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It's been around a year since Denise started her business. The organisation was making millions as they were throwing in coke on occasions, not all the time, she told Maxwell that she won't be dealing in coke regularly as she wants to become more established in her current business. Maxwell begged her to rethink it, she says when they get a foothold on a permanent territory, she will add other types of narcotics to her itinerary. Maxwell tells her that eventually someone will try and take her out, but she has became very confident that she is willing to chop heads off if needs be.

Maxwell isn't happy, but at the end of the day it's not his business, he's making enough money, they don't need anymore enemies. Loretta seen the pressure Maxwell was putting on Denise to bring in the coke, so she went to him, she tells him that he's not bringing in enough coke to sell at cost, if he wants to bring in coke, he needs bigger shipments and to cut out his Irish connection as that costs them money.

Maxwell told her that he would fly to Bolivia or Peru and send it directly. Maxwell got to know the main growers and producers in those countries, they sell to solo operators and not always sell to the cartels.

Loretta told Denise what she told Maxwell and she said, "if he can pull off having shipments sent directly from the source, it'll be better all around, no matter what, we're stepping on toes."

Maxwell flys to Bolivia and met with a private coke producer, he gave him less money than the cartels for a lot more. Maxwell didn't know many in the chain of exporting it from Bolivia to the UK, but the producer introduced to him to a fisherman, who brought tonnes of the drugs into the international waters and dispensed them to various boats that would get them to their destination's.

The cocaine landed in the UK, Maxwell got a confirmation on his way to the airport and believed that, this is it, this is our own private connection. Maxwell arrived back in the UK exhausted as he had hardly slept, he drove back to the mansion and told Denise that they now have a supplier, but Denise wasn't happy, she scolded him and told him to collect the shipment personally, he must do it in a way that no one found out about it.

Maxwell being Maxwell was lazy, he sent a friend to pick it up, someone that the other dealers recognised and they followed him. They followed him straight to the mansion. Denise was furious, as Loretta had seen people behind the guy the whole way down the private road to the residence. Denise walked into a sleeping Maxwell, she ordered him to get up, tell his friend to drive around the back and unload the shipment, they can't find out about the farm, as all produce before that was stored at the farm.

The man Maxwell sent, didn't know what the cargo was, he just seen fruit crates. Denise told Maxwell to get his friend to stay the night and to give him a car to drive home in. Denise knew that even if the man made it home, the dealers now know where she lives, or at least another dealer lives, it turns out all dealers use the same port to collect their shipments.

Denise thought to herself, "its fucking show time."

Loretta watched the men drive off around an hour before Maxwell's pick up guy left.

During the day Denise got to work on the property, she turned it into a fortress. Denise was taught some survival techniques by her dad, they used to live in Canada when she was a child, they had bears and lots of mountain lions come on their property, so her grandfather laid traps and fortified the house. Denise strategically placed bear traps around the property, she placed tripwire and arrows on the trees. If a person does happen to get past them, they'll be captured and killed.

It'll be time to send that message that they're not to be messed with. Loretta told her that there have been a series of cars driving up to the property, Denise knew they're checking out her security system. The prowlers may see some cameras, but they won't be able to tamper with or destroy the main protective cameras. Maxwell gave his friend some money and his Jeep. The friend drove home and as he had left the private road, he sped to his next destination, thankfully it wasn't to his home but to a gambling joint.

The guy was told by Maxwell that he would meet him there, it was to not raise suspicions. The same curious cars came driving down the private road. They drove around the dense forest at the back of property, they got out of their cars and they tried to scale the fence, one unlucky man was electrocuted, he lay on the ground shaking, killing him soon after, the others scattered to find other ways in. Loretta put some cameras on some of the trees, they watched as several men slid under the electrified fencing, they were seen high fiving each other, little did they know what awaited them on the rest of their journey towards the house.

One man was eager to reach the house, he stepped in a bear trap, his friends released him, one stayed with him, the others went forward as they were obviously ordered to complete their mission. Two men walked into the arrow boobytrap and were killed instantly with arrows to their heads and upper torso. There was two men left of the entire gang, one with his injured friend and one eager to reach the property.

The man who reached the property was met by Gus, he directed him to the cellar of the house, which they set up an interrogation centre. There was a chair, zip ties, plastic bags, water, batteries with shock cables attached. Gus ordered him to sit down, he thoroughly attached him to the seat then Denise began interviewing him via the camera. Denise asked him a series of questions, the man said he worked for a man named Frank McNulty, he was sent here to kill the person stepping onto his turf without permission.

Denise laughed, then replied, "there is no leaders that own the country, it's an illegal trade, if people want to work in the industry, they can do as there are no rules. The only rules that I abide by are, is never to go after friends and family members of my enemies."

The man was begging for his life as Gus tortured him. Denise felt terrible for what was about to happen to the man, but she had to show she meant business, if someone fucks with her, she will return in kind. Loretta filmed the interrogation, she filmed a masked Gus, she filmed a man begging for his life after pissing himself from being shocked by the battery and cables. Gus blindfolded the man, which made him calm down a little, it was just to give him a moment of reprieve before he was killed.

Gus took out a freshly sharpened machete and chopped his head off. Loretta burned the video onto a DVD, Gus seen his mate in the field with his injured friend, struggling to get out. Gus ran to the man's car, he placed the head of the man in his car, his friends eventually making it back. The group watched as they discovered what was in the bag, the men sped off, Gus went onto the grounds, took the bodies for disposal and cleaned the area of DNA he set fire to the grass so any DNA left behind was destroyed. Denise showed the video to Maxwell, telling him that what happened was his doing, that no further cocaine shipments come in, until this McNulty character gets the message. Maxwell tells her that he was sorry and he'll listen in future.

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