Dennis' Last Outing.

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The business was growing, it was growing faster than they had imagined. The cocaine shipments started to pay off, the profits soon overtook the profits of the weed, the new houses they renovated were sold, Denise put those in her and Loretta's family member names, they would be their retirement fund if anything goes wrong. The salons were now staffed, Gus brought cash weekly to be laundered through each of them. Maxwell was beginning to try and flaunt his new found wealth, but Denise told him that if he wants to have expensive things, go and do it abroad.

Maxwell bought a few properties for reasonable prices in the Costa Del Sol, he bought some new things for his wardrobe and a decent car, but just below what would attract attention. While abroad Maxwell bought a shop as well, it'll help him clean his money while he's out of the country. Denise warned him not to step on toes in the Costas as there's gangs there, much worse than the English.

Gus seemed a little off of late, he did have a new protege, since Ibrahim had been busy dropping off produce and been away to Iraq for a family wedding. Ibrahim gave Gus lots of ideas to help grow the weed a tad faster, the new guy Mick did pick up the growing of the plants like a duck to water. Denise noticed and told him to take some time off, Gus explained he will once he's confident this kid gets the hang of it, he'll wait until he samples the first grow from Mick.

Gus then queried with Denise, "how do you just get on with it? Knowing what we've done?"

Denise didn't hold back and said, "well I'll be honest buddy, Loretta and I watch the videos as porn. Well gore type porn. There's something you don't know, that last time, Loretta and I made love on the blood soaked table after dismembering a corpse. It was the sexiest thing ever. I'm sure that'll play on your mind now, but listen Gus, as soon as he is growing weed the same way you do, you need to take a sabbatical. I do know you work to keep your mind focused and you don't lose it."

Gus was shocked, he didn't think Denise would dream of getting her kicks from making love in a place where someone was murdered.

Gus didn't let the shock show on his face, he just says, "each to his own."

Gus told her he will book into a resort in the Alps as he hates the heat and loves the snow, something that the English rarely get in winter.

A month later and Mick's grow was identical to Gus', Denise was excited. Loretta gave Gus several thousand pounds extra, she seen the shock on his face, it's evident he's struggling from what he's done and witnessed. Loretta told him to not return until his head is straight. Gus hugged the ladies, he had a bag packed for about a week, he drove straight from the farm to the airport.

Gus asked Loretta about escort agencies in Austria, is there any where the women actually want to be there?

Loretta replies, "well in all honesty, Gus, no woman wants to be there, but there are a few that are respectable and the girls like their jobs there."

Loretta gives him a list of agencies that she knew women whom had worked in them before they came to England. Denise hugs Gus and tells him to enjoy himself and they'll see him when he decides to return.

Ibrahim had returned, he looked tanned and rested, his nose was a little put out of joint because of Mick. Denise reassured him that he will always be Mick's boss since Gus has gone away.

Ibrahim smirks, "I knew you ladies wouldn't let me down, does this mean I get a raise?"

Denise says, "of course you do, you have Gus' position for a while, we don't know when he'll be back, but at least your family will have extra money?"

Ibrahim tells Denise that his mother and father have bought a huge property and some land, they're goat farmers and they even bought quite a few new goats, even some equipment and a new car. Ibrahim had a question for Denise though, his parents want him to take a degree in law, would that be possible with how busy his work schedule is?

Denise tells him "of course, I had three jobs to pay for my social calendar at university. You'll have many hours a week to fit in a course. Have you got the entry qualifications?"

Ibrahim tells her that before he took her job, he passed his entry exam. Denise tells him that she will help him with his studies when they have free time. Denise tells him it's a wise choice, should anything go wrong, you'll have a career to fall back on. Denise gives him a list of information about local universities and their fees. Ibrahim knew he would be able to afford the degree now.

Denise tells Ibrahim to remain on the farm, he needs to keep an eye on Mick packing this new batch and make sure he's storing it correctly. Ibrahim finally feels he has been promoted, he has a feeling Gus won't return for a long time as he has an idea why he took the time off. Mick clocked off once the last package was loaded onto the truck, he was given his itinerary and his coordinates for his first drop off.

Ibrahim followed his tracker until he made his drop. Mick was acting like Jack the lad, but he was mimicking Gus, the lads unloading the cargo were pissed off with his attitude. Ibrahim called Denise, who told Ibrahim that he was now his charge, he must deal with him tomorrow when he comes back, Mick had another yield to pack and deliver, Gus had extended the farm to double its size, the yield was around four tonnes per grow, estimating seven to eight million a tonne.

McNulty wanted to meet with Dennis again, he wanted to expand through out the country, some bosses had fled due to being caught with their pants down. Denise plans on meeting Tom as Dennis one last time. Mick finally arrived back, he had the money and he was mighty pleased with himself. Ibrahim calls him aside to tell him off about his exhibitionist attitude.

Mick replied, "what's it to you sand Arab?"

Ibrahim replies, "careful, you absolute racist and dickhead, I am your boss."

Mick mumbled under his breath, "no towel head is in charge of me."

Ibrahim told him he heard it, that he'll be reporting him to their bosses in the morning. Ibrahim called Denise telling him the money has returned safely, he'll deal with it, but they need to deal with a very racist Mick. Denise inquired as to what has transpired, Denise tells Ibrahim that she will deal with him first thing.

Denise tells him, "I can abide just about anything, but I can't abide racists."

The next morning Denise woke, she had two things on her mind, her last appearance as Dennis and to give Mick a dressing down.

Denise calls Mick, she says, "asshole, get to my house in the next hour or I'll have you chopped up into tiny pieces."

Mick laughed thinking Denise was joking, but she wasn't. Mick arrived at Denise's, she told him to go to the cellar, she would be right there. Denise has Loretta dressed in black, she ties up Mick, then in enters Dennis. Dennis comes into the room, she slaps and punches Mick.

He is yelling, "who the fuck are you?"

Denise laughs, "not so tough now are you? I hear you're a racist? If your boss ever needs me again, I'll happily come and slap about a racist asshole."

Mick begins to sob a little, he's black and blue from being slapped and punched, but he may just have learned his lesson. Loretta tells him to go and pack the next grow and get it ready for delivery.

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