Grave Decisions.

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It's been six weeks since the rise, Denise has been working with Loretta and Igor. McNulty has been lying to Denise about how much he's been bringing in, he's got his own connection to the coke business, he's been bringing in an extra tonne and pushing it through Denise's network. This was the final nail in the coffin for Denise, they've also been made aware of his likeness for young girls.

Igor hacked into his home laptop and found thousands of pictures, so he sent the pictures to everyone that McNulty is connected to. They were sickened by what he was viewing, they called to meet him. They gathered from the information he was inviting a small army. The others refused to go with him, they had learned he's into children.

Loretta and Igor headed to the place where he has planned to meet the others and in a wooded area they dig a grave for him. The big Mr McNulty swaggered towards the men, they're all quiet at first, they then began slinging pedophile slurs at him. McNulty denied over and over he wasn't a pedophile, one man takes a swipe he clocks McNulty in the face, McNulty is expecting the couple of guys that did come with him, to back him up, but since he murdered half their friends, they won't lift a finger.

McNulty is arguing that the girls are of age, but one man says, "McPedo you're done for now, I've seen the pictures man, they're of young children."

The man drags Frank towards the area of a ready dug grave, he tosses him inside and stabs him right through the heart with a hunting knife.

The group are bewildered about what just occurred, McNulty survived that stabbing for at least six minutes. The guys there said it was the longest six minutes of their lives. The lads buried him and soon dispersed across the country, Loretta knew exactly where they'd be at all times, the ones she cloned and gained contact information from. It was now all of Denise's territory, she gained it fairly and quickly, besides McNulty broke her cardinal rule, no killing unless they spoke about it and only affected all of them.

It turns out he killed people who were about to tell Denise about his activities. This always confused Loretta given the fact they killed before McNulty came onboard. Denise wanted it to change for Gus, that's if he returns? Loretta doesn't believe he will in the same role, but they're willing to create one specifically for him as he is intelligent and one of the most trustworthy men she knows.

Loretta tells Denise that when they need to show some strength, that they'll do it and keep Gus away from it. Gus is due back at anytime, Ibrahim isn't looking forward to it unless the ladies create another role for him. Mick finally created some rapport with Ibrahim. The old bosses that Denise and Loretta took the territories from are wondering who is running things, they've called their wives as they've heard that McNulty has disappeared, they didn't tell them anything, they're too used to the money coming in.

The men can't come home as the police are looking for them, but one is planning on travelling across and trying to find out whose taken their territory. Loretta who's been spending lots of time with Igor and has been tracking the man, they plan on nabbing him as soon as he sets foot in the UK. Loretta believes that one of these men, if not all of them are into human trafficking.

Loretta and Igor set off towards Dover, the man has landed, Loretta and Igor watch as he disembarks the ferry. The man heads towards the motorway, but there's an accident on the motorway and they know there'll be police there, he'll have to use the back roads. They follow him there and he doesn't realise he's being followed. The man drives towards his old neighbourhood and Loretta calls one of the men they've sequestered, he and his friends block the road as if it's another crash. Loretta slows down so he doesn't spot Igor as he would recognise him.

The guys kidnap him and take him to a prepared house in the woods and interrogate him. Denise came personally to do the interrogation, she knew that the police would be looking for this man, so she could get what she needed from him and either let him go or kill him. The man named Gareth recognised Denise as soon as he seen her, he said he recognised her from the papers.

Denise thought this might be a problem, but the way he said it, it was a way she recognised, he felt comfortable around her.

Gareth asked, "why have you kidnapped me? You're a disbarred lawyer, I highly doubt you're from this world?"

Denise looks at him, "that's such a sexist thing to say, but I'm the new owner of these territories. I can make this easy or hard?"

Gareth asks, "what will you do? I'm out of the game, I've made my money. I've made a couple of mistakes along the way, one being leaving my wife and kids penniless."

Denise looks at him and tuts, she says, "Gareth, your families are fine, they're taken care of. I gave them three hundred and fifty thousand pounds."

Gareth is surprised, "I'll pay you the money back, I'm only here to see who's taken over? Also to check in on my family."

Denise orders everyone to leave her alone with Gareth, Loretta let's Denise know that Gareth hasn't even informed his wife he's back in the country. Gareth begs Denise to let him go, he just wants to see his wife and kids and go back abroad. Denise tells him that his wife doesn't want to see him and his kids are pleased he's gone.

Gareth asks Denise how did she manage to pull this off, she tells him that she took a major player out of the picture, Gareth asks, "don't tell me it's Frank McNulty?"

Denise tells him he was killed last night. Gareth tells her that it solves all of her problems, Denise reminds him that she knows. Gareth is still trying to get Denise to release him, but she can't, the man knows her, but she gets Loretta to dig deep on Gareth. Loretta comes back with he wanted by other bosses further north and the police.

Denise asks him what the other bosses want him for? Gareth tells Denise that he and his crew stole a couple of shipments and they're wanting him and his crew dead. This inspires Denise, she can get rid of Gareth and from what she knows, the others will come across to see what happened to their pal? Or they could possibly leave him where he's at and continue hiding out. Denise makes a decision then and there, she wants him dead.

Denise leaves the room Gareth is held in, she grabs a syringe of a toxic concoction and injects him with it. Gareth shakes and in three minutes he's dead, they take his body and bury it where they buried McNulty. Denise knows that if she let him go, to have a reduced prison sentence, he would have snitched to the police on Denise and her new business.

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