Love Heals.

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Loretta's grandparents had woke up extremely early, they as advised rang for staff to make them a cup of tea and to bring some water to take their medication. Grandma Jeanie heard the babies crying, she told her husband that she's going to the bathroom, but she nipped upstairs and heard the couple wake up to feed them. The couple since the babies were born always left their bedroom door opened, Jeanie watched as the couple took the babies into bed to be fed, she got a little glimpse of them, she was heartened to see them working in lockstep to raise the girls.

Jeanie tiptoed down the stairs and wandered the mansion, she noticed it was around 03:30, it would be 10:30pm Jamaica time, the jet lag was setting in. Jeanie and her husband ended up in the solarium at the back of the house, a full moon still visible. The elderly couple sat in the solarium drinking some tea, then they chatted about the house. Jeanie told her husband that their granddaughter has landed on her feet, they knew of her past as an escort, but now they've seen she's turned her life around. The couple obviously didn't know of their recent past as drug dealers. The mansion at night in certain places was cold, the solarium was a little chilly but it had some electric heaters and Jeanie turned them on. The two sat there until Jeanie took her husband for a bath around 4:30am.

It was around 6:30am that Denise and Loretta got up, the twins were still asleep, they had finally got them to sleep until around 8:30am. Jeanie ordered the kitchen staff to take the morning off, Jeanie cooked them all a traditional Jamaican breakfast, green banana porridge. Loretta had ordered many Jamaican ingredients for her grandparents from a supplier online. Loretta knew how her nana and pops love green porridge for breakfast, Loretta warned Denise that it's an acquired taste, but she begs her not to tell them she doesn't like if she doesn't, she doesn't want to offend them. Denise sat down, she began eating it, in fact it was the opposite, she enjoyed it. The upside to eating Jamaican dishes is that all the ingredients are fresh, the diet would keep their breast milk healthy.

Jeanie tells the couple that she was surprised to see Denise breastfeeding, but she says, "it's not unheard of you know, when I gave birth to Loretta's mum, my sister who hadn't married yet or ever had children, her breasts suddenly began to leak milk. I assume this happened to you?"

Denise replies,indeed it did."

Denise however was holding something back, she had spoken with a doctor away from Loretta and asked for hormones to help her lactate. The doctor did tell her that it can happen spontaneously, but she sneakily bought a breast pump and pumped her breasts for months before they were born and stopped the pills around six weeks before. Denise won't tell Loretta this, she was going to until she heard Jeanie's story. Denise explained that she just let the babies suckle and her milk came in, it's helped them keep their relationship together, as new babies often put a strain on the relationship.

Loretta's Pops changes the subject, he tells Jeanie that he needs his pills. Jeanie pops into their room to get the pills and Pops says to the couple, "I can't wait to see these babies, I hope the pair of you are not exhausted. It's tough with new babies, ones hard but two is twice the workload."

Loretta excuses herself as her breast pads were full, Jeanie had came back with Pops pills, she sits down and Pops says, "I'm sure my darling granddaughter told you I was an old homophobe and she wasn't lying I was. It wasn't until our other granddaughter came out as gay, she went through a terrible time on the island and because I was very well known for my charity work, my reputation stopped it as I wasn't always this feeble. I could've beat ten men at once. Well she was leaving the island, I went to the villagers and gave them all a telling off. Confronting those people changed my mind, I even housed people whose families rejected them. It's the backward thinking of some of the islanders that think that they're right and we're wrong. Well it's them that's wrong."

Jeanie sat down beside him and talked about her female lovers as though it was just yesterday she left them, she had tears in her eyes.

Pops holds her hand and says, "but they left you, I carried you off in my beaten up old car and you've been by my side ever since. I have always known deep down that you still hold a candle for them,  that you're bisexual, maybe one day when I pass you'll meet a woman that will heal your longing."

It was the nicest thing I'd ever heard, then Jeanie says, "shush old man, no one will hold a candle to you. Your kindness, your generosity, your love for me, even though I longed for my own sex for decades and you never said a word when I looked at a beautiful woman on the island, thinking you hadn't noticed."

The twins were now awake, they needed feeding Jeanie told them not to hide upstairs feeding them, to bring them down.

Denise says, "we'll change their nappies and we'll bring them down."

Denise and Loretta go up and change their nappies and bring them down, they all head into the lounge where it's more comfortable to feed them, they sit while the babies are feeding contently.

Pops quips, "it's amazing how the workload is split in two, how both of you can share the raising of those two beautiful girls and how much they look like their mother is astounding, in fact they remind me of when you were born Loretta. The little blonde curls, the coffee brown skin. So are you going to tell what you've named them?"

Denise looks towards Loretta and says, "go on darling." Loretta says, "I'm holding Sinead, Denise has Saoirse. It's sometimes hard to tell them apart, but Sinead has this little birthmark on the back of her neck. Saoirse's is on the back of her knee."

Pops replies, "Irish names, quite fancy."

Loretta asks, "how did you know they were Irish?"

Pops replies, "your nana and I have been to Ireland, that's where your cousin Gabrielle lives. Gabrielle has a wife there, she's named Niamh all her family have Irish names too."

Loretta smiles, "what a coincidence eh?"

Then Loretta says, "why didn't Gabrielle not come to our wedding?"

Pops says, "not sure, I think her mother in law was sick at the time."

Loretta replies, "that makes sense, I thought it might've had something to do with you, I know how much she was your favourite, was it when Gabrielle came out, you faced down the villagers?"

Pops replied, "it was dear, she fell for Mrs Potters daughter Grace, but Grace didn't feel the same and she told her brothers, who told the whole village. It was a horrible time, but they eventually started speaking to us again after Grace left. To be honest, I wouldn't care if they never spoke to us again. We still don't speak with the Potter boys though, they were vicious, they wanted to have her exorcised."

It was awful hearing what my poor grandparents went through, I was now glad that my grandfather was now a forward thinking man, had I known, I would've invited him to the wedding.

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