The Big Day.

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The wedding day was slowly edging towards the couple, their friends and family all began arriving. It was a busy few days, leaving their sun loungers, their room to greet them all. The couple had one final thing to do, they had finally collected their dress and suit, they just had to write their own vows. The couple organised a huge meal for friends and family to mingle and get to know one another.

To the couples surprise, their families and friends really got on, in fact one or two people from each side started disappearing into each other's rooms. The next day Denise and Loretta stepped out for breakfast, they watched as their friends and family leaving rooms that they weren't assigned to. The couple giggled surmising what may have happened the night before.

Denise quipped, "at least we all know they like each other."

Soon after all of them were at breakfast, they watched certain people exchanging glances at each other, Denise and Loretta smiled knowing that must've had a wonderful night at least they had worked off their meals and alcohol. The entourage had finished breakfast, Denise told them to go off and enjoy the day, they had one final thing to do.

The couple had booked adjoining rooms, Denise went to one, she began on her vows and speech, Loretta went to the other, she began on hers. The couple had their heads bowed down in paper for well over an hour, trying to find the right words.

Later that evening after dinner, the couple went their separate ways. They retire to their adjoined suite, they had someone come and massage them. The masseuse drew them each a bath for when they had finished, they were given some relaxing music, they soaked in the bath, they knew the one they loved the most was lying in a tub naked, they ached to get out and touch each other.

Loretta and Denise finished, they dried themselves off, they got into bed and they both slept apart for the first time in a few years. The couple needed to be up before sunrise as their wedding is the first on the list that day, their make up and hair stylists arrived. They preordered their breakfasts, they had a light breakfast of eggs, peach melba toast and asparagus, they had a huge bottle of mimosa.

The couple were shaking getting dressed, once dressed they had to make their way down to the huge ballroom, where their families and friends would be gathering in mere moments. The wedding officiant finally arrived, she was talking to the couple about the vows and if they wanted to have the official version or had they wrote their own?

The couple advised her that they wrote their own. The couple had to leave the ballroom and await on the person that was to walk them down the aisle. Loretta's stepfather was sick, he couldn't make it, they brought her brother. Denise's uncle Brendan came to walk Denise down the aisle, he was her fathers brother. Soon the music began to play, soon the couple one at a time began walking down the aisle.

They were at the altar the officiant doing her job. The wedding officiant looks to Denise, she began saying her vows, somehow she remembered every word, Loretta brought her written vows with her. The guests stood up and clapped, there was some tears as the words they exchanged were so beautiful, many had to repeatedly change handkerchiefs. The ceremony was beautiful.

The ceremony finished, the couple and their guests head to a huge area for their meal, every single guest catered for, no one left out. It wasn't long before the meals were over, they were having their first dance as a married couple. The couple ended the evening throwing their bouquets, that were caught by two of the single guests. Denise told them that can enjoy their holiday here, as they have two weeks in Jamaica for their honeymoon.

Denise and Loretta head back to their room, Denise says to Loretta, "today when I seen you stood there, the sun glistening on your beautiful hair, the shine coming off your skin, the smile that would end a war. I never say this enough, but I love you and I appreciate you. I promise to honour every word I said today. You were beautiful. Thank you for being you."

Loretta replies, "you know what, that's the second most sensitive thing you've ever said to me. I know how hard it was for you to let me in. When you finally did let me in, I knew from that moment, the only one person that I'd ever want to spend the rest of my life with was you. We have done awful things together baby, but today our future really begins."

Denise smiled, she says, "Mrs Gaines, it's time you and I consummate this fine day." Denise leads Loretta to their bed, where for the first time in the years they had been together, they made love over and over gently. It was probably the first time in quite a while that they had been so relaxed. They didn't have to worry about the police catching them. They have a legit business to go home to.

Once they had finished consummating their marriage, they sneaked out to watch who was sneaking out of rooms. It seems that some of Denise's family were real hypocrites. Denise's aunt, who hated the fact she was gay was seen sneaking out of Denise's long time friend Rhondda's room. Denise and Loretta giggling like children. The following morning they were picked up from the hotel and they were driven to the airport for their long awaited honeymoon in Jamaica.

The couple had a full itinerary for those two weeks, they planned on snorkelling with sharks and they were to meet some of Loretta's cousins, Loretta's dad was born in Jamaica. Loretta warned Denise that she needs to introduce her as a friend, her grandparents are still alive, they are extremely homophobic and if they tell them, her grandparents would make their honeymoon hell by telling the villagers. Denise suggests not meeting them, but Loretta tells her, that her mother wants her to see them to make sure they're alright.

Loretta and Denise settle on meeting the rest of Loretta's family until, the last few days of their honeymoon as they have a full itinerary. The first evening of their arrival, they book into their hotel, it was almost sunset. Denise who doesn't usually fancy such romantic gestures, but she surprised Loretta by having the hotel staff to have a light meal on the beach to watch the sunset.

The couple have a sun lounger that looks like a four poster bed. The sun finally set, the beach was clearing, they untied the drapes and made love on it, they both fell asleep quickly after. Denise wakes first, looking at the clear sky and stars glistening above them, she wakes Loretta telling her to look up, they lie there for a few moments and Denise takes her hand and leads her to their room.

The couple slip into the beautiful bed, a staff member was paid to come in, in the night and clean their feet while they slept. Denise wakes up first, she sits on the balcony smoking, she looks across to their bed, a ray of sunshine drenches Loretta and Denise has tears in her eyes, she thinks to herself, "why haven't I noticed before, she is the best thing that came into my life. I love her more than myself. I couldn't be more happy right now."

Loretta begins to stir, she looks across and smiles, she says, "good morning my beautiful wife."

As if she read Denise's thoughts she says, "I don't know how lucky I am either, you're the best thing to ever have happened to me."

Denise takes a sip of her coffee, she then brings the tray of coffee and cups, she pours one for Loretta, then Loretta tells her to order a room service breakfast as I want you for an hour before we go swimming with the sharks. Denise and Loretta made love in the intense morning heat, both dripping in sweat and the liquids that flow from their love making. Denise tells Loretta to join her in the shower as they must be at the dock to board the boat taking them out to swim with the sharks.

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