Trust Building.

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Around six weeks passed since they took out McNulty and Gareth. Gareth's friends never even bothered contacting their wives or Gareth's for information on where he is, his welfare or where he has gone to. Igor told Loretta that Gareth's friends didn't really get on with him, but since they were all in business together, they just put up with him. Denise said that from his trip across, he put them at risk from being caught, so they obviously don't want to look into where he went.

Denise and Loretta were now the new bosses, they had a lot of territory to now supply to. There was an infrastructure already in place, they just needed to make it all fit together and it fell into place very easily. Denise received word from the bosses from Manchester and Liverpool areas to have a meeting, they need to get to know their new comrade from the south.

Loretta and Igor had the job in trying to infiltrate and break into their systems to gain information but their systems were extremely hard to break. Igor had some information on who they were, so Loretta just went the old fashioned way and looked them up on a search engine. The men she found on the internet had been in the local papers for many things, mainly petty theft and robberies. Then Loretta told Denise that she needs to use her law contacts to gain other information, Denise tells her she will go further and contact her police sources.

Denise contacted her sources and gained a lot of information on the men, things she would need to use when she goes into this meeting with her new colleagues. The meeting was set in a hotel in Manchester, Loretta and Denise dressed in their finest of clothing and walked into the meeting with their heads held high, both had an air of confidence about them.

Loretta told Denise that they need to show the men they're professionals but they also mean business. The two men seen Denise and Loretta walk towards them, they stood up like gentlemen and pulled out the chairs for them. Once seated, one of the men named Rocky looks at Loretta in a glance that was in a provocative and seductive kind of way, Denise seen this, she placed her hand on Loretta's knee, Denise was staking her claim to more territory.

Rocky soon stops looking at her in that way. The other guy Steve says, "welcome ladies, you pair have been busy, I can't believe you've taken so much territory so quickly. I recognise both of you, one of you is a disbarred lawyer and the other was at a party I threw around five years ago, do you recall it?"

Loretta replies, "well it must've been shit, because I would've remembered your face."

Loretta did remember him, but of course she didn't want to say how he was the one that was making his dick swing like a helicopter.

Loretta ordered a bottle of Dom and some top shelf tequila. Denise ordered a white wine, she wanted to keep her head clear to remember all the details she found out about the men. The men ordered some soft drinks as they apparently don't drink alcohol at business meetings. Rocky asks Denise what is the weight she can move through her networks and who is her supplier?

Denise replies, "Rocky, we move a lot of weight, we grow our own weed and have a connect for cocaine. In the past eighteen months we've earned quite a handsome profit. Our profits are our business."

Rocky sneered, "touchy aren't you?"

Denise says, "Rocky, I know all about you, you and your buddy here. We won't share information that puts our networks in danger with two people we've only just met, not just that, you both have been accused of robbing the profits of your peers for years. I won't bother denying it, I've looked into you both and i or should I say we won't trust you, like you won't trust us until we've made a few successful deals."

Steve looks at Denise, then he exclaims, "you're truly a woman after my own heart, you're the female version of me. I wouldn't trust us either on one meeting. I believe you truly have a head for this business."

Steve tells the couple that they're willing to work with them after they see how they distribute some of their weight through their networks and vice versa.

They foursome sat around for a few hours drinking and the men finally ordered an alcoholic drink now that the business side was discussed. Loretta seen a completely different side to Rocky after a while, he was far more gentle in his tone, Steve remained stoic but he was slightly more relaxed.

Denise observed that because they were both women, the men fear that they'll get caught.

Denise puts her hand on Steve's leg and says, "you don't have to worry about working with us, we have a strong network, we have the best people in place we trust. I honestly don't know how you worked with McNulty or those three that flew the coop to the Costa's?"

Steve looks at her intently and says, "honestly, I don't know either. I'm surprised we're not away with them."

Rocky asks, "not wanting to put my nose where it's not supposed to be, but what happened to that crazy fuck McNulty?"

Denise and Loretta look at each other and Loretta replies, "eating the worms."

Steve and Rocky looked at each other in horror, but it also impressed them. They then tried to get it out of the women, but the couple told them that their methods is for them to know alone.

Steve again agrees, he said after Loretta's reply, "had you told me what you did to get him into a grave, that would've been the end of any further talks and we all would've went our separate ways."

Denise laughs, "my woman isn't a rookie, I'm no rookie either. We've both dealt with men like you in our previous professions. I've defended and prosecuted men like you. My Retta has bedded men like you, as you tried to point out when we sat down. I might have the law degree, but this woman here, has more street smarts than all four of us put together."

Rocky quips, "well from what I remember from years ago, she put me in my place. I believe she was at that party thrown by Jason whatshisface?"

Loretta replied, "that's the one, I knew I recognised you, you Steve I'd recognise your dick in a line up."

Steve laughs, then he says, "you organised my stag night, well you organised the girls for my stag night. I think we met to make payment?"

Loretta says, "ah yes, I remember. You wanted girls brought over from Colombia? You still with your wife then?" Steve laughs, "I was until last year, one of those Colombian women gave birth to my son."

Loretta puts her hand over her mouth, then says, "I remember she left the industry, I never knew she was pregnant. Is the boy definitely yours?"

Steve replies, "he is, she lives over here now. My ex wife made me bring her over, she couldn't have a child of our own, she wanted to take hers, but of course Carmen didn't want to hand over the boy. Carmen put her in her place and she divorced me. We had ten wonderful years together, but that boy is my world now."

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