New Beginnings.

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The sound of the 2:30am alarm blasting through the farmhouse that belonged to Denise Gaines. Denise woke up, she turned off the alarm and went back to sleep as there was no longer any animals to get up and see to. The animals were sent to sanctuaries after the family lawyers settled the estates affairs. Denise wakes up again around 5:30, she gets up, she puts some logs in the stove, she puts on a pot of coffee. While the coffee brewed in the pot, Denise hopped in the shower before the water cooled, then rushed down to the kitchen in a towel wrapped up in a robe. The coffee was ready and soon she was wide awake. Denise had plans for that day, she had to do some more research on building a marijuana farm in a country that deems the herb illegal, weeks before she ordered everything she needed with the cash she had left, the last thing she needed to do was hire people, whom won't know from the interview they won't be paid until she sells her first successful grow. Denise had a list of potential employees coming from 11am to 3pm, she had something that will help her be successful in this business, she had a law degree and was a partner in a firm until she was disbarred because she had some corrupt dealings.

The first of the potential employees came very punctual at 8:58, she kept him waiting for that extra two minutes as she knew him from when she was a lawyer, he was always late for appointments. In walks Angus Andrews, a street thug, with many criminal connections but he was unreliable and they discarded him and he was finding it hard getting work and terms of his probation was to get a job or return to prison. Angus of course will be the one offered the job, but she has to show that she's a legitimate business owner, she interviews the final six people, the last a woman, who was an escort, a woman named Loretta Higgins, she knew she could hire her given her contacts in the drug world. That wasn't the only reason she was hiring her, she has wanted her in her bed since she was a client, Loretta is a beautiful woman, she could've been a model, her Latin American looks actually made Loretta a fortune as an escort until the judge stripped her of her assets because she wouldn't give the names of her most influential clients, she became destitute. The irony of his ruling, was the fact he used escorts regularly. These were the two people that got the job, but Denise didn't let them know until the next day, as Denise wanted a further meeting with them to discuss terms and exchange of their contacts.

Loretta came first, since her contacts were the ones Denise needed, most importantly. Loretta wasn't stupid as she knew Denise was disbarred for corruption.

Loretta knew what she wanted so she had a counter offer for Denise, she says, "Denise, I obviously don't look like I belong on a farm, I have an idea of what you're planning for this property, you're certainly not made for milking cows. If you want my contacts, I want to be a partner of this business. Do you agree?"

Denise wasn't surprised by this as she knew Loretta well, she replies "that's exactly what I expected, if you come up with the goods, you'll get your partnership and one other thing Loretta, you'll need to move onto the property as I'm hiring Angus, you remember him? The guy who brought you to Jason Lofthouse's party? I need you to keep an eye on him, I know you have a degree in IT, I know you can hack, remember you've told me your life story, if you want a partnership, you need to work for it."

Loretta laughs, "well that was easy, I was expecting more of a debate, I've seen how you've tore prosecutors apart in court."

Denise says, "it won't be an easy job, which is why you'll be instrumental in this job."

Loretta then asks, "ok, when do I move in?" Denise takes her to a room where she stored all her computer components, she stands guard as Loretta sets up the computer room. Loretta has the whole system set up in under thirty minutes.

Loretta then says, "right, have you prepared an area where the illegalities won't be seen by neighbours or passers by?"

Denise says, "yes, the unit is set up already, I set it up myself. Angus will be in charge of looking after the plants, it's also hidden under a canopy of trees. It won't be spotted by anybody unless they're looking for it."

Denise and Loretta sit down and chat over coffee about where she'll sleep and hacking all of the devices including Denise's. Denise tells Loretta she can have the room next to hers, it used to belong to her parents, but it's been stripped of all their choice of decor. It's a beautiful room, it's much better than where she's living at now. Denise tells Loretta that they need Angus living on the farm too, the thing is he doesn't know what type of farming he'll be doing until he comes and sees her again.

Loretta laughs, "he's a scoundrel but he's not dumb, Denise. He will know. I hope you don't include him in the partnership and if you do, it needs to be a smaller share as he's not bothered about making millions like us."

Denise replies, "I know, I know him well. Angus is humble and he usually settles for his lot. You know I've no money to pay either of you for right now, the most I can do is food and board, but don't tell Angus this. I know he'll guess that, but let him guess in his own time."

Loretta agrees, she tells Denise to make him aware that his contacts are needed before he signs on any dotted line. Denise tells her that she knows all his contacts from when she was his lawyer, but he has contacts that can help with distribution that she doesn't know. Angus arrives at the farm, Denise takes him inside and asks him what does she think she called him back for?

Angus replies, "Denise, I'm not dumb. I know you want to build a marijuana farm, I know you need a distribution network and you need my contacts. Without them your business won't take off."

Denise laughs, "you're not just a pretty face, old Gussy boy, but you're correct. I'll cut you into the business for those contacts. I have a contract drawn up, if you pass me those contacts, we can get to work immediately, the quicker we get started, the quicker the pennies roll in? How about it?"

Angus thinks for a moment then requests to see the contract. Angus reads over the contract and agrees, he gives Denise his list of distributors at the same time. Denise leads him to his room, he won't have a permanent address there as he's on probation and he can't change his address just yet, he can only give the address as a place of work. Denise had the house placed in her cousin's name, it means that her name won't be tied to the address as Angus' probation officer will check the address. Denise more or less has her bases covered.

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