lack of politeness.

Me: Sorry, Grandpa.

I could feel his anger but I didn't care. If I wanted to, I could crush him. But that would make Sidious suspicious, and that was the last thing I wanted.

Kenobi: May I ask who you are?

Me, drawing my weapon: Someone who wishes to avenge those you have harmed, Master Kenobi.

I made sure to express all my hatred and contempt, emphasizing his honorific title.

Kenobi: Thank you, but that doesn't help me much.

Me: You don't need to know any better, Jedi.

With that, I turned on the light and two white blades appeared, allowing the dark side to take over me while giving me some control. I would not make the same mistake as my father.

Rey's point of view

I faced Count Dooku, keeping my focus and control over my emotions. But I could feel my rage welling up, seeing the man who betrayed his people, without remorse and responsible for the end of many lives. And many more, if he wasn't stopped.

Dooku pulling out his blade: You are interesting, young lady. So much anger, rage, ready to explode. What a shame you can't tap into it.

Me: I don't need your advice, Count.

Dooku: What a pity! Such power, wasted on obsolete teachings. You will understand very soon, the power of the dark side versus the weakness of the light of the Jedis.

Me: You talk a lot, old man.

His smile faded, and I could feel the anger begin to grow in him.

Dooku: I think I'll teach you some respect first, young lady.

I got into my guard position, ready for my first real confrontation with a Force and lightsaber trained opponent.

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