The Beginning Of The End.

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The years were flying by, the girls growing like weeds, we were now on their sixth birthday. We kept the money from the mansion and holiday home sale, we moved into Roberta's old home, it was large, it was more secluded than Joe's place. We had our sights on a villa in Florida. Loretta and I eventually bought that holiday home in Florida, we took the girls to Disneyland for their birthday and we fell in love with the heat and the ambience of the warm evenings. The house didn't come cheap, but it had all we needed, we began to meet locals that quickly became our friends. We were there one autumn as the twins had their midterm break.

That's when things began to go very wrong for us, we had decided that we would be extending our advertising agency into the US, we had American clients, it made sense to expand there. I met with the person willing to get the agency started and he was investing his own capital, he had seen how successful ours was running. In the beginning of our business relationship, the relationship was great, he began to become greedy, he began wanting more shares, we kept referring him to the contract and he waned a little. This wouldn't be the end to his wanting a bigger portion of the business.

I spoke to Loretta about his attitude and his constant wanting, Loretta decided to do what she does best, she schmoozed her way into his life, to do this she had to sleep with him. Loretta had began her menopause a few years back, there was a slim chance she could end up pregnant again. Loretta finally wormed her way into his home, the man definitely wasn't who he said he was, he was an undercover agent, Loretta could tell he was a cop by some of the things lying around his house, she was taught how to recognise these people by Denise. Loretta made her excuses to use the bathroom, she texted Denise and told her what she seen.

Denise tells her to make her excuses and leave. Loretta tells the man who called himself Curtis that the twins were sick and she needed to get home. Curtis wasn't surprised by this and Loretta went on her way. This began to irk the couple, how did he know? Did someone squeal? The couple decided to stay in a hotel and change their phones. Denise decided to stakeout her own house, she could see men watching it. Denise decided to close down her US agency, the couple knew that if they flew home, they could be arrested at the airport. Denise decided to return to their house, they had no other choice, Denise bought some bug detecting equipment and went through the house, there was no bugs. It seems that Curtis was listening to their calls. They both knew that there was no evidence against them. Denise and Loretta decided to stay until they were due to fly home, they were able to fly home without issues.

Denise and Loretta touched down in the UK, they received a call from Curtis, he asked why they were selling the agency as he wasn't going to arrest them, he assured them he was dirty and if they want to do their due diligence on him they can. Denise tells him she doesn't know what he's talking about, she hangs up the phone and she never heard from Curtis until a week later.

Denise asks him how he knew, he tells them that he became an undercover agent for the DEA around the time they started in the business and her name was famous in the drug world Stateside. The couple gained notoriety, especially with the money they earned and they retired with hundreds of millions. Curtis simply wants to know how they achieved it, not for law enforcement as he soon realised undercover that he could make more money that what his monthly salary could pay. Curtis decided to play both sides, throwing them a bone from time to time, getting small time dealers the time, instead of the bosses.

Denise asks, "how do I trust you? If I give you my way, how am I supposed to be sure you won't have an extradition request for our arrests?"

Curtis sent Denise evidence of his activities and she spoke with his boss, a man whose name she knew so well, his name was Alexander Morovich, he knew that Curtis was undercover, but he switched sides.

Days past, Alexander called again and asked to come across to the states to have a sit down with him. Loretta begged her not to, she agreed but she travelled two weeks before, she began staking out his address, she watched all the comings and goings, she realised that Alexander wasn't working alongside the Feds. It was soon evident that Curtis was now his right hand man. Denise called Alexander and told him to meet her at a hotel, a place where she knew wasn't bugged as none of his men knew what hotel it was until the day of the phone call.

Alexander comes alone, they sit in the hotel restaurant and she asks, "where's Curtis, or whatever his real name is?"

Alexander laughs, he replies, "relax Denise, I only want your advice. I heard how you and your wife ran an empire, you both retired with hundreds of millions. I have a boss, I don't want to have a boss, I want to be on my own. I want to do it without stepping on as little toes as possible?"

Denise tells him, "firstly, I don't trust Curtis. He's a cop first and foremost. He will lookout for himself."

Alexander asks, "so, what do you expect me to do with him?"

Denise replies, "get rid of him, when I say get rid of him, I mean, wipe him off the face of the earth."

Alexander explains, "I can't do that, if you're worried about him squealing don't, we have enough evidence of his shady dealings before he went undercover."

Denise tells him that he told her that he became dirty after he went undercover.

Alexander looks surprised at this, he then says, "ok, I'll deal with him. Now tell me how you did it."

Denise explains that she took out every obstacle in her way, but if he wants to take her advice, he needs to find a place where there's not bosses that have more clout than he does.

Alexander replies, "well, I may be of Russian heritage, but I am American. I have enough clout to deal with the Mexicans and besides, they rarely cause mayhem this side of the border."

Denise says, "well, you need your own connection, you will have to do the leg work yourself, I don't know whether my old connection still supplies to anyone. The people we used were from Bolivia and Peru. They supplied us, we sold it."

Alexander asks, "how long did it take you to gain territory?"

Denise tells him, "it was pretty quick, we just had a strong network and people we could trust."

Alexander and Denise parted ways and she flew home. Denise had been home six days and it reached the news that Curtis was dead, the group Alexander ran took him out, they made it look like he died of natural causes. A few days later US law enforcement called Denise asking her why she closed down her advertising agency in their country?

Denise told them that Curtis was becoming too greedy and wanted a partnership from only having menial shares in the company. The police asked Denise why she met with Morovich, Denise told them that he wanted to buy into the agency as well. The police knew that Curtis was undercover, so Denise got a message to Alexander, telling him that Curtis was definitely not on their side.

Denise asked Alexander to go to his house or send someone, to make sure there wasn't any incriminating evidence about her there? It turned out he had some recordings from their chat. The person managed to destroy it. Denise of course thought that would be the end of it. Denise was royally wrong, this was just the beginning.

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