The Thief.

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Angus has been working in the plant farm, he's working with a lad he thought he could trust, a lad named Liam. Liam isn't well known to Denise, but Angus needs help in selecting the right seeds in the hope of a very strong and powerful grow. Denise orders Angus to watch Liam like a hawk, she has Loretta hack his phone also the burner phone that Angus was instructed to give him. Loretta lied telling him his every day phone is free to use as normal, the burner is tapped and if it's used for anything other than the business, he'll be in a lot of trouble. Liam was like Angus, but he had a very loose tongue while drunk and high, but Angus swears he can be trusted.

Denise tells herself that it'll remain to be seen. The first couple of months were tough as Liam wasn't being paid, Angus and Loretta knew the deal, they won't be paid until their first grow is distributed. Angus to shut him up, gave him two grand from his savings. Angus told him that once they get their first payment, he wants his money back with interest and if he doesn't he has threatened to kill him. Liam brushed off the threat as banter, but Angus wasn't joking, he's killed before.

Liam was happy with the two grand, it was more than what he was getting from the dole, he was told to spend it wisely as it'll be two months before he's paid, that's when the first grow should be ready if all goes well. The next two months flew by, the distributor was on standby, he had a sample of the grow sent to him, he said it was the finest weed he had ever smelled and his clients loved it.

Liam and Angus were on the farm, the weed was dry and it was ready to be weighed and packed. Their first grow yielded them almost a tonne. The distributor was excited to get his hands on this strain as he knew that this strain would make them a lot of money. Liam was ordered to make the drop, Angus had one final probation meeting, he couldn't go, Denise had wrote for him a letter of recommendation. To avoid any problems again she used her cousins name.

Liam drove from somewhere deep in East Sussex to Birmingham, a drive that should've only taken him three and a half hours, it took him almost six hours. Liam stopped at every service station on the way, but he also made a series of phone calls from his own phone to his girlfriend, telling her it would be payday today and that he'll buy her anything she desires. Loretta informed Denise, this wasn't the first time he said something that could endanger the team, they just needed to wait on one more fuck up and they'd allow Angus to retrieve his debt and make good with his threat.

Liam reached two men in a car park in Birmingham, they told him to follow them to a farm about ten miles from there. Liam was ordered to bring a gun in case he didn't get paid. He drives to the farm, he unloads his cargo and is handed three bags of money. The men told him he's to look and see that money is in all there, he must put it in the safe in the truck he drove in for security reasons. The men watched him load the money into the safe, with a code he doesn't know and locked it. The men of course checked and sent Liam on his way.

On the ride back, he called his girlfriend again, he said, "babe, once I'm back you're getting the thing you've wanted most, a lavish wedding."

Loretta tells Denise who speaks with Angus, he tells her, "Liam will try to make off with the truck, but he won't be able to get into the safe, I also put a tracker in the truck where he wouldn't think to look, but once he sees he can't get the money out, we'll deal with him when he gets back."

Loretta asks for the GPS tracking number, she puts it in her computer and she has eyes on him in real time, he always keeps his phone on him, she hacked his camera and views him remotely, he's trying with all he can to get into the safe but can't. Liam decides to drive the truck back to the farm, thinking he's free and clear. Liam pulls up at the farm, Angus and Denise acted like they knew nothing of his attempted theft.

Liam never met Loretta, that was the way it was always going to be, he would be wondering why a model type woman was apart of this and what her position was.

Liam was smiling as he exited the truck, he tells Denise and Angus, "it's payday ladies and gents."

Angus back slaps him, he says, "good job kiddo, you did well. It's payday and remember you owe me two grand?"

Liam replies, "sure, I'll give it to you before I get home to the Missus."

Liam isn't aware of his fate after they have their first celebratory drinks, this is when he meets Loretta for the first time, he couldn't keep his eyes off her, then he makes an off the cuff comment about her looks.

Denise says, "steady on there son, she's my girlfriend."

Liam soon shut up and apologised profusely. Denise hands Liam and Angus an envelope each, in Liam's was five grand, in Angus' there was double, given the task he must complete at the end of the evening. Liam gives Angus two grand, it was what he owed him, he had three grand left over. Angus suggested to Denise that the three grand should be sent anonymously to his daughter, but Denise tells him that he can't, they'll wonder what happened to him as something was due to befall Liam.

Loretta and Denise retire to the house, Denise looks at Angus and tells him to take Liam for a few drinks and tells Liam that she'll see him Monday. It's getting dark and Liam tries to make excuses, so Angus made small talk as they walked towards his car as he said he is driving Liam and him to the local pub, but as soon as Liam gets in the passenger seat, he injects him with a horse tranquilliser, Liam is trying but failing to get out of the car, within moments he is out cold.

Angus drove his car to a location on the farm which used to be used for grinding meat, he chopped Liam up into little pieces and put him in the meat grinder, he then took all the matter and left it where lots of wild animals gathered to eat. Angus cleaned his car, Loretta had already installed a VPN in Liam's phone, when Loretta looked at it, it pinged off a cell tower in the Scotland area. Denise tells Angus that he's fully in charge of the plants, now that the next grow is being planted, he even found a way to make them grow a little faster. Denise informs them, that this team is us three and if we need drivers, we use more trustworthy people, not petty thieves.

Loretta can use a lie detector, she was trained in using them when she was in the military many years ago. Angus found a guy that he thought he could trust, but he was to have a lie detector, he failed it. Angus again had the dirty work of killing this new guy. Loretta told the man he passed and got the job, but Angus was up against someone stronger this time and he knew it. Angus invited him to his room, he gave him a bottle of beer as a way of making him feel comfortable, to give him the illusion he got the job, just as Loretta told him.

Angus slipped some horse tranquilliser into the beer as the man used the toilet, he drank the beer. The man collapsed in Angus' room, he dragged him downstairs, then put his body into the car and drove it to the place where he made mince meat out of Liam.

Liam's girlfriend was calling his phone, wondering why he hadn't came home, so Loretta sent a reply to a text saying, "ffs Lisa give me a break, I'm working."

Lisa texts back, "you were supposed to be home days ago, but you haven't bothered. Where are you?"

Loretta texts back, "you nagging wench, fuck off. We're done."

Lisa never texted back and Loretta destroyed his phone. The phone of the other guy was a simple burner, so she just destroyed it. The upside to the latest guy, he never had family looking for him, as he was an immigrant.

Denise says, "after Liam and what's his name? We need to use drivers that are like what's his name, we need immigrants and I know exactly where to find them."

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