On The Rise.

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Mick brings back the packaged and weighed weed. Ibrahim tells him that there's a coke delivery later that night, that they both must go and get it.

Ibrahim happens to notice Mick's face, he says, "shit man, what's happened to you?" Mick can barely look at Ibrahim and then he lifts his head, then says, "as if you didn't know? You got me this hiding."

Ibrahim assured him that the face he sees is the last thing he wanted to happen.

Mick looks at him, then says, "why tell the boss? It was just banter?"

Ibrahim looks at him sternly, then replies, "Mick I've mates that are borderline racist, they wouldn't even class what you said to me as banter. At the end of the day, we have to work together closely and if you're having issues with me as your boss, then I suggest you find another job?"

Mick barely says anything else. Ibrahim tells Mick not to be late for the pick up tonight.

Mick surprisingly replies, "ok, I'll see you tonight."

The two part ways until the meeting concludes between Denise and McNulty. Denise enters the bar, where she paid some of the staff and customers call her Dennis. Frank tells her that we can take London and some parts of the midlands. We run small operations, they were becoming too on top.

Denise tells him once she has confirmation that those bosses lackeys are gone, then we move in. The pair discuss how equally it'll be shared, once they eradicate people that are itching to take over, which usually happens when a boss falls. McNulty tells Denise that he's already sent men on a fact finding mission to see who those organisations left behind?

McNulty gets news that some of the kids left behind are chomping at the bit to take over operations, but they were that far down the food chain, they don't have a clue where to begin. Frank counted one hundred and fifty kids, McNulty divided them into two groups, one for Denise and one for him.

Denise pays her seventy five, McNulty promises to pay his seventy five once he feels they're worthy. Denise discovered after interrogating one lad, he was hired from the classifieds, this was the best news that she could've hoped for. Denise doesn't tell McNulty that all his new staff are from the classifieds, otherwise he would kill them all on the spot and she has big plans for McNulty and not nice ones either. This would also be the last time she meets with him as Dennis, although he fears Dennis, she knows that he'll fear Denise a whole lot more.

In fact, she would go as far to say that he and many others will come to respect her. Denise and McNulty gets the lay of the land, they see where the old bosses where going wrong, it turns out  they were flaunting their wealth, hiring untrustworthy prostitutes, loud parties that neighbours were always ringing the police. These bosses left behind wives and children, they left them penniless and flew abroad. Denise knew this would play to their advantage, she could manipulate these women, she could pay them restitutions and turn them against their husbands and McNulty.

McNulty had two of his closest and oldest colleagues sent to the new areas, they found houses and flats to rent. Denise approached the mens wives as a lawyer, she researched who they were, the good news was, they weren't in the business long, they took over from others in prison. The wives shared all their information with Denise, they did nothing but complain about how their husbands fled and left them penniless.

Denise assured them that if they trust her, they will be living comfortably from now on. In total there were three wives, Denise could give them a million between them, they would be eternally grateful to her, she would also gain their support. Denise sent them the money, she soon received responses from them, that if she needs anything they're at her beck and call. Denise had Loretta clone all their phones and tap their landlines.

The women never once contacted their husbands, Denise and Loretta made them feel as though it was them against all the men in the world. Denise could feel these women felt betrayed, they were betrayed, their husbands bought solo one way tickets to the Costas, not saying a word of where they were going, or when they would be coming back. Denise told the women to take the children away on a break, after all it was the summer and the children still needed to have their usual getaway's. The women and their kids were delighted, the three women and their kids took a week to Cornwall.

Loretta was tasked to listen to every phone call and every contact the women have with anyone. Loretta then began complaining that the women were boring to listen to, she even quipped, with a burst of laughter, "no wonder their husbands left them, I'd leave you too if you were as boring as these wenches."

While the women were away, Denise found a house in the area, this will be the base of operations for a new team in this new area. Overnight Loretta interviewed them all, she found some gems among the rough, there were a few computer literate ones among them. Loretta handpicked her brightest among them, a Russian lad named Igor, he could handle communications just like her, she watched him strip down a computer and rebuild it to use to hack into anything. Loretta told him that his bosses never let him reach his full potential.

Igor replied, "I know, he wanted someone for communications but my pals told me that burners would do."

Igor told his bosses that the burners only get them so far. It's fortunate for him that they didn't use his skills, as he would've been discarded so easily and why share skills with people that won't have your interests at heart.

Loretta has Denise write up contracts for those that won't be as easily expendable. It seems out of the seventy five, twenty will run things in the new areas, the rest will be deployed to the farm and the mansion. The guys tell Denise that they would never work for McNulty, Denise tells them they'll only ever have to work for him once and only once as she has a plan to take out McNulty from the picture and it's already in motion.

Denise listened to every interview Loretta conducted and the seventy five he took, among them thieves, liars and snitches. Loretta cloned some of their phones, she was gaining access to their private conversations, some even contacting their old bosses. Loretta passed this information onto McNulty who began killing those that wouldn't confess one by one. Denise as Dennis had warned him if he killed again, that he won't be doing business with him again.

McNulty thought Dennis won't have a clue about what's going on, so he continued to act as though he didn't belong to an organisation, after their first deal, he was a part of their organisation. Denise now knew it was time to give McNulty that final push over the cliff he's been dangling over for these past few months, Loretta and Denise have been gathering all his financial information, his hidden money and now all the murders he's committed, especially those caught on camera and by audio.

Denise and Loretta have now made their way up to the midlands in terms of territory, they just need to watch McNulty dig his last part of his own grave. Denise would've handed all the evidence over to the police, but with her new army she can push him a little further. Denise's name will be on the lips of everyone in the trade, as long as no one starts going down the path as snitches, she pretty much will be the most respected woman dealer this side of the Atlantic.

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