One Funeral After Another.

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Halloween passed, we heard nothing about the soil sample. Loretta and I decided to completely revamp the farm, we used the main house as a base for a new business, we decided to build on the areas where we called it the killing zone. We had fast tracked planning permission, we were planning to build cottages on the entire ground we used for ugly and nefarious things. This would make the land completely covered, we knew only three people knew what happened in that area and it was Loretta, Gus and I.

We knew Gus wouldn't say anything, but we hoped he didn't tell Victor? We sent a messenger to the Algarve, we had them clone Gus' and victor's devices, we were out of the business, but we could still be caught. The person we sent was extremely trusted, he cleaned some of our money through his business as he worked with Steve and by god we trusted Steve more than Gus and that's a hard thing to say.

We listened intently to Gus' and Victors conversations, they were worried themselves, but never once did they mention anything about calling or talking to the authorities. We heard a tone to Victor's responses and we felt he could blow it all up. We had to do something about Victor, it will kill Gus but our family was more important to us. We told Steve's guy to make it look like an accident.

We had a call around 03:30am, it was from Steve's guy, it turns out he didn't have to touch him, Victor had a major cardiac arrest, he was that worried that they would be caught. Gus of course was devastated, he didn't even reach out to us for help, he convened with Victors loved ones and they made arrangements for his funeral. We had no need to contact Gus again, we had only need to contact him and finding him was a colossal task. Gus never told us where he was, he didn't want us to know.

Gus as far as we knew later on down the line, is that he remained on the Algarve. We as a family decided not to contact him again, we have a wonderful future to look forward to. Loretta suggested we call Steve's guy to watch Gus for a little while, just to be sure he will toe the line. The guy was delighted as he loved being there, he enjoyed the heat and the Mediterranean living. We paid him monthly, but most of the time he sent it back, he had found a stable job and had found someone to share his life with. Loretta and I both laughed how most of the good things we have influenced and it was love stories.

Roberta called us weeks after Victors death and told us that Jeanie wanted to marry as soon as possible, it seemed that Jeanie had developed cancer and there was a high possibility that it might be terminal. Roberta wouldn't let Loretta help a lot, she waited on Jeanie hand and foot. Roberta wanted Jeanie to have a stress free and fulfilling last few weeks or months, they spent almost all of their time by the beach at Roberta's holiday home, Jeanie said it reminded her of Jamaica, she told Roberta that she would like to be buried back in Jamaica, although not in the same grave as Theo, but she would buy a separate plot for them both.

Roberta was thrilled at this prospect, she never thought that she would be buried in Jamaica, but she would be her wife, it's only right she is resting with her when her time arrives. The wedding was to be a small occasion, Roberta had selected some friends, a few people that Jeanie really hit it off with. Roberta decided that the holiday home would be large enough, the preparations were made fast as the couple had received devastating news that Jeanie had weeks maybe days left.

The ceremony was beautiful, the couple took lots of pictures of Jeanie, Roberta, Loretta, Denise and the girls. Jeanie looked radiant, you could tell she was sick, but she never faltered during her day. We as a family just braced ourselves for the phone call from Roberta, Roberta has booked her into a hospice overlooking the sea, the doctors are slowly taking away all the medications, she is currently just on morphine and benzodiazepines for the pain and the anxiety. We promised Jeanie that we would look after Roberta once she's gone, Jeanie gave us a hint that Roberta wasn't well either but she pretended to be ok to get through the ceremony and smile for her new wife and family. We tried to query what she was sick with, but Jeanie wouldn't share her wife's personal business to us, which was only right.

It was our final visit to the hospice, Jeanie was fading fast, we believe that Theo's death hurried hers along a little. We know she was besotted and adored Roberta, but it was Theo she had her children with, whom she spent decades with, we could see she was missing him. Roberta heard her calling out to him at the hospice, but Roberta reassured her she will be in his loving arms again soon.

We never met a more understanding woman than Roberta, she obviously had her own illnesses, but she loved Jeanie so much, that she didn't care about her love she still had for her husband. The couple only had a short time together, but they sure put a lot of love and adventure into that short period of time. We were in bed after sorting the twins, Roberta called, the call we knew was coming, Jeanie had passed peacefully in her sleep. We called the nanny to come and watch the twins, we had to get to Cornwall that night, they had a funeral to prepare and a body to repatriate. We arrived after several hours driving, we looked through her things, we found a letter telling us to cremate her and give her ashes to Roberta, she doesn't want to be buried back on the island, she just wants her name placed on Theo's headstone.

The fact this is what she wanted it pleases Roberta greatly, she didn't want to fly thousands of miles for a burial as she was very sick herself. Roberta organised the funeral, we invited some local family members, their friends and of course our family. We were grateful that the twins were too young to understand what was happening. The girls did notice nanny Jeanie wasn't with nanny Roberta. The funeral service was beautiful, we kept our word we moved Roberta in with us, she was becoming frailer by the day, her memory was fading quickly. Roberta began to forget who we were, we invited friends she knew her entire life, she didn't recognise them either.

Roberta had been with us for several weeks after Jeanie died, Loretta goes into her room to give her, her morning medication and Roberta was gone too. Like we had with Jeanie we went through her things and she had a planner of how her funeral was to be. Again we were planning a funeral, Roberta didn't have any family left alive, she just had her gold digging friends. We soon finished all the preparations, then we had a will reading, Roberta left us her house and her holiday home. We jumped at her own house, it was situated in a place where none of our old colleagues knew of, we decided after the reading that we would move in there, we were going to sell the holiday home. We didn't need the money, but we could buy something better, one in warmer climes?

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