Naming Ceremony.

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The months flew by, Loretta since discovered she was having twins, she discovered this at her twenty week scan. They never discovered at the dating scan as the other baby was hidden, but the midwife did see a amniotic sac that was larger than usual, she did put it down to amniotic fluids around the foetus. Loretta was panicking at having twins, she told the midwives she didn't want a natural birth, that she wanted a C-Section, the midwives agreed as Loretta had a very small pelvis, she may not deliver naturally anyway. Loretta was becoming huge, she could hardly walk, Denise seen to her every whim, Denise was sometimes out driving at all hours of the night searching for Loretta's curious cravings.

Denise was exhausted then one evening they were eating a small meal as Loretta couldn't keep much down, it was like she was getting morning sickness at the end of her pregnancy. The pain began, she knew then and there she was going into labour, she was around seven months gone at this point. Denise grabbed the bag already packed, she put it into the car and helped Loretta into the car and drove to the hospital. The midwives couldn't slow the labour, they gave Loretta an epidural and wheeled her down to the theatre as Denise was being scrubbed in.

Denise was sat in the hallway waiting for the nurse to come back for her. The nurse comes for Denise, they were beginning their incision, Loretta squeezing Denise's hand as she could feel the pressure inside her. Denise had been in the room for what seemed like a lifetime, then the sound she heard was something she hadn't heard before, it was baby A as the doctor had called it, then a few moments later baby B was born, this time without a cry.

Loretta began fretting, asking over and over "why isn't the baby crying?"

The midwives helped to get the baby to cry. Denise nor Loretta never knew what they were having, the midwife cleaned them off, she wrapped them in a blanket and a hat, then brought the identical baby girls to their parents.

Loretta and Denise were crying while looking down at these two little ones that will depend on them for the next eighteen to twenty years. Denise was given the babies after the midwives had checked them over, then she had them until they finished stitching Loretta up. The midwives wheeled Loretta up to recovery, then Denise brought in the babies, the midwives tried to help Loretta get them to latch on, but she knew she might not be able to breastfeed as she had implants.

The midwives and Loretta tried over and over and finally the colostrum came in, the babies were soon suckling and it was working well. The midwives advised Denise to have skin to skin contact with the twins too. Denise absolutely enjoyed every second of that.

Days passed and the milk was finally in, the babies were feeding even as Loretta slept. This would be how it was once the couple came home. Denise had a strange occurrence, she would let the babies suckle from her to let Loretta sleep, soon she was having small drops of milk in her breasts, she let them suckle until they stopped. Denise never wanted children, but since she had encouraged her own milk flow, this took a few weeks, she enjoyed feeding the babies, eventually Denise had milk to feed the babies too.

Loretta and Denise loved watching each other feed the babies, Loretta would take one of their daughters, Denise would take the other, Denise had to swap to each breast, she didn't have a full feed in one breast, but as the months passed she finally had enough to feed from one breast. The couple still hadn't named the girls yet, they went through every name, none of them suited them.

Denise happened to be in a supermarket and she overheard two names, names she never seen in the books they'd read. Denise drove home and she knew they'd suit the girls, Denise says to Loretta, "what do you think of Sinead and Saoirse? I believe they're Irish names as I've looked them up."

Loretta is feeding baby A, she looks down at her and she says, "that's definitely your name, Sinead."

Denise fetches baby B and lies her on Loretta's lap, she asks, "does she look like a Saoirse?"

Loretta smiles, then replies, "indeed she does. Where on earth did you hear those names?"

Denise replies, "In the supermarket, my love."

That was that, the girls finally had a name.

The twins were growing fast, Saoirse would only ever feed from Denise, Denise worried that Loretta would feel rejected by her own daughter, but Loretta was glad of the break. The couple sat down one evening after bathing and feeding the twins, Denise began saying, "those girls are a godsend to us, honestly I never expected to be a parent but here we are. We will do all can to be great parents to them."

Loretta snuggled up to Denise and replied, "I know, I couldn't have a better partner to bring them up with." As the twins grew, they didn't look a thing like their father. The girls looked exactly like Loretta, they had his blue eyes, but everything else was Loretta. The couple discussed whether to have them baptised, but they decided on a naming ceremony instead. It'll be the first time since they were born that their friends or family would see them. Loretta found the perfect venue, it was a hotel not far from their house, they found the celebrant that would carry out the ceremony, they began reaching out to their friends and family to invite them to the ceremony in a months time.

Denise tells Loretta this will be the perfect time for your grandparents to come, I know they couldn't come before as your grandfather was sick, call them and invite them over. Loretta called her grandma and told her about the babies, her grandma said she would book the flights as soon as she came off the phone. The couple rang everyone, Babs couldn't wait to meet them, all their friends and family couldn't wait to meet the twins. They had RSVP's from everyone including Loretta's grandparents, they bought the tickets then and there. Loretta sectioned off a part of the mansion for them both.

The month flew by, Loretta's grandparents were at Heathrow, Loretta drove out to pick them up. Loretta hired a car that was able to pick up the wheelchair without her granddad having to get out. They packed light as they planned to buy some clothes while they were in England. Loretta's grandfathers health had deteriorated a little since she last seen him, but he said something she wasn't expecting, he says, "how's your wife dear? How are the babies and is the family doing well, raising a family is hard you know. I reckon two women can do it better."

Loretta replies, "oh pop, I am happy you remembered. Denise is great pop, the girls are just beautiful."

Then her grandfather says, "your nana had her flings with women too, of course before I caught her eye."

Loretta was taken aback by her grandfathers candor, but it'll make life a little easier in the mansion. Loretta drove them towards the mansion, her grandparents in awe thinking this is a hotel, Loretta tells them that it was a house left to Denise by a family friend. Once they pulled up and see the huge front doors, they both gasped. Loretta got them out, they pushed her grandfather around to the side door as the front door had steps. Loretta's grandfather kept complaining about the cold until Loretta pushed him in near the roaring fire in their rooms.

Loretta tells them that they have a staff member to see to their needs, to ring the bell and they'll come and see what they need, she informs them the babies are fast asleep she'll bring them down to them tomorrow. It was getting late and Loretta needed to feed them, or one depending on whether Denise's milk was there or not.

Loretta settled them in and heads up to see to the twins, who were being bathed by Denise, who says, "just in time babe, give me a hand. Hope nana and pops are ok?"

Loretta replies, "In good spirits my love. Let's get these two fed, I wanna fuck your brains out tonight, by god I've missed our ferocious love making."

Denise laughs, "why do you think I'm getting these two monkeys ready for bed?" and winks at her.

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