Havana Nights.

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Denise and Loretta arrive in Cuba after around five to six hours on the boat. The storm that hit them mere hours before had disappeared as quickly as it hit. The irony is that the meteorologists named it storm Loretta, the couple laughed. They were sad they left their clothes in Jamaica, but before they boarded the boat their guide gave them the camera the staff had found in their room. They would have the pictures of swimming with the sharks and the pictures they had taken just before.

The couple disembarked in Cuba and proceeded to buy some clothes. The couple book into a hotel as they couldn't get a flight for a few days. The couple couldn't believe the beauty of Cuba. The couple decided to wander the streets of an island they didn't have on their itinerary, except for a boat trip for a day. Denise politically was a Tory, but twenty four hours in Cuba and she changed her mind, she spoke Spanish fluently and conversed with the locals, she actually began to fall for the island.

Denise took it upon herself and cancelled our flights, we went to the local government and told them that we would like to extend our stay, we told them that we had been in Jamaica for our honeymoon and a severe tropical storm destroyed our belongings, that we would like to continue our honeymoon here. They were very understanding and issued us with visas for the rest of our stay.

The hotel in Havana was quaint, the entire island was. The cars old but looked like they were just built, they were well looked after. We wandering the whole island, we found little spots on the beach where we could be intimate without being seen. We often lay on the beach looking at the stars, talking about our future. It was magical. We walked back to our hotel, it felt safer than Jamaica.

We were greeted by the helpful staff, we tipped them well. The people of the island couldn't do enough for us. It actually dawned on us that this is the type of peace we long for. We woke up one morning, Denise was up for hours, she was watching me sleep whilst thinking. Denise had an announcement, once we get the agency up and running, we shall retire to Cuba, that she will look into how we can stay here legally. When we ordered our meals, we spoke with a staff member she informed us that we are usually issued with a visa for thirty days, a visa that can be extended, however we can stay longer at the discretion of immigration.

We would come here for up to six months a year, spend the other six months in the mansion. Denise was becoming more communist by the day, she began shunning her previous political views, views I never shared as I wasn't politically minded. I began listening to her, I asked her to explain to me the difference, then I began to share her views.

We made lots of friends those two weeks we spent in Cuba, we kept in regular contact with every one of them as they found sincerity in all of them, all humble, all very honest and good people. We returned to England, we had a brand new company to run, we had to give it a name, Loretta gave it one that surprised Denise, she named it, 'Castro Advertising.' The staff never asked why the name, in fact no one did, after all it was just a Spanish last name.

Denise and Loretta headed back to the mansion, there was a mountain of letters from Maxwell. Maxwell had been arrested for drug dealing, he never named anyone, he was begging for someone to help get him out. Denise had Loretta dig into how much he was caught with? They soon discovered that he was only caught with enough for personal use.

Denise looked up some lawyers, she picked the most intelligent of the lot, she hired her, she had Loretta discover where Maxwell left his money? As they soon found out, Maxwell was penniless. Denise paid for the lawyer and if there was bail, she would pay it. Denise wrote back to Maxwell one time and told him she will get him out, then he's not to write to her or contact her in anyway again.

Maxwell writes back, he tells her that he still has some businesses, they're failing but if he manages to sell, he soon will have some money to purchase a cheap property, he promises that he won't contact them again. The lawyer that Denise found, she managed to get him out, there wasn't a large bail as she successfully argued that the cocaine found on him was for personal use. Maxwell sold his failing businesses, he did as he promised, he bought a cheap property and they never heard from him again.

The advertising agency was going from strength to strength, they had a strong client base. The money was rolling in, all legal money, the money they had left over from their illegal business was laundered in the agency. They didn't have an illegal pound to their name. The couple had now a multi million pound business, the properties and the mansion. The couple had discovered that when they were away, Gus had stripped down the weed farm, he got rid of the evidence, the farm was just a farm with a house and out buildings.

Gus paid Ibrahim one last time, to the point he was now a millionaire himself, he was a clever young man, he used his money sparingly, he provided for his parents and bought a beautiful house in the country, it was badly rundown, but he had the skills and the money to restore it to its former glory.

Denise and Loretta had heard that Loretta's grandparents were visiting, they sorted a room for them, they made sure it was a room on the ground floor as her grandfather can't do stairs anymore. Loretta was excited, she can't wait to hear her grandma's story about her lover. Denise was a little jealous as she didn't have anyone to invite over, although Loretta asked her to invite Babs over?

Loretta met her at the wedding and the resemblance was too uncanny. Loretta wanted to find out, once and for all were the rumours true? Denise agreed, they were to invite her before Jeanie and Issac arrived. Denise picked up the phone and called Babs, she asked her to come over, to Denise's surprise, Babs had been waiting on the call for a while, she too wanted to know if the rumours were true.

Loretta organised a room for Babs, she was due that evening. The couple sat in their lounge, they looked all around each other, they exclaimed, "look at what we built, we have created a little empire which is ours."

They smiled and snuggled into each other and waited until Babs arrived. The couple were sat there and the doorbell rang. Babs had arrived, she was led to her room. Loretta helped her place her things in the wardrobe and drawers. Loretta told her to join them in the dining room for dinner as soon as she's settled. Babs thanked Loretta and told her she will get a shower and be down as quickly as possible.

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