Wedding Plans And Retirement On A High.

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Denise and Loretta finally had a good sit down with Gus. Gus had told the couple that the time away did him the world of good, he travelled all over Europe and South America. Gus tells them that he met a shaman in Brazil and he went on a kind of spirit quest, he helped him with the trauma he witnessed before meeting him. Gus seemed in better spirits, he definitely wasn't the anxious and depressed man he was before he left.

Gus returned in a more stronger and confident manner. Denise didn't keep him abreast of recent matters, she didn't want him to go off again, as Denise needed him around. Loretta has been with Igor a lot, they finally found a way into Steve and Rocky's systems, they've cloned their phones and remotely accessed their private communication devices and computers. Igor could now take over from Loretta, he was on Steve and Rocky duty, Denise wanted to get some alone time with Loretta as they haven't had some time alone for months.

They booked a cabin in the Lake District, Denise sent a box ahead, it contained all of their toys they use. They arrived a mere hour after it, they drew a bath and bathed together ferociously making love in the bath. They were in that same tub until the water was freezing.

They got out of the bath and lay in front of a roaring fire, one prepared by the staff before they got there. Loretta slid away, she reached for the box, she took out a double ended dildo, they slid it inside of each other, legs resting on top of each other, the water from the bath drying off very slowly. They cupped each other's breasts, Denise taking her lovers nipples in her mouth. The couple shook as they came together. The windows around them steamed up from their love making.

Denise suggested getting dressed and going for a walk. They put on warm clothes, then walked towards the edge of the lake, where a boat was waiting on them, the ladies boarded the boat and rowed to an area where other guests may or may not see them, they didn't care. They began undressing on the boat, laying down their coats as blankets. They slid their fingers inside each other and both howled like mating wolves. The couple made love that loudly they did catch the attention of guests staying close to their vicinity. The lights of each cabin turning on simultaneously.

The couple dressed and rowed back to shore, Loretta had staff cook them a meal whilst on the the lake. The weather was cooling, the owls tooting in the distance, it was a very romantic setting. The couple planned on staying a week there, a week of love making, a week of growing closer. Loretta had felt the business was pushing them apart a little.

The week was filled full of day trips, walks around the lakes and making love in the hillsides and in the leaves in the forest. The coldness of the days, were made warmer by the rushing of their heartbeats while thrusting their fingers inside of each other, the evening sun glistening on their bodies and the shine of the evening sun on their hair.

The week flew by, they had to go back to their mundane lives. Gus was busy overseeing his babies in the farm, keeping a close eye on the men that almost destroyed his strain and popular crops. The ladies had a large shipment coming in, part of which was promised to the friends of Steve and Rocky. Loretta and Denise looked at the numbers, they decided that one more shipment of cocaine would set them up for life. The ladies had already amassed enough money to live multiple lifetimes.

Denise tells Gus that he can do what he likes with the farm in a years time, this is their last year in the business. Gus is pleased, he has wanted them to quit for sometime but didn't have the wherewithal to approach them. Denise knows that people never last long in a business such as theirs, they're caught sooner or later.

Denise and Loretta have their nest egg saved, they've businesses and properties and millions of pounds. Denise tells Loretta once they retire they'll live in the mansion, they'll fortify it ten times as strong as before. Loretta had already began by installing a secure room in the property. A place where they'll enter if their pasts ever catch up with them. The couple plan to marry once they retire.

Denise and Steve meet to pick up the latest shipment. It was organised so that his shipment arrived at the same place as theirs. Steve's men take his part and Denise and her men take theirs. This could be the last time the pair meet. Denise had second thoughts about staying in the business for another year, she looked at all she and the team accomplished and going further for longer, could put them in jeopardy. The weed farm is now Gus', he can essentially do as he pleases with it.

Gus kept on Ibrahim and one other. Gus knew the supply infrastructure was there, he could sell it in the same manner but he will only work with Ibrahim and a guy named Victor, a man he met in Argentina and is now living with him, Denise and Loretta believe that he and Victor are lovers but he's too shy to admit it. Steve has asked for a meeting with the couple, as he has something he needs to tell them. Loretta already knows what, he wants to quit the business too, he knows he's made enough money, he doesn't want to get caught.

Denise and Loretta travel up to Manchester and sit down with Steve alone, it was rare that he wasn't with Rocky, but again Loretta already knew. Rocky and Steve had been arguing as Rocky wants to continue in the business.

Steve sits down, he comes straight out with it, he says, "I think I'm done now, I've made enough money. I just want to look after Carmen and my son. My son can't grow up with me in prison. Rocky wants to continue, but I don't. What shall I do?"

Denise explains, "Loretta and I are quitting too, we believe the last shipment was our last. We want to pass the business on to people we trust. Do you believe that Rocky could handle our shipments too?"

Steve sighs, he then replies, "well ain't this a surprise? I thought you both were going to keep going? However, I think Rocky knows well enough to keep his mouth shut about us all, if he doesn't he will face the same fate as Jay."

Steve orders a bottle of champagne and celebrates their retirement. Steve tells the ladies that he will hand the reins over to Rocky and pray that he keeps his mouth shut. The money comes in from the latest sales, they sent it abroad to be cleaned in the cafes and businesses Maxwell set up there. Maxwell got his final cut and wished Denise and Loretta all the luck for their futures.

Denise calls Gus to inform him that she and Loretta are retiring. Gus is over the moon, he tells them to move into the mansion as soon as they can. Denise tells him they will once she and Loretta are married. Rocky accepted the new responsibilities and swore that he keep his mouth shut and his men in line. The couple had a few loose ends to tie up, once they had done so, they would begin planning their wedding.

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