An Omen.

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The first morning in Jamaica was beautiful, the night before bore on their minds. Loretta kept thinking about the stars above when she awoke, she turns to Denise and asks her to lie with her again each night to watch the stars if it's a clear night?

Denise looks at her and smiles, "you just read my mind again."

The couple and their shipmates reached the area where a lot of sharks feed. The boat had a cage, but Denise had swam with sharks before, she asked just for oxygen tanks but no flipper's.

Loretta asked, "why no cage or flippers?" Denise says, "well if we wear flippers, the sharks will think we're breakfast. What's the point of swimming with those beauties in a cage? We will be fine, don't worry. I've done this before."

The men were worried that they didn't want to use the cage, but one crew member tells his friends that Denise is right, that the cage only provokes them, the flippers is what mistakes humans for other sea life. Denise asked the man to put just a little bit of blood in the water, to pour litres of chopped up fish into the water will whip the sharks up into a frenzy. The man dropped a few drops of blood into the water. Soon two large great whites approached the couple.

Denise and Loretta had been in the water for around thirty minutes, the sharks weren't aggressive at all, they swam by investigating the couple, Denise stroked his nose, he nuzzled her a little bit. Loretta spotted a female juvenile swimming towards her, she knows how aggressive juveniles could be. Denise spotted her nervousness and stayed beside her, the shark swam close, she wasn't aggressive in the slightest. The shark nuzzled into Loretta and Loretta stroked her, the shark and the male she was following both swam away.

The men urged the couple out of the water as a storm was coming and they needed to head back to shore. Denise took lots of photos and hoped that when they were developed, they would look amazing. They were back in time for lunch, the staff prepared a feast for the couple. They didn't want to do much after lunch except sit on the bed lounger. Denise had booked for them to visit the area where Bob Marley lived the next day.

The hotel staff told the couple that bad weather is on the way, it could be hurricane forced. Denise doesn't sense this, but on the boat on the way back, the boat rocked as the rain fell hard from the sky. The current weather was warm, but she knew it was out at sea at the moment. The staff reassured the couple the hotel is one of the most solid hotels at the beach front, their hotel has survived a couple of hurricanes, the most damage they've had was to the roof.

Loretta tells Denise that they should soak up the rest of the sun and retire to their room for the rest of the day, then wait and see how bad the weather really gets. Loretta had a look online to see the weather for that night and the following few days, the weather has predicted a hurricane heading their way. This fact didn't bother the couple, they just carried on as if nothing was about to happen. The hotel staff were amazing, they rushed around boarding up windows and doors, the main door was heavy and reinforced due to the constant hurricanes. Denise and Loretta had a lot of their meals in their room, then it finally hit.

The hurricane was a high force, the roof came off, the heavy rain seeping into our suite. The staff escorted guests to a secure room, where we gathered together until it passed. Denise and I were in that room, we heard the rain and wind swirling outside the hotel.

Loretta looks to Denise, then says, "my poor grandparents, they live in a flimsy home, I do hope they're ok?"

Denise called over a staff member, she tells her of my worries and the staff member replied, "don't worry, we islanders are used to this, I'm sure they'll be in a safe place? We would try calling if it pleases you? But, I'm afraid with the severity of this storm all of the islands telephone services will be down? As you can see we are without electricity."

Loretta tells the lady that they'll wait until they see the damage tomorrow and they'll make their way there on foot. The newlyweds huddled under blankets in a secure room, the staff constantly lighting new candles. The night was a long one, but they were dry, their belongings in their room not so much, their clothes drenched, the room destroyed, the entire upper floor was gone. It wasn't safe to retrieve their suitcases and clothes, but luckily their bedroom safe was strewn onto the corridor, they opened it and took out their money and passports, leaving the clothes and other items in the destruction that lay before them.

The hotel had surveyors out the next inspecting the damage, the other hotels faired much worse, they were flattened by the gusts that hit on them like a bomb. The couples guide advised them they should start thinking about leaving the island. Loretta of course was worried about her family, especially her grandparents. Denise decided to go and see them that day and try find a way off the island in the next few days. The couples guide advised them of no deaths, at least none have been recorded. Loretta and Denise take their money and personal belongings, things that they could carry. They only had the clothes they were stood in, but they were alive.

Denise finally made some preparations to get off the island. The couple trekked the six or so miles to find Loretta's grandparents, they had moved to higher ground, to a brick house with a secure room. When the couple finally found them, they were fine, they were among cousins and aunts. As soon as the family recognised Loretta, they were delighted to see her, they all joked how she came during hurricane season, but thankfully this was merely a tropical storm, it caused lots of damage, but not as severe as some hurricanes have caused in the past. Loretta was thankful that they were safe and in good spirits.

Loretta's grandma asked if she's still staying? Loretta tells her sadly that Denise has booked them travel home. Loretta's grandma was upset that she was leaving so soon, but she understood, Loretta hadn't experienced this before. Loretta told her grandparents that they were welcome to come and visit them in England, that not to worry about how much it would cost them as she would pay for them, again her grandparents were humble, they tell her that they'll pay for themselves.

Loretta says, "very well nana, I will look forward to seeing you both soon."

Loretta's grandma Jeanie asks, "Loretta dear, this woman you have with you, who might she be? You've been rather rude and not introduced us to her."

Loretta laughs, "oh nana, forgive me. This is my friend Denise, we live and work together."

Loretta introduces Denise to them and they take her hand and say hello, they say, "what a time you come and visit the island. I'm sorry you both are leaving. We will see you both in England soon. I hope you have a safe trip home."

Loretta thanks her as does Denise. The couple were about to leave as there was a ship leaving Jamaica to Cuba, they would catch a flight from there back to England.

Loretta's grandma calls her to her and she whispers in her ear, "I might be old and I'm stuck in my ways as is your grandfather. I know she's more than a friend, I know you. I spotted the wedding rings, but I've evolved since we last seen each other. I don't care if she's your lover, I too had a special friend, long before I met your grandfather, it is he that holds a grudge as I called out her name in the throes of passion one night. The old man has been bitter since. He has however changed a little, he knows that some of your cousins have same sex partners, he's kind of mellowed in his old age."

Loretta smiles, she kisses her grandma on the cheek and hugs her grandfather. Denise asked Loretta what her grandma whispered and Loretta told her she would tell her on the journey to the ship. The newlyweds had three days in Jamaica, two wonderful and the third was like an omen.

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