Bad News Always Follows Good.

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Babs had a shower, she came down to the dining room, Denise had a meal delivered one they would enjoy.

Babs began by saying to Denise, "I assume you want to know what I want to know?"

Denise looks at her, she says, "well, I'll be honest Babs. I never thought the rumours true. It was during my wedding that everyone from Loretta's family kept commenting on how we looked exactly alike. It's time we discovered the truth."

Babs looks up and replies, "Denise, I've had dreams about you, I've often felt your pain. They say this happens with identical twins? My mother couldn't have another baby, I've never even seen my birth certificate. I've never had the need to see it, I've never had the luxury of needing it for a passport etc. I just worked for my mum and I was humbled."

Denise tells her that she never seen hers either, as her first passports were bought for her and subsequent passports were just renewed. I guess in my selfishness, Barbara I just didn't want to know. I have thought about it over and over, we need to know. Neither of us are getting any younger and I wouldn't mind having a sister to share my fortune with."

The trio eat and chat all evening, Denise had ordered a DNA testing kit online, they swabbed each other's mouths and sent it off for testing. They shall receive the results will be with them in a few days.

Denise and Loretta spent the next few days with Babs until the results came back. They travelled to London, while there they received an email that the results were in, the test was confirmed, they were sisters, twin sisters. Denise began to cry as she reached out to Babs, she told her how she sorry she was to be brought up in virtual poverty.

Denise tells Babs to get dressed that all of them are going to Knightsbridge and to The Ritz to celebrate. Denise has always wanted to travel around London in a horse and carriage, Denise has a fondness for era's centuries before her birth. Denise called a company and booked for them to have a horse and carriage to take them to Knightsbridge and to The Ritz. Babs and Loretta were excited, Denise trying not to be insulting to Babs, but she gave her a credit card and the PIN number, she tells her to spend it on whatever she fancies.

Denise plans to open a bank account for Babs, but she promised Loretta that she would tell Babs first. Loretta feels that Babs would feel that Denise is trying to over compensate for her living a life of privilege, something that Babs never had. Babs splurged in Harrods, they all did. They got into the carriage with many bags. Their next stop was The Ritz, they had an afternoon of tea and relaxation after a day of spending.

They all sat down, their tray of finger sandwiches arrived, their teas also arrived with a bottle of champagne. Denise opened the champagne first, she toasted to her and Loretta's new life and new endeavours. They then celebrated on the news that Babs was Denise's sister.

Denise takes Babs by the hand and she says, "dear sister, I hope you don't mind my calling you that now?"

Babs smiles, "of course not, that's what we are."

Then Denise says, "I have a little money put away, it's yours, if you feel like you could take it?"

Babs thinks for moment, then replies, "you've been so kind to me, I think it may be pity, but as you know, I have nothing."

Denise answers, "If you want it, it's there for you. Let me know and I'll have it put into an account for you."

Babs says, "thank you, I shall graciously accept it."

Denise and Loretta already had an account ready for for Babs, they put a million into her account, if they put more in Babs would question it.

The day's excitement exhausted the three ladies, Denise took Babs' arm and led her to her room.

The two women stand at the bedroom door, looking at each other as if looking in a mirror, then they said at the exact same time, "it's funny how they switched our birthdays around, a few days after each other. I guess that was for them to keep up the ruse?"

They smiled and Denise says, "I guess so, we could've been celebrating together and it kills me now, knowing my own sister was living in abject poverty and I was living the life of Reilly."

Babs takes Denise's hand and says, "it didn't bother me, sure we had the bare minimum, but we were happy you know."

Denise with tears says, "well as long as you were happy, that's all that matters."

The sisters say goodnight and Denise walks to the elevator to her and Loretta's room. Loretta looked half asleep when she walked in, Denise tells her to go to sleep, she'll be in bed once she takes her make up off. Denise was taking her make up off, looking towards the bed where her wife was snuggling into the duvet, thinking how lucky she was, she has a fantastic wife and now a new sister.

Denise was just about to turn off the bedside lights, when her mobile began vibrating on the bedside table.

Denise answers the phone, she asks as she doesn't recognise the voice, "who's this?"

The voice at the other end of the phone replies, "sorry Denise, I should've called you from Gus' phone, it's Gus, he's tried to kill himself, it's his partner Victor."

Denise is devastated, but what devastated her more was the fact he was rambling about all the murders he's committed in the days prior. Victor of course knew some things, he just didn't know the extent of where they went to, at least before he came onto the scene.

Denise asked Victor where Gus was sectioned, he told her that no one is allowed to see him for a few weeks, but told her the name of the location. Denise knew that Victor knew some of the business, she asked him to keep an eye on him when he's allowed to visit, to keep him from opening his mouth further otherwise the psychiatrists will begin to take any ramblings seriously.

Denise hung up the phone with Victor, she woke up Loretta and told her what she had just heard. Loretta was devastated, but she was very afraid, if the shrinks begin to take Gus seriously, they're all in trouble. Loretta then had an idea, she knew of a psychiatrist that she used to date, she asked where was Gus hospitalised? Denise tells her that he's being held in St Augustine's near Surrey.

Loretta replied, "darling, that's where the shrink I knew works, I can make some enquiries with him."

Denise looks at Loretta and asks, "how are you going to get information?"

Loretta replies, "you're not going to like it, but he does have a very loose tongue in the bedroom."

Denise didn't care how she got the information as long as she got it. Denise of course made out that she did care. Denise tells them to try and get some sleep and Loretta will call the man the next morning. Denise couldn't sleep, Loretta however slept like a baby. The next morning Loretta calls the Doctor, he was happy to hear from her as he had been wondering where she had gone to. Loretta tells Denise that he's willing to meet with her, so Loretta packed a light bag and took a cab to the train station to go and meet with him.

Denise was panicking the entire time. Loretta meets with the man in the place they arranged, they head towards the place where they were to spend the night and she planned to keep Denise abreast of every step of the way, except the part where she had to sleep with him for information. Loretta got a lot of information out of the man, he told her that the other doctors believe that Gus is mentally disturbed and they're in the process of diagnosing him.

The news was a light relief to Denise, but she begged Loretta to hurry home. During breakfast in the hotel Babs asked where Loretta had gone, Denise told her that she needed to go into the agency as there was a financial problem they needed to take care of. Denise informs Babs that they were to travel back that day.

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