The Other Shoe Dropped.

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Life was becoming more normal, I Denise Gaines a wife, a mother and a sister. It was a mere two years ago, that myself and my Retta were the biggest drug dealers in England. We retired quickly from it, we made our fortune in three short years, we discovered after recalculating our wealth, we earned in the region of two hundred million, we had now cleaned every penny earned, we own a multi million pound business. We have no one looking for us, we have zero ties to that world anymore. Loretta is settled with having her grandma Jeanie living with us. We may not have Jeanie living with us for much longer, Roberta and Jeanie have been spending all of their time in Roberta's grand house, a house similar in size to ours as she invited us to some soirées she held there, it was held with many ladies, single and together, we both enjoyed it.

It was full of debauchery and lecherous, but we enjoyed how we could mingle with some couples, we made love in ways we haven't in a very long time. We finally felt like the married couple we've longed to be. We had so many worries before, we don't have them now. We were finally back as the couple who met in a professional capacity, who fell in love and created an empire in five short years, we were finally looking forward to the future.

Jeanie finally moved in with Roberta, they declared their undying love for each while away to Roberta's holiday home in Cornwall. Jeanie had a sparkle in her eye, it was something that she didn't have for Theo. Jeanie of course loved Theo, but her aching to be touched by a feminine hand, pulled her away from him as he described as much in his last dying words. We had to pinch each other over and over, we couldn't believe how amazing our lives had become. We often said we would wait for the other shoe to drop.

The days of joy with the twins were endless, my milk dried up and the twins only ever fed from Loretta, we soon began adoption proceedings as I wanted to be their official mother too. I know this sounds extremely selfish, but it was Loretta that suggested it, she wanted to make sure the twins were well looked after. I never thought I'd ever be a mother, it was a strangeness to me, I never thought I had a maternal bone in my body, watching as those two beautiful little girls come out, I fell head over heels in love with them.

The twins were growing fast, too fast I often wanted to keep them babies forever. When I began to let them suckle from me, I had this intense longing, but I soon realised that i was too old, my periods ended and menopause began long ago. I often think that if I had went on that date with Harvey from work, would I have had a baby of my own? I was beginning to discover my true sexuality back then, I was looking to my paralegal with lecherous eyes. These two tiny tearaways had us run ragged, it was often a fight between Loretta and I running to get them when they woke in the night. It seems Loretta and I were made for each other.

Jeanie had been living at Roberta's for a few weeks and Roberta asked her to marry her, Jeanie of course said yes, she had met a soulmate in Roberta, she was was of similar age, they had a lot in common, but they were also polar opposite's. Roberta was born into money, Jeanie however was born with nothing. Roberta doesn't even want to enter into a prenup before they marry, that's how trusting she is of Jeanie. Loretta can't believe her grandma is dating another woman, let alone planning on marrying her. Roberta might seem quite the eccentric, but that was the beauty of her, her quirky dress sense and her sense of humour which was often dark, she and Jeanie were perfect for each other.

It was nice to have the house to ourselves again, but we missed Jeanie, especially when the twins were teething, Jeanie knew all the tricks to keep babies content. Loretta and I ran into the babies father in a mall in London, she of course denied he was their father, but we felt guilty at not telling him, we felt guilt for the twins, what if they asked when they were older? How would we explain to them? We sought the advice of Roberta, who told us that we should've told him and gave him the option to be involved. We weren't sure, but it's not like we couldn't find him, we knew where he lived and worked.

It was the beginning of autumn, the twins were crawling, almost walking as well, we were due our first holiday with them, Halloween. Loretta and I drove to a farm near our old stomping grounds, we bought giant pumpkins to carve with the girls. We drove by, the farm I was born in was falling into disrepair, I had to restore it. It was my childhood home, but we swore never to bring the girls there as children, as we didn't want their innocence tarnished from the bloodlust of our pasts.

I called Babs on the way home, I asked her if she wanted to join us for Halloween? Babs declined, she was going to Morocco on holiday with a friend. It was finally great to see her travel the world and enjoy the money we gave her. The worst thing happened mere hours from that call the other shoe dropped, it was our worst fears coming to to fruition. Loretta and I were listening to the radio and the news was about the missing ramblers, the police had discovered their missing belongings in a landfill.

We rang Gus, we hoped this was a correct number for him, we discovered he and Victor were living on the Algarve, the house he was living in was rented, the landline listed in the directory. The phone was picked up and the voice who answered it, we knew so well, he knew why we were calling and he replied that there was nothing found that would link the findings to them. I neither was Loretta content with this, we contacted some of our old sources in the police, we paid these officers well, they owed us one small favour. The officer who we contacted confirmed there was nothing traceable on anything found. Then he called us back, he wanted one million for this information, we wired it to an account of his choosing, he told us they found mud on a backpack and they're planning a search of the area where they were last heard of, they're extending a search of a thirty mile radius.

We knew if the mud matched our farm we were fucked. We began to get nervous, but as Loretta kept saying, if a soil match comes through, we can explain it away. There's no evidence of anything untoward in or around the farm, at least to our knowledge.

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