Stress And A Baby.

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The day after Loretta got all the information needed, she makes her excuses and takes her leave from the meeting place she had with the doctor.

Denise had some intuition to call Loretta just as she had parted with the man, she asks, "are you on your way home yet? Once you do, you take a shower and wash away the scent and touch of him before you touch me."

This irked Loretta, it was she that lowered herself to sleep with someone for information, while Denise slept soundly in her bed. Loretta was furious, she told Denise that she'll be home soon, she said it in a tone that Denise hadn't heard before. Denise was worried about that call, she even thought that Loretta might not come home to punish her? Loretta did come home, but she came home angry, she walks towards Denise, she takes her hand and slides it down her underwear, she still had the man's semen in her vagina from hours before.

Denise tried to pull her hand out but Loretta held it there, she says, "feel that, that slimy feeling. Well that's how I feel, slimy and disgusting. You sold me to that man, so don't ever demand that I shower after all that we've done. Do you remember the killing zone? Do you remember sliding up and down on a table covered in the blood of many people? If you do, don't forget it."

Denise finally released her hand, she went to the bathroom and washed it.

Denise suddenly began to cry, she walks out and grabs Loretta and says, "I'm sorry, I panicked last night, I'm worried about the future. I'm worried about our future."

Loretta was sat on the couch, her feet resting on their pouffe drinking a large brandy. Denise sits next to her, she leans forward picks up a glass and pours one for herself. Denise looks at Loretta and she asks all the doctor told again. Loretta tells her from start to finish what the doctors believe about Gus.

Denise calms down somewhat, she begins to think more logically. Denise knows that if a doctor and his colleagues believe the same thing a person is incapable of telling fact from fiction, that his takes upon admission won't ever stand up in a court. Denise decides to wait until Victor sees him, once the medication they give him begins to kick in, he'll start to think logically himself. The worrying weeks pass quickly, Victor is finally allowed to see Gus.

Gus is delighted to see him, he's calmer and he's finally speaking coherently. Victor debated the whole way there about whether to tell him that he informed Denise, but after seeing him, he knew he should tell him.

Victor sits down, he says, "love, I've told Denise and Loretta where you are, they're worried about you. They want to come and visit? Is that ok love?"

Gus takes Victor by the hand and says, "of course they can visit, I'm sure they're worried sick about themselves too. They've diagnosed me with schizophrenia and a personality disorder. The pills are strong, but they're working, but when I get out of here, you and I are going to Brazil to see the shaman, I don't want to be on these pills my whole life, I know he can help me."

Victor knew deep down that this was just an excuse as he has heard Gus saying he's wanted to leave England for quite sometime. The visiting hour was coming to a close and Gus tells Victor to tell Denise to come and see him as soon as she can. Victor kisses him and tells him that he will pass on the message.

As Victor stepped outside the hospital, he calls Denise immediately, he tells her that Gus wants to see her as soon as she can. Denise books to see him alone, she can't be seen with Loretta in the hospital as the doctor she got the information from works there. Denise drives to the hospital, her head still spinning, she enters the hospital and sees all the wretched souls wandering the corridors, yelling and not making sense, she sees Gus in the visiting area, he's sitting there looking withdrawn, he doesn't look like the same man.

Denise opens the door, Gus stands like the gentleman he's always been. Denise sits by him, she takes his hand and she says, "I'm so sorry sweet, I should've looked after you better. I knew some of our work was getting to you, but I was too selfish to think of you. I know you haven't put any of us in danger, but once you leave here, you and Victor go far, far away from here, away from all of it."

Gus reaches his arms out and hugs Denise and tells her that he's sorry, but she reassured him that all is ok. Denise wasn't lying, she seen the pain in his eyes, she wants Victor and him to go and live normal happy lives together. The pair sit and chat until the staff come and tell them that visiting was over.

Denise stands up, she hugs Gus and the two part ways, this would be the last time she would see or hear from him again. Denise goes home and she feels at ease for the first time in weeks. Loretta called Denise on the way home as she has discovered something, something they can't discuss over the phone. Denise again began getting paranoid, but she knew from Loretta's tone it wasn't something that would be a danger to them.

Denise drove home from the hospital at high speed, she ran into the house screaming out to Loretta, who was upstairs in the bath, she had tears streaming down her face, she was sitting in a lukewarm, almost freezing bath, with a pregnancy test stick sat on the toilet seat.

Denise didn't notice it, she asks, "baby, what is the matter? This bath is freezing, let's get you out of here."

Denise gets the warmed towel, she wraps Loretta in it, she was about to place her on the toilet seat, then she noticed the test. It was a positive test.

Denise looks at Loretta and says, "is this from the night with the doctor?"

Loretta looks at her and she began crying uncontrollably.

Loretta finally was able to utter, "yes, yes it is. I did use the morning after pill, but it obviously didn't work."

Denise holds her tight and says, "baby, why the tears? This could and will be the best thing of our lives, don't you think?"

Loretta could finally stop the tears from flowing, then says, "am I not too old to have this baby?"

Denise replies, "nonsense, you're only forty one, we can have all the necessary tests to make sure he or she will be ok?"

Denise grabbed a warmed towel gown and led her to their bedroom, where the fire was burning fiercely, she sat her down, they cuddled into each other, then they began dating how far along Loretta was. The dating made her almost three months gone, they booked Loretta into their private doctor the very next day. The doctor ordered a series of tests, given Loretta's age, to make sure the baby was healthy and it didn't have age related problems.

The couple knew the next few months would be stressful and they didn't do much in those few weeks as Loretta's pregnancy was all they could focus on. The couple finally had the test results back, there was nothing in them that would show the baby was unhealthy due to Loretta's age. The couple were elated, as Loretta's tummy grew, they began telling people that they had IVF.

The couple were starting to become excited about the new arrival on the way. They arranged for some professionals to manage all their affairs while Denise looked after Loretta. The couple soon learned that Gus was released from the hospital, he and Victor left for South America. Denise had tried to call him many times, but he had changed his number as had Victor. The couple never heard a thing about them again.

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