Once They Were Married.

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Denise and Loretta were busy tying up loose ends. They relieved Igor of his duties and paid him well for it. They went through their network and paid everyone that needed to be paid. Steve called one last time, he told the ladies he bought a house in Colombia near Carmen's family, the couple were to marry as soon as they arrived there.

The couple soon were in the throes of arranging their own wedding, they made sure to cut ties with everyone they worked with. The couple had amassed a fortune of around one hundred million possibly more? Gus too was becoming tired of the weed farm, but he had one final grow to sell, he had it dried, packed and sold. Gus wanted to go travelling around the world with Victor a man he claims is just a friend, although when Denise and Loretta had dinner with them, they could see how they looked at each other.

The couple held the same glances towards each other. It always amused Denise and Loretta, as Denise had initially only ever wanted to bed Loretta, never fall for her.

Denise always told Loretta, "you always knew that I only ever wanted to have you in my bed, but somehow you broke down barriers I put up so many years ago."

Denise had been with a woman during the years in law school and when her parents were still alive. Denise's parents never approved of the relationship, they did want her to marry a man, someone of status, but she was so in love with Freya that she sabotaged every attempt from her parents to marry her off. Freya was the one to marry a man in the end, something that surprised Denise, as Freya hadn't been with a man before her.

Denise told Loretta what she wanted to wear a suit and not a dress, Loretta wasn't happy that Denise wants to wear a suit as she was already commissioning two dresses. Loretta finally listened to Denise's reasons for not wanting to wear a dress, as she feels more confident and comfortable in a suit. Loretta gave Denise a list of venues, most of them out of the country, in cities where they can legally marry.

Denise wants to marry in LA, she wanted to marry Freya in LA many years ago. Denise picked the hotel and called up to see if they had an on-site wedding planner, the receptionist told her they did, if she wants to book the hotel and the planner, they need to do it quickly, they're a busy hotel. Loretta had been listening on the speaker, she asked the receptionist what dates they have available in the next few months and is the wedding planner available then? The receptionist tells Loretta that she'll check her diary and call them back or email them with available dates.

Later in the evening the receptionist called back, the wedding planner had dates available for when they want. The couple set a date then and there. Now the couple have their venue and outfits sorted, they must begin by choosing who'll be there with them? Loretta tells Denise she will compose a list of family and friends.

Loretta jokes, "are you inviting your fake namesake?" Denise replies, "of course, if I don't invite her, the rest of the family won't like it, she's preferred over me."

Loretta asks, "why is she preferred over you?"

Denise tells her that when she was disbarred the family looked upon Babs as the responsible woman in the family now, even though she's not as qualified or as educated as her. Loretta says, "I see. Top of the list then?"

Denise tells her just to put her with my aunts and uncles, as their friends are the most important guests.

The guest list was sorted, they paid for each of them to travel to LA, the family frowned upon the wedding but they wouldn't let a free holiday go to waste. Loretta's family were the easiest, they love Denise, they don't care who she marries as long as she's happy. In fact the majority of Loretta's family paid for their own flights and hotel rooms, yet it's they who are poorest of the guests.

Loretta's parents told their daughter that, "we may not have money dear, but we do have our pride."

They of course never knew the business that Loretta had been involved with for a few years, they were aware of her past as an escort but since she became involved with her lawyer, they assumed she had changed the course of her life? To a degree they were right, she went from making money in a legal sense to committing the most serious of crimes.

Loretta in the beginning had major troubles sleeping after some of their escapades, but Denise helped her revel in them. Denise to a certain degree moulded her into a woman of strength. Loretta was the one to convince Denise to quit while they were ahead. They had truly amassed a fortune, money they wouldn't have made in a legal way unless they owned a multi million pound enterprise.

Though in time they will have, they have been keeping an eye on the stock market and there's a business floating on it, that is about to flop, not because it wasn't successful, but due to bad leadership and greedy partners. Loretta plans to put an offer in just before the wedding. They have discovered they could buy it cheaply. 

The company in question is an advertising agency. The agency has a great clientele, but under the current management they took the clients money, they never got what they paid for towards the end. Loretta preemptively called the clients and asked if they had new management for the agency, would they continue with business there? The clients all agreed as long as the current staff are kept due to their skills, then they would have a clientele.

It's almost two weeks to the wedding, Loretta offered the company ten million, even though it's worth four times as much, but the administrators took it, they took it on the proviso they would change the name. Loretta had Denise get a lawyer friend to look over the details, her friend Elias told them that they had bought themselves a money making gem.

Denise and Loretta are now comforted in the knowledge that their future lives will be legit and above board. The couple merely needed to countdown to the day they were to marry. Elias calls Denise to confirm he's closed on the company. Denise invites Elias over to celebrate but he declines telling her that they'll have a double celebration when they get married.

Denise tells him that it's a date. Denise and Loretta drive to the airport, their friends and family to follow in a few days time. The couple meet with the wedding planner outside the airport, they travel in their prearranged car to the hotel, they get to view the location and where they'll tie the knot.

The wedding planner Anita to Denise is extremely attractive and she senses that she too is gay, she can't keep her eyes off her. Loretta notices but she won't say anything as long as she is involved in any trysts they may encounter? Denise wants her alone, she believes she deserves one last fling before her big day, she even believes that

Loretta should have one final fling too. Loretta soon has her head turned, she sees a woman, so beautiful, she's lounging by the pool as the sun rays lie upon her skin, it shines like diamonds. Denise is with Anita going over final preparations, she makes her move, she can view Loretta making her move on her desire by the pool.

Anita says, "you're quite the beauty, your future wife too, I understand women and I know this will be just one last hurrah for you both."

Denise replies, "be a dear, lower the blinds, let me show you one last hurrah."

Anita was dressed lightly since it was LA, the weather was scorching, Denise lay Anita down on the couch, she removed her thong, it was soaking wet, she entered her, she was soon panting, all the while Denise thrusted until she came and she came quickly. Anita was trying to return the pleasure but she didn't let her touch her. Anita got her thong, she embarrassedly left the room.

Denise lifted the blinds, she seen that Loretta and her last fling were gone.

Denise smiled then said, "that's my girl, have fun."

Loretta met Denise around forty minutes later, she was flushed, Denise knew then and there that Loretta had gave her pick up the time of her life. The couple never talked about it, but they swore once they were married, things such as other lovers, will be between them both and together.

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