A Letter From Pops.

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The stories Pops told Denise and I were amazing, how he was the most feared man in all of Jamaica. Pops was a boxer, he was almost signed as a professional, but they found a heart murmur when they were doing medicals, unfortunately he was disqualified on those grounds, his professional career never took off, but that didn't stop him training some of the islands boxers, many earning professional careers from his training. The naming ceremony was growing closer, Loretta was starting to grow closer to her grandparents and she didn't want them to leave.

Loretta asked them did they want to stay, they said they would love to, but the cold weather is bad on her Pop's health. Jeanie doesn't mind the weather as she enjoyed the coolness. Denise had noticed that his health was deteriorating, she didn't say anything to Loretta though, with the ceremony on the way she didn't want to worry her.

Loretta was frazzled, she was busy with organising the ceremony and the twins. In fact we both were frazzled, we were exhausted. Jeanie asked us both to express milk and she would look after the babies for a while. I pumped and filled several bottles, Loretta filled quite a bit more, but she had fuller breasts given she was their mother. Jeanie was a godsend, she would let us rest while she fed and sorted the babies for the night.

The day of the naming ceremony arrived, Pops didn't look great, we actually had to call for our private doctor. The doctor told us that her grandfather was close to death, his heart could give out at anytime.  We asked the doctor not to tell them today but to tell them tomorrow. The doctor advised that he should be told as soon as possible, but tomorrow should be fine if the exertion is kept to a minimum? Loretta and Denise made sure that his day was a quiet and mellow one. They assured the doctor that they would keep an eye on him.

Jeanie spent all day with him, he was very weak but he swore he would make it through the ceremony. We dressed the girls in beautiful dresses we bought in Knightsbridge. Our cars arrived, we had one that can take Pops wheelchair, he was doped up with lots of medication. The family arrived first, then the guests, the celebrant was there waiting on us, the girls were officially named, now we could go and sort their birth certificates out. It was a fantastic day.

Loretta reminded me that I was a twin, I looked across to Barbara and I said, "this is for us too."

We didn't stay long as the doctor called and asked us to bring Pops to the hospital as he needed hospitalised as soon as possible. We got the cars, we said our goodbyes and told the rest of the guests that we needed to get Loretta's Pops to the hospital. We arrived home and there was an ambulance waiting, Jeanie and Pops went alone, we told them once we change the girls and find a sitter we would be along soon. I called Barbara, she said that's she would be happy to have them. They had some stored breast milk in the fridge, they weren't due another feed until they got back.

Loretta and I arrived at the hospital and Pops was in intensive care, they said he wouldn't make it through the night. Jeanie came out crying, they had purchased health insurance, but the doctors were refusing intensive treatment until they had some sort of payment. I told Loretta that we shall pay for all of it. I went and spoke with the doctor who told me that the treatment needed will run into tens of thousands, I didn't care. I handed over my bank card and told them to take as much as they needed.

The doctor hated having to take any payment but they knew they were just visiting. Jeanie told us that she would compensate us once the insurance paid out. Loretta and I wouldn't hear of it. We were discussing the payment, when doctors began rushing into Pop's room, Jeanie tried to enter but they wouldn't allow it. Loretta and I soon heard a loud scream, it was Jeanie, Pops had passed. Jeanie tells us that she will repatriate Pops body, bury him and then return. We told her it wouldn't be necessary, but Jeanie insisted she argued that it would take her mind off her grief.

Loretta flew over for the funeral, the twins were too young and we still hadn't done their birth certificates yet, so we wouldn't get them passports. Barbara and I looked after them until they got back. I told Barbara that I believe Jeanie wants to find a female lover here. Jeanie was in her mid sixties but she sure as hell didn't look it.

A few days later they came back, we all went together to get them registered, they finally had their names registered. Jeanie asked if we should invite Gabrielle and her wife Niamh over? Jeanie called her and she said she would. Jeanie was surprisingly happy for a grieving wife, but she had read a letter that Pops wrote a few days before he died.

Pops wrote this as Jeanie read it out to us, he said, "My Dearest Jeanie, we have been married a long, long time. I was the luckiest man on the island when you became my wife, every man I knew was jealous as they tried so hard to turn your head. You never looked twice at them as you would've been looking at any woman accompanying them, I have felt your longing to be touched by a woman for decades, I was a bastard homophobe because of it, driving away our Gabi. When our Retta and Denise came after their wedding for their honeymoon, I watched as tears welled up in your eyes for the same longing. I should've made you go when I asked you, had you got cold feet the night before our wedding, but I knew you loved me. I know I have no more time on earth, I feel the Angel of Death hovering over me. I just want you to know two things, I love you. I hope you meet that woman you long for, you're still young looking and still healthy, my beautiful Jeanie. If you do, tell her she best not break your heart or I will haunt her for the rest of her life. Thank you for forty beautiful years. Goodnight and sweet dreams my precious wife. Love Theo."

We all cried as Jeanie read it out, so Jeanie signed up to lesbian dating sites. Jeanie was soon out dating, she met a few ladies, she brought one lady back, we could tell that she was a gold digger. We overheard her asking Jeanie about who owned the property, when Jeanie told her that it belonged to us, the woman's tone changed. Jeanie of course wasn't stupid, she sent her on her way. We bought Jeanie a whole new wardrobe, we gave her a job in our house, she wanted to make her own money, she was a very humble lady, she even repaid us for the hospital debt and the repatriation debt.

We of course didn't want to take it back, but we added extra to her salary, this was the money she gave us to repay her debt. Jeanie didn't understand the extra money but we told her it was for her extra work in helping us with the twins whilst we went back to work. We finally had Gabrielle and her wife Niamh over, they stayed a little while and had to return home, Niamh's mother was sick, she had breast cancer and Niamh didn't want to be away long.

Jeanie finally met someone, a lady just like her, she had her own money, she was truly into Jeanie. Jeanie spent most of her free time with her new lady friend Roberta. Jeanie was truly happy. We both could see this could be the beginning of something beautiful, we were right it was, Jeanie and Roberta declared their love for each other.

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